"not good!"

At this moment, I could clearly see that the pattern on the jade was constantly changing position with the carved figure, like the ups and downs of the sun, moon and star city, and the movement of the stars.

And the monsters on the pattern, like white-bone demons, are also moving slowly, and even with the rotation of the jade, it seems that those things are about to open their eyes and prepare to crawl out.

"No, this is not the White Bone Demon!"

It dawned on me when I saw that there seemed to be only bones of people left there.

"It's a mummy!"

I couldn't help but feel horrified.

Yes, this is what the mummy I saw in the corner just now looks like. This carved pattern is not to decorate the box, but to warn us that this box contains the power that can turn people into mummies.

What a power and spell that would be.

The more I think about it, the more chilled I become.


Suddenly, when the jade jade seemed to wander to a certain extent, it stopped suddenly and made a dull sound.

"not good!"

I had an extremely frightening premonition in my heart.


Finally the box opened directly.

Following the scream of the black cat, a strange light burst out from the box after it was opened, like a black miasma. In an instant, the cat pounced directly on it, howled a few times, and finally fell to the ground. , dead.

But its body instantly turned into a few white bones.

Everything changes in the blink of an eye.


I was so scared that I took several steps back.

With the death of the black cat, the surroundings returned to silence, and the light disappeared. I really wanted to see a face in the miasma, the face of a monk.

But it's just intuition.


Everything has disappeared. The box is still open at this moment. It seems that nothing else has changed in the house except the cat.

"Is everything okay?"

I looked at my hands and feet, and they were not that scary, nor were they turned into mummies like those people.

"It's safe."

I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead, my back was already wet with sweat.

After I made sure that there wasn't much change around me, I felt that this mysterious power didn't appear every time after opening the box. Maybe the box would close automatically after a while, so I wanted to take advantage of this moment to look inside the box. What is it?

I walked cautiously towards the box.

But I found nothing else inside, just a fist-sized stone.

The nearly round stone is very inconspicuous. The result was beyond my expectation. How could it be an inconspicuous stone? It looked like it was made out of mud.


I picked up the stone carefully and was at a loss.

Then I closed the box.

The box suddenly lost its color, and the metal around it was rusty and corroded quickly.

"Bang!" The jade was ejected violently, and the box was completely corroded and rusty, and its original appearance could not be seen clearly.


I saw the box.

At the same time, I noticed that someone seemed to have broken in outside, and they were still aggressive.

I quickly found a hidden place to hide.

At this time, the stone was hidden.

"Oh shit!"

Sure enough, someone came in. The man was fully armed and looked like he was from the army. He had a serious face and held a submachine gun in his hand. He was wearing sunglasses. After he walked in, more than a dozen flashlights were shining everywhere.

"This...all our people are dead."

Apparently they saw the mummy in the corner.

"Damn it! I finally found the whereabouts of these things, but I didn't expect them all to be broken. Look for that box..."

Someone ordered.


Someone reminded me, and immediately, the dozen or so people who came in stared at the rusty box on the table, dumbfounded.

"How did it become like this?"

Those people were unbelievable.

"Impossible. It looks like this thing has been there for decades. How could it become like this?" Someone took off his hood.

When I saw it, those people seemed to be monks.

Yes, I clearly saw that those people still had ring scars after taking off their hoods.

I'm going!

I have encountered all the weird things in the world. If I guessed correctly, the person in front of me should be the person in the monk's temple.

But I just couldn't believe it.

"What do we do next?"

someone said.

"In this case, it seems that they still opened the box and probably took away the contents, so..."

The man seemed to know the box well and should know something.

Presumably he should know what's in that box.

"By the way, what is that box? Why does the temple pay so much attention to that box, and why does it come to this place where birds don't poop? It's really a shame!"

someone complained.

"The things inside that box are amazing..."

As soon as I heard about the contents of the box, I was all ears.

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