However, later, a crazy person in the village caught our attention. There was a delirious man in the village, and everyone called him Laizi. In the early years, he seemed to have been driven crazy by some terrible stimulus, and he is still alone now.

But just a few days after his grandfather disappeared, this man suddenly woke up inexplicably and said that there was a monster.

Finally, he told about a very strange time. Many years ago, his grandfather took them through a very strange place...

The place Laizi mentioned was called Black Rock Ridge.

Within a hundred miles, there is no grass growing, and there are jagged rocks with a layer of yellow sand attached to them. Just a breeze blows, and the yellow sand sweeps across the sky. However, it was extremely hot in that place. Even if you only took half a step on this barren mountain, you would be out of breath.

A line of footprints was left on the desolate land.

Walking at the front was an old man in his sixties, that man was my grandfather. He looked very capable at that time, as if he had endless energy in his body.

A group of people behind him were walking forward under his leadership. Those people carried the load, and the youngest one was Laizi. He was about forty years old at that time. With his dark skin, it was obvious that he had been traveling around all year round.

Lai Zi said that they actually worked for their employer. My grandfather didn’t tell me the details. He took the job. As long as the others had money to take it, they didn’t ask any questions.


Suddenly, a strange gust of wind blew over, kicking up a gust of sand. Suddenly, everyone stopped and crouched behind a rock. It took about a quarter of an hour for the strange wind to dissipate.


At that time, the old man coughed several times, then looked at the surrounding environment, then frowned and said, "This is really the place!"

"What place?"

"When Xuanzang was traveling westward, he passed by this place. Eight hundred miles away, it was deserted and barren of grass!" The old man squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the looming silhouette in the distance, the red patch in the distance.

It was as if half the sky was stained red with blood.

The old man touched his beard, and then said, "On the way to the West, the four monks and disciples were supposed to be in the cool autumn, but they didn't know that it was extremely hot and the heat was unbearable. A big mountain in front of them blocked the way, and there was a blazing fire in the mountain. It is prosperous, never extinguished, and spreads hundreds of miles around..."

"Fire Mountain?"

The group of people behind them were stunned. It was supposed to be cool autumn weather, but it was also unbearably hot.

"Legend has it that at the end of the sky, in the Flame Mountain, there is the Samadhi True Fire, no matter the bronze bone or the iron body, it will turn into juice instantly when it touches it!" the old man sighed.

Suddenly, the surroundings became a little hot.

"It's just a legend, how could such a thing exist." At that time, Lai Zi was fearless and smiled. Seeing the panic on the faces of those people, he sighed, "What's wrong, do you still take it seriously?"

"Besides, the Flame Mountain is hundreds of miles away, not even close to us." Laizi said.

"Yes, you see, the surroundings are desolate. If you say there is a robber or something, I would still believe it. If you say this monster, I'm afraid it is an exaggeration." Someone said.

"Hahaha... Old man Lin, it seems that you are quite good at telling stories."


The crowd burst into laughter.


Suddenly, a violent roaring sound came from not far away, like the roar of some monster, shaking the heaven and earth.

"Is there really a monster?" Laizi's expression became a little serious, "It is said that when they passed through the Flame Mountain...?"

"Ah, monster?"

Suddenly there was a commotion among the group of people, "Run quickly——"

A blood-red cloud floated over from the western sky, and a looming humanoid shape with grinning teeth appeared in the sky, quickly approaching this group of people...

Raiko later said that he had no idea what happened. When he woke up, he returned to the village, and many years passed in a daze. And within three days after he told this story, he died inexplicably. He was burned alive in the fire at home.

Many years later, by mistake, I majored in field archeology in college. After graduation, I naturally thought of the weird Black Rock Ridge in our mountainous area and the strange things that happened around it. From my knowledge of the place and the intermittent clues from the villagers, it is not difficult to tell that the Black Rock Ridge may indeed be somewhat unusual.

More than ten years ago, in Black Rock Ridge, a group of strange dead people walked into the village and took grandpa away. Could it be that the old man really moved something he shouldn't have touched or encountered a monster from Black Rock Ridge...

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