Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 938 945. Coolies go into the water (4)

Poisonous scorpionfish, also known as stonefish, look very shocking, ugly and weird.

Even when they are adults, this fish is only about 30 cm long. Although it is not big, few people dare to provoke it in the sea. Even sharks will run away when they see it.

Because it has a very strong toxicity, which can be seen from its name, it is naturally poisonous.

Ao Muyang caught a lionfish two nights ago. That fish is also poisonous, but it is nothing compared to the poisonous scorpionfish.

The poisonous scorpionfish is very poisonous. Soon after it stings the human body, it can cause chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and general discomfort. The toxins it secretes are easily absorbed by the human body. Once the toxins enter the blood and start to flow, the power is terrible. It will attack the human heart and eventually lead to death.

Seeing this poisonous scorpionfish, Ao Muyang gave it a little gold drop without hesitation.

As a result, after the gold drop floated in the water, the surrounding reefs shook one after another, and several more poisonous scorpionfish appeared!

Ao Muyang calmed several poisonous fish with gold drops and carefully wrapped one with clothes.

Because they had eaten his gold drops, the poisonous scorpionfish was quite well behaved in his hands.

With the poisonous scorpionfish, he carefully emerged from the water to observe the situation.

The night patrol pirate team searched every stolen speedboat, looking for valuable things and threatening items that were missed during the day.

All the electronic items on the ship that could be used for positioning were smashed or taken off and thrown into the sea, trying their best to hide the location of the pirate ship.

There were four people in the team. They searched each speedboat with guns, and then someone found some beer from them.

Seeing this, the four people were happy. They gathered on the boat, opened the beer bottles and drank happily.

Ao Muyang approached the boat from underwater, then stretched out his hand to hold the poisonous scorpionfish out to the sea, and threw the fish onto the boat with a violent flick of his wrist.

Brother Yu, don't blame me for being ruthless. If you eat my golden drop, you have to work for me. Lao Ao felt a little guilty in his heart.

The poisonous scorpionfish left the water and panicked. It was thrown onto a big man, so it naturally attacked without any hesitation!

There are more than ten dorsal spines on their backs. These spines are like steel needles and can easily pierce clothes - not to mention clothes, even the plastic fins worn by divers can be pierced. Many people got hurt because they accidentally stepped on the poisonous scorpionfish while walking on the seabed.

A shrill scream suddenly sounded on the sea surface. Ao Muyang dived to the bottom of the sea and moved to the waterline of the pirate ship. He hid there and only popped his head out to look at the speedboat not far away.

The toxin secreted by the poisonous scorpionfish has a very powerful place, that is, it is very aggressive to the nerves. Once it is injured, it will be very painful.

The four pirates didn't know how many people were hit, anyway, the howling on the speedboat was very loud.

The night watchman on the pirate ship immediately discovered the problem. Two bright lights shone over, clearly illuminating the four big men jumping and screaming on the speedboat.

A loud bell sounded, and the sleeping pirates woke up with shouts. Another team climbed down from the ship and then approached the speedboat in two groups.

In less than half a minute, the pirate ship, which was originally trapped in the dark, became brightly lit, and heavy footsteps sounded on the ship. It seemed that all the pirates were mobilized.

Ao Muyang smiled cunningly, and he couldn't sleep that night.

After eating the golden drops, the poisonous scorpionfish was full of energy and jumped on the ship for a while. Because of the darkness, the four drunken men couldn't see its position clearly, and they were all hit.

The two teams who rushed over later rescued the four people. The four people were in so much pain that they couldn't climb the rope ladder, so a lift was lowered on the pirate ship and the four people were pulled up in batches.

The pirates were shouting and communicating in the Punt language. They spoke very fast and their voices were chaotic. Ao Muyang couldn't hear what they said clearly. He probably heard someone shouting something like "the wine is poisonous", which made him laugh secretly.

However, thinking of the uncertain life and death of the black dragon and his difficult situation, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The pirate ship finally became chaotic. He wanted to take the opportunity to mix in with the pirates and climb up the rope ladder, but it was very dangerous. After all, the pirates knew each other, and he was afraid that he couldn't get through.

The opportunity left for him in reality was fleeting. After the last pirate climbed up the rope ladder, the people on top directly rolled up the rope ladder and pulled him up.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang had to shrink into the water again. While no one was paying attention to the speedboat, he went to a small boat to find a fishing net, and then caught several poisonous scorpionfish together.

After dawn in the early morning, the pirate ship suddenly put away the anchor and set off.

Ao Muyang didn't know where they were going, so he sat on the anchor again and followed the voyage.

There was nothing to do along the way, so he looked around boredly. This sea area was rich in products and extremely rich in fish resources, with all kinds of big fish, shrimps and crabs.

In addition, the complex seabed caused many shipwrecks. On the way, he saw a sunken ship, but this sunken ship must have no value. It was not an ancient sunken ship, but a modern small cargo ship.

The pirate ship finally stopped in an unfamiliar sea area, and then the speedboats towed behind it started to move. These ships were scattered on the sea surface. After a while, people kept jumping into the water from the speedboats.

Those who jumped into the water wore deep diving suits, respirators and oxygen cylinders, and there were iron chains tightly wrapped around their waists, and they were put into the water like walking a dog.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang quickly hid under the bottom of the boat. His mind raced. When he saw the people who entered the water turning on their flashlights to search the seabed, he roughly understood what was going on:

The pirates kidnapped these divers not for ransom or anything like that, but to let them dive to the bottom of the sea to find something.

As for what to look for? The answer is self-evident, it must be the black box!

There were quite a few divers put into the sea. He roughly counted them and found that there were about forty or fifty people. Obviously, most of the people who were caught yesterday were put down to do hard labor.

This made him excited. Was Black Dragon among these people?

He prayed secretly that as long as Black Dragon didn't get angry and get beaten to death after being arrested, he should also be sent to work underwater.

It was not difficult to find Black Dragon. With Black Dragon's nature, he would definitely struggle with all his strength after being put into the water, and would never give in or resist to the end!

At this time, someone else jumped into the water. Although the people who entered the water this time were also wearing deep diving suits and carrying oxygen tanks, they were not tied up by iron chains, but could swim freely in the sea.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang knew that his chance had come.

His deep diving suit and oxygen tank were not thrown away. After he took them off last night, he put them in the anchor chain compartment. This is where the anchor chain is stored. The space is large, and it is not a problem to put a diving suit and oxygen tank.

Putting on the diving suit and carrying the oxygen tank, he swam in the sea in a swagger. Fortunately, he did not throw these things away yesterday. At that time, he kept these things for Black Dragon to use after saving him. Unexpectedly, this would be of great help.

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