It was probably in the 1990s. It was summer at that time. There were some scattered villages in the dense forests in the southwestern mountainous areas. Because there was no road at that time, most of them were relatively remote in the mountains.

Without water and electricity, some villages had difficulty in contacting the outside world. However, in that very hot August, I still remember clearly that at noon, I and five or six children in the village took a bath by the stream to escape the heat. For some reason, the scorching sun almost burned the surroundings, which was very deadly.

So when we were free, we spent the summer in the stream. When I was having fun with Ergou and a few other children next door, suddenly, I felt a suffocating chill, cold, and my body was almost suffocated in an instant. The stream was actually emitting cold air, which scared us to get out of the water quickly.

I looked up and found that a group of people were walking over on the other side of the mountain road.

You know, the mountain road was full of thatch, more than one meter high, and the group of more than ten people walked towards us. The closer those people got to us, the colder it got. Although it was noon and the sun was blazing, I still felt like I was frozen in an ice cellar when those people got close to us.

But these people were very strange. They were wrapped in thick cotton clothes all over their bodies, and there were layers of mud on the cotton clothes, as if they had just been dug out of the ground. Everyone wrapped their bodies tightly. Even their faces were wrapped in a piece of cloth, and only their dark eye sockets could be seen.

The leader asked us how to get to Mushi Village. I pointed to the front and said, "Go through that big rock and walk a few steps back."

The ten or so people walked towards Mushi Village. Their walking posture was very strange and neat, as if they were well-trained soldiers. Each of them carried a big backpack on his back, but I didn't feel a little warmth until they walked away.

Several of us were from Mushi Village. I was very curious about what those people were doing in our village, and they were dressed in strange clothes. We children quickly put on our clothes and went back to the village.

That team of people went straight to the village chief and said that they were field archaeologists who had lost their way and had to return to a place called Heishiling because one of their companions had an accident there.

As the saying goes, live by the mountain and eat by the mountain, live by the water and eat by the water. Our village almost all makes a living by hunting and farming, so we are quite familiar with the roads in the mountains.

However, Heishiling has always been a taboo for the villagers.

Rather than saying Heishiling, it is better to say that it is a mass grave. No one knows how many people are buried there. Some people say that it is the soldiers who died in the guerrilla warfare during the Anti-Japanese War. Some people say that it is a burial pit. Because people who pass by there will die inexplicably, and that place is located in the deep mountains and old forests, few people dare to go there.

The only person who has been there and is still alive is my grandfather.

Because they are public servants, the village chief did not dare to delay for a moment and led the group of people directly to the door of my house.

"We are going to Heishiling and will set off early tomorrow morning." The captain who entered the door said as soon as he saw my grandfather.

Grandpa is the most prestigious hunter in the village. He haunts the deep mountains and old forests all year round. Of course, he also has a lot of gains. Almost every household will share a little of the prey he catches, so the people in the village also respect him very much. When this group of people came in, Grandpa saw the captain and his face turned pale. The wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground with a clang. Grandpa sighed and told the team to rest without saying a word.

Strangely, after the group of people came in and closed the door, there was no movement. From the whole afternoon, I noticed that these people did not leave the room. In the middle of the night, I was curious because Grandpa never let anyone mention that place since he escaped from Black Stone Ridge once. When Black Stone Ridge was mentioned, it seemed to be the pain in the old man's heart. No one knew what happened.

But why did the old man agree when these people mentioned that place?

Is it just because they are public people?

When it was late at night and everyone was asleep, I climbed out of bed, walked to the door of the house where the group of people were resting, carefully dug a hole in the window next to me, and looked inside...

I smelled a dead body, and I saw that after the ten or so people took off their thick cotton clothes, their bodies were lying in all corners of the house, their bodies had rotted, and patches of corpse spots were clearly visible...

That year, I was only a dozen years old, and I didn't scream.

Later, my grandfather really went into the mountains with this group of people, but he never came back. My parents seemed to know something, but I was the only one who was buried in the drum and knew nothing. When I asked about my grandfather's whereabouts, my parents just used some perfunctory words to evade me.

Until the next few years, the conditions were better, the mountain road was repaired, and water and electricity were connected, so we had the opportunity to go to school. From elementary school, junior high school, high school, and even college, I never saw my grandfather again. It seemed that my grandfather had gradually faded out of the memory of the people in the whole village.

However, at that time, I heard rumors about the village intermittently, saying that Grandpa had gone to Black Stone Ridge and touched an ancient tomb and took away the treasures inside, so those dead people wanted to take back what belonged to them and also wanted Grandpa to die, so he was taken away by those dead people to be buried with them...

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