Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 795 799. Everything is clear (3)

He wanted to swim over directly, but that was a bit shocking, after all, he had been underwater for too long and wandered too far.

So he swam a distance and then surfaced, waved to San Deng to drive the boat over, and said: "There is nothing, keep going forward and see."

San Deng said: "Maybe it swam away, really, village chief, that thing is so scary, Gaden jumped up all of a sudden, swallowed a fish in one gulp, and then disappeared, it was quite fast!"

The tourists followed suit, all the same old stuff, what silver dragon, what sea python, what auspicious sign from heaven, what looking for it is to die.

Ao Muyang was so confused by what he heard, he really hoped that no one would follow him, so that he could show off his underwater skills at will.

After searching several times, he finally approached the sea area where he first discovered the abnormality. When he got here, he dived carefully and saw that the seaweed here was destroyed. Many seaweed leaves and branches were floating in the water. At the bottom of the sea, there was a long snake-like fish mixed in the seaweed...

This fish is very long, its body is twisted and curled, its body color is silver-gray, it has a big blue head and some red dorsal fins, it looks weird, and its body is flattened on the side. It really looks like a huge sea python.

Ao Muyang held his breath and slowly landed on the seabed. He estimated that the tourists saw this fish before. They didn't see it clearly on the sea surface, and they didn't usually come into contact with this kind of fish, so they misunderstood its identity.

This is not a sea python, this is an oarfish!

But it is right to say that it is a sea python. Oarfish were once considered deep-sea monsters. They have been found in many tropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

The Red Ocean is located at the junction of the temperate zone and the tropical zone. Cutlassfish are common, but there has never been a record of the appearance of the oarfish. No wonder San Deng, who has been in the sea for more than 30 years, misunderstood its identity.

This oarfish is dead. Its huge and graceful body is covered with scars. The largest wound is on its abdomen. There is a piece missing from its abdomen. Was it bitten off by something...

But what dares to attack this oarfish? Ao Muyang approached carefully and pulled the big fish's head out of the entanglement of seaweed. It is six or seven meters long, and its body is flattened laterally. The widest part is half a meter, and its size is quite exaggerated.

The fish that dare to attack such a behemoth are nothing more than tigers and sperm whales, but they are the top hunters in the ocean. If they attacked the oarfish, the fish should have been eaten by now. How could it be possible that they just bit a hole in the belly?

Ao Muyang looked around. He didn't find any big fish in the surrounding sea area, so the source of the oarfish's wound was rather strange.

It took only more than ten minutes from the time he got the news to the time he found the body of the fish. According to San Deng and the tourists, the fish in front was still swimming vigorously in the water and preying on the fish they threw into the water to attract killer whales or sperm whales.

In doubt, he dragged the fish to the surface of the water.

The oarfish is similar to ordinary cutlassfish. Its body shrinks from the abdomen to the tail and becomes narrow. Ao Muyang lifted the oarfish's gill cover and pulled it up. Its slender tail naturally hung on the seabed.

At this moment, a big head suddenly jumped out from the messy reefs and seaweeds, like an open spring. The big head opened a small mouth and bit the oarfish's tail!

Ao Muyang looked down and was shocked: Another oarfish? !

Oarfish do not have a mouthful of sharp teeth like their close relatives, cutlasses. They only have two sharp large teeth, but they also have a super hard upper and lower jaws.

In essence, oarfish hunt like crocodiles, both rely on bite force. Their bite force is very strong, and even crustaceans will be shattered and killed by them.

Biting the tail of the dead oarfish, the surviving oarfish bit off a large piece of fish meat, dragging the fish meat back into the sea, curling up like a snake, hiding in the seaweed and it was difficult to find.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang understood everything.

This dead oarfish is not the one that San Deng and the tourists saw before, but the living one, and this dead oarfish was also bitten to death by the surviving oarfish.

The reason why they came from the deep sea to the shallow sea is probably because they were chasing and fighting all the way. Oarfish prey on everything they think they can prey on, including fish, shrimps, crabs, etc., including their own kind!

The dead oarfish was covered with scars, and the surviving oarfish was not much better, with many wounds on its body, and even one of its red pelvic fins was bitten off in half. Obviously, although it won the fight, it was a miserable victory!

The surviving oarfish was bigger than the dead one, estimated to be more than seven meters long. No wonder San Deng said it was ten meters long. Light and shadow conditions affect people's vision, and things in the water always appear big.

The dead oarfish was originally food for the survivors, but after Ao Muyang took it away, it didn't dare to come up to fight for it. After all, the oarfish just looks hideous, not cruel.

The reason why they prey on everything they can meet is that the deep sea where they live is short of supplies, and it is difficult for huge bony fish like oarfish to fill their stomachs.

Ao Muyang wanted to leave directly, and this oarfish would return to the deep sea.

But he thought about it and flicked a little gold drop to the oarfish. He remembered that this fish was very rare and this fish had suffered a heavy blow in the life-and-death struggle with its peers. Eating a little gold drop might increase its chances of survival.

After discovering the gold drop, the oarfish quickly floated up to grab it.

It has a strong explosive force, but its swimming speed is not fast, and it can even be said that its swimming posture is a bit clumsy. It twisted its body in the water, slowly approached the golden drop, and then its contracted body suddenly opened like a spring, and opened its mouth to swallow the golden drop.

Before eating the golden drop, it tried to swallow the hairtail meat in its mouth, which made Lao Ao feel a little sad: a child from a poor family.

The oarfish must have been hungry before, even if there was the temptation of the golden drop, it was unwilling to waste the food in its mouth.

Ao Muyang felt sorry for it, so he gave it some more golden drops.

After eating the golden drop, the oarfish returned to the seaweed and hid. Obviously, this unfamiliar sea made it feel very insecure.

It was right to feel insecure. There are dolphins, finless porpoises, killer whales and sperm whales in this sea. These four killers are above the oarfish in the food chain.

Ao Muyang floated to the surface with the oarfish in his hand. The sea water was clear. San Deng on the boat saw him and the silver "sea snake" in his hand.

So when he emerged from the water, he heard San Deng shouting at the top of his lungs: "Village chief, oh my god, you are so awesome! Oh my village chief, you are the reincarnation of a dragon, did you kill this sea snake?"

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