Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 933 940. Sudden News (4)

Today is destined to be a rough day.

There were storms and waves on the sea, and Ao Muyang changed his hands. He, Heilong, Baal and Joseph were together.

I don’t know if he discovered that Ao Muyang was trying to get information from Zhu Er. Old Frey has been keeping an eye on him and Zhu Er since last night, preventing them from contacting each other again.

This time, their mission was not to go into the water to find information about the sunken ship, but to explore the surrounding waters, create a seafloor topographic map, and then arrange for undersea robots to conduct the search.

After going out to sea, they did encounter a shark, a big blue shark. Several sharks appeared around their speedboat, looking very malicious.

Barr, who is not a member of the Shark Conservation Association, found a blue shark obstructing his work and immediately started shooting at the sea with his gun.

After a few bullets were fired, blood appeared on the sea surface. A blue shark swimming close to the sea surface was beaten to pieces, and blood flowed like a profuse...

Ao Muyang stopped Baal. He always had a bit of a womanly attitude towards marine life. Although he caught more fish, shrimps and crabs than anyone else, he still couldn't stand this kind of insignificant killing.

"Don't shoot, man, these sharks just saw our boat for the first time, so they are curious. The blue sharks are a group of cute children with strong curiosity. They mean no harm to us. They helped me yesterday. , drove away those bandits." Ao Muyang said this in a pious and almost superstitious tone.

Barr put away his gun angrily and said: "You are a kind-hearted guy, Honoré, if you don't persuade me, I will kill them all today!"

Ao Muyang said seriously: "You must not do this. Sharks are the younger brothers of the undersea giant monster. They are helping the undersea giant monster patrol its territory. If you kill them for no reason, once you make the undersea giant monster angry, , then we are in real trouble!"

Barr's eyes widened and he asked, "What did you say? What kind of underwater monster?"

Black Dragon understood the boss's character and knew that Ao Muyang was talking nonsense, so he stood up and waved his arms in cooperation, moaning. No one could understand him anyway. He just wanted to let Ao Muyang's Just make the show more real.

Ao Muyang explained in mysterious language: "The following words only exist in the legends of our clan. Of course, it is absolutely true, but you should not spread it outside or spread it to the whole city. Undersea giants are the real monsters of the ocean. King, the ocean here is its territory. It has a shark head and an octopus body. Of course, it is a very huge body, and one tentacle may be several thousand meters long!"

Joseph couldn't help hearing this. He leaned on the rudder and smiled: "Honoré, do you know what a tentacle several kilometers long means?"

Ao Muyang's face darkened and he said, "You don't believe what I say?"

The two parties had experienced gun battles together, and they had a unique friendship, so Barr and Joseph were not very afraid of offending him, so Barr smiled and said: "Although I am not a doctor, I have studied in college."

Ao Muyang looked embarrassed and said: "You white people are really stupid. Technology has blinded your knowledge. Undersea giants really exist. When people from our tribe die, they will be sent into the sea to be killed by the undersea giants." Making food in exchange for dark magic allows us to control sea creatures."

Barr wanted to say something else, but Joseph stopped him and said: "Wait a minute, let's listen to Honoré's opinions and the legends of their tribe. I am very interested in this African culture."

Ao Muyang was stunned, your hobbies are so unique, I am just making things up, but you are actually interested, how can I make things up?

The voice from the radio station rescued him in time, and Old Frey asked: "Barr, Joseph, Barr, Joseph, call back."

Barr picked up the phone and said, "Uncle, it's me, what's wrong?"

"Go back quickly. We got the news about the information box of the all-knowing and all-powerful El. We all set out to find this black information box." Old Frey couldn't hide his excitement in his voice.

After hearing his words, Barr and Joseph were refreshed, while Ao Muyang was refreshed in his heart, but he did not show it on his face.

Joseph turned the rudder and changed the direction of travel. After the speedboat drove stably, he handed the rudder to Barr and began to put on diving equipment. He was a professional diver.

Ao Muyang asked cooperatively: "El, the omniscient and omnipotent, who is this?"

"A very powerful guy." There was an expression of admiration on Barr's face. "Maybe you don't know his name. In fact, I don't know his full name either. How many people will know it? Anyway, we all call him omniscient and omnipotent. El, a Yankee born to be an adventurer.”

"This Yankee has been researching the world's famous shipwreck information. In 1985, the Mel Fisher family found Mrs. Atoka, which made them $400 million at the time. The news only reported that the family found three For ten years, there was no report that three years before they discovered the Lady Atoka, they hired the all-knowing El as their chief analyst," Joseph added enthusiastically.

Ao Muyang asked: "Oh, he is a very powerful expert in finding marine treasures, right? Then why was his information box lost in our sea?"

"He was killed here. Not only the information box, but his body was also floating on the sea somewhere here. Of course, his body may have entered the belly of the fish. Alas, unlucky guy." Joseph sighed.

Bar said: "Yes, he was killed when he was looking for the Jupiter Lucky Star. We are sure that he has roughly known the location of the sunken ship. Some lawless bastards wanted to intercept him and wanted to kill him to rob the data box. As a result, the omniscient El is not an easy caterpillar to deal with. After suffering a serious injury, he still drove the boat for a long-distance escape and lost the data box on the way."

The search for the sunken ship may be timed in years, but the competition for data and information must be raced against time. Since Nereus can get the news about the data box, other salvage teams may also have obtained the information.

Old Frey gave them a coordinate directly and asked them to go straight there. It happened that the four of them were all diving experts. He hoped that the four of them would go into the water together to find the box.

Ao Muyang asked: "Wait, I don't think we should be too anxious to go into the water. I mean, where did this news come from? Is he reliable?"

"If it is the news passed to us by Old Frey, then it is reliable." Joseph smiled confidently.

Arriving at the sea area where the coordinates were, they saw two large high-speed cruise boats floating on the sea. The bearded black man Newman whistled at them and said with a smile: "Hey, French guys, you are late."

"Fuck!" Barr cursed in English, and then said: "Let's go, let's get in the water together!"

Ao Muyang jumped into the water and found something wrong.

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