Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 937 944. Poisonous Scorpionfish (3)

The moonlight was not good tonight, and the sea was pitch black.

Ao Muyang swam to a speedboat next to the big ship and climbed up. Except for the big ship, the engines on other ships were turned off. This was their spoils.

How could he encounter pirates? He had probably thought about this question clearly, and everything he said was right. Joseph and Barr had used a fake data box to fool everyone. They were not the first to do so. The first to do so were the pirates.

The pirates spread the news and mobilized a large group of treasure salvagers from the flagship. They set up an ambush circle and then caught all the people who came.

As for how the news spread by the pirates made the heads of the major salvage ships believe it, he couldn't figure it out. It might be related to the CIA of the United States.

Of course, all this was his speculation, and there were still many mysteries in it.

He contacted Su Li with the satellite phone given to him by Black Dragon. Fortunately, the underwater information collector had been found and taken away by him.

However, Su Li told him that the US Navy was very cautious and that there might be a self-destruct device inside the collector. He now stored the collector in a lead box to isolate the satellite signal.

In addition, Su Li also told him that the pirate organization that kidnapped these fishing company personnel was called Dark Sea Mist. It rose two years ago and was famous in the Punt Sea. Half of the ships robbed in this sea area in the first half of this year were robbed by them.

Dark Sea Mist is likely an organization supported by the CIA. Their boss is called Black Wolf Balman and the second person is called Exploding Eyes Tulusko. Both of them have traces of American education.

Su Li told him to be careful. The mastermind behind this kidnapping case is most likely an American intelligence officer.

He also investigated the identities of those who were thrown into the sea and drowned alive. Some of them were intelligence officers from other countries who had mixed into X-Deep Sea, and some were staff members originally from X-Deep Sea. According to satellite image data analysis, almost all the personnel on the X-Deep Sea ship have changed.

However, this matter may not have much to do with the US intelligence personnel. He guessed that this was done by the Soviet Union, and this rough style was similar to the Soviet Union's methods.

Ao Muyang didn't pay much attention to these. What he was thinking about now was how to rescue Heilong first.

There is no doubt that Su Li hoped that he would not care about Heilong first, but find a way to find the black box first.

Don't even think about this. Even if the black box contains the global nuclear weapons launch code, Lao Ao has to save Heilong first. He told Su Li that things have priorities, and the most important thing now is to save Heilong.

Su Li was choked by this sentence for at least 30 seconds. In the end, he had no choice but to tell Ao Muyang a possible method:

To save Heilong, you need to go to the ship to find the cabin where he is imprisoned, and it is difficult to get on the ship and find people in it. But according to the information in his hands, the dark sea fog once kidnapped a Singapore cargo ship last month. After the mediation of the Singapore Navy, the pirates let go of most of the kidnapped people, leaving only a young chef.

"Coincidentally, this chef is Chinese. His ancestral home is in Guangdong and Guangxi. He left his hometown and immigrated to Singapore after graduating from high school. So in terms of language, you can communicate with each other. In terms of appearance and skin color, you are somewhat similar, and the pirates should not be able to recognize you..."

Ao Muyang couldn't help interrupting him and said, "Do you mean that I should sneak on the ship to seek the help of the chef? Rescue the black dragon with his help?"

"No, you go on the ship to kill him, find a way to properly deal with the body, and then pretend to be him and mix in with the pirates." Su Li said coldly, "Remember, you don't have much time. There are less than five days left before the end of the mission!"

Ao Muyang took a deep breath and wanted to kill someone!

"As for your current skin color and makeup on your face, it is not difficult to deal with them. They are oil-soluble. As long as you go on the ship and find food oil to wash them, you can restore your original skin color and appearance." Su Li added.

He can only provide help to Ao Muyang in intelligence, and the specific operation depends on Lao Ao himself.

In the first half of the night, Ao Muyang spent all his time observing the pirate ship except for sleeping in the speedboat for a while.

This pirate team is well-trained, with strong personnel and a cautious night patrol team. The headlights on the ship constantly scan the surrounding sea surface. It is difficult to break through their defense and get on board.

In the early morning, Ao Muyang still did not find an opportunity to climb onto the ship.

Originally, there was a ladder on the big ship, but probably because they were worried that an opponent would attack along the ladder, the pirates sawed off the ladder and replaced it with a rope ladder. They would put away the rope ladder when they were not in use. It was too difficult for Ao Muyang to get on board.

In the second half of the night, the rope ladder was suddenly lowered. Several pirates left the big ship and boarded the small boat under the guidance of the searchlight to check the spoils again.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang quietly returned to the water.

It is difficult to rescue the black dragon!

The large searchlight has a strong ability to penetrate seawater. In order to avoid being discovered, Ao Muyang dived into the seabed. He had to be careful. Heilong had been caught. If he had any problems again, Wanyan Aguda would have given birth to a son - it would be a disaster.

There was a coral reef on the seabed. The seawater in this place was not too deep, but the seabed terrain was very complex. There were reefs everywhere, and there was a trench not far away. If you were not familiar with the sea conditions here, if a large ship approached rashly, it would most likely hit the reef and get into danger.

Ao Muyang shuttled between the coral reefs. He wanted to get some fish and shrimp for food. After all, he was a little hungry after a day, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

At first, he caught a few prawns to eat raw, and then dug up some oysters.

This is a good thing to replenish energy, but you can't eat too much without processing. If you get diarrhea caused by digestive bacteria, it will be troublesome.

He walked aimlessly on the coral reef, and suddenly, a reef next to him began to shake.

Seeing this, he quickly floated up to prevent encountering sea snakes and the like. The Indian Ocean is the one with the most sea snakes among the four oceans. He didn't bring the king snake and electric eel, so he had to be careful.

As a result, after looking carefully, he found that what he encountered was not a sea snake, but a very ugly fish.

The fish looked red and mottled, as if there was a layer of rough coral reef on its body. Its eyes and lower jaw kept protruding outward. You can't see any dorsal fins or pelvic fins, but you can see a lot of bone protrusions.

After Ao Muyang floated up, the fish also swam from the coral reef, but its target was not Ao Muyang, but a clownfish startled by Ao Muyang.

The clownfish swam over the coral reef, and the big ugly fish swam up nimbly, opened its mouth and swallowed half of it.

After a closer look, Ao Muyang was delighted, he had encountered a good fish.

Poisonous scorpionfish!

If used properly, this fish will become his helper!

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