Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 932 939.X-Deep Sea (3)

Back on the boat, Ao Muyang took the satellite phone and went to sea again.

He had found a small island reef before, which might be a reef exposed to the sea surface after the tide went out. In short, that place was enough for him to stand on, and he could go there to make a phone call.

The bodies on the seabed made him feel cold again and again. As time passed, he began to realize the seriousness of the matter.

When he first saw the bodies, he was only terrified by the bodies themselves. Gradually, he was no longer afraid of the bodies, but of the current situation.

His situation was very dangerous!

Of course, whether it was the two people directly in charge of the mission or Du Yulong and the other two who first contacted him, they all warned him that this mission was very dangerous.

However, he had not seen the danger before. Now the bodies of his kind were locked in wooden boxes on the seabed, and there was a great possibility that they would never float up.

Think about it, this is not only a matter of one's own death, but also family relationships.

These people looked older than him. They must be someone's son, someone's husband, and most likely someone's father. But now the son, husband, and father were all gone, all died quietly on the seabed.

He could understand the family's feelings very well, because his parents were gone quietly like this, and he still felt sad when he woke up in the middle of the night.

For safety reasons, he deliberately did not make a phone call on the platform. He was afraid that someone was monitoring the signal there. This reef was a distance away from the two ships, so it was safer.

The satellite phone in his hand was very small, less than 50 grams, and shaped like a lighter.

After the call was connected, he told Su Li everything he saw and heard on the seabed. Su Li was shocked and quickly analyzed: "X-There are ghosts in the deep sea!"

Ao Muyang spit into the sea: "Isn't this bullshit?"

In fear, his temper became irritable.

Su Li didn't care about the dirty words he said, he continued: "My speculation is different from yours. X-Deep Sea may not have had any problems before. Since I want to put you and Black Dragon in, I will definitely be responsible for you. We have explored this salvage company. It is just an ordinary salvage company."

"Then how..."

"Don't worry, listen to me first, you are not in danger now, Nereus must be fine." Su Li comforted him, "What I want to tell you is that X-Deep Sea may have been replaced by someone. Didn't you say that there are a total of 26 people on the seabed without makeup?"

Ao Muyang forced himself to calm down, and then understood what he meant: "Are you saying that an organization seized the salvage ship of X-Deep Sea and killed and replaced all their people?"

Su Li said: "That's right, you protect yourself first, I will immediately lock the salvage ship of X-Deep Sea through satellites, analyze the people on it, and I will conduct Cross-check. "

Ao Muyang was annoyed when he heard the nonsense of "protect yourself": "Can you give me something useful? Of course I have to protect myself, but how can I do it?"

Su Li said: "You stay with Nereus's people for the time being. Nereus is powerful. Did you notice their flagship at sea? It's a warship, a training ship."

The guess was confirmed, and Ao Muyang was surprised: "Fuck, how can they have a warship? The French Navy came directly to kill?"

Su Li said: "I don't have time to explain it to you in detail. In short, it is a retired training ship, but for the local waters, its firepower is strong enough. The task forces of various countries can't take this ship without the firepower support of their own navy. You are safe."

After hanging up the phone, Ao Muyang stared at the sea for a while, and then in order to prevent the signal from being discovered and tracked, he threw the expensive satellite phone into the sea.

They carried a small box of cigarettes and lighters, which were all portable satellite phones. One was used every day, which was enough to support the end of the mission.

Back on the ship, he avoided the surveillance and the night patrol team and returned to the bedroom. Standing in front of the window, he looked at the X-deep Sea fishing boat not far away. The big ship was anchored on the sea, like a dormant ancient beast.

The next day, Old Frey came to find him and asked, "Did you go into the water last night?"

Ao Muyang didn't know which link had gone wrong. Maybe there were secret sentries and secretly deployed surveillance cameras on the ship, but since Old Frey asked frankly, it meant that he didn't doubt anything.

So he said, "Yes, butler, I went to the sea to practice black magic."

Yesterday, Bal and Jules returned to the platform and brought back two pieces of news for everyone to entertain. One was that the American salvage team was scared to death by sharks, and the other was that Ao Muyang claimed that he had black magic that could control sea creatures.

Old Frey smiled, looked at Ao Muyang playfully, but did not ask any more questions. Instead, he reminded him, "Then remember to put on your diving suit and equip yourself with oxygen tanks. It is too dangerous to go into the sea lightly."

Ao Muyang's entry into the water without any equipment helped him get rid of many suspicions. In such a deep sea, no matter what purpose you have, you need the assistance of tools and equipment to travel far or dive deep.

He went into the water with his bare chest, which looked more like playing in the water than doing something with a purpose.

We still have to go out to sea today. Before entering the water, Fernan hurried over and said, "Bar, your uncle asked us to keep in touch. Also, bring your weapons. If you feel something is wrong, just fuck him hard!"

Bar asked, "What's going on?"

Fernan pointed to the X-Deep Sea not far away and said: "In the early morning, we monitored a lot of sharks around this ship. Nawei also found that the bastards on the ship were using binoculars to monitor us. Old Frey thought they might use sharks to trick us."

This trick is very common for the salvage team. Sharks are very sensitive to blood. They carry pig blood and cow blood on their ships. If a salvage team finds a target information in a sea area, they will sprinkle animal blood in it to attract sharks to create chaos and prevent other salvage teams from taking advantage.

There are many grievances and competitions between marine salvage teams. This industry is too profitable. Once there is a discovery, it may make them billionaires overnight. There are many related practitioners in Europe and the United States.

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