"To be honest, I don't know what's in that box. Maybe it's all from some temples. Of course, the director is very concerned about this matter. If we mess up, we probably won't be able to survive."

The leading monk said.

"Then what should we do now?" Some people were worried. Since they couldn't find the box, everyone was suddenly enveloped in a layer of mist.

"Then if we go back like this now, will we get scolded?"

Someone worried.

"Damn it, now that we haven't found the box, how can we get scolded? People will die! We still want to go back and dream about either finding the contents of the box or preparing to ascend to heaven." The man said coldly, " Give me all the energy you need to dig deep to find it.”


Those people then began to rummage through boxes and cabinets looking for some clues.

"It's over. If they follow the search process like this, I still won't be able to dig it out?" I broke into a cold sweat. "What should I do?"


All those people looked gloomy, and I felt like the whole room was about to be hollowed out.


Everyone was surprised.

"Damn it!"

I saw someone walking towards me. If they were discovered, they would be cut into pieces.


"Hey, it's a mouse..."

I saw two people next to me preparing to get closer to me, but then I saw a mouse crawling out, and then walked away bored.

"You didn't really lose your head, did you?"

Some monks are still worried.

"We haven't found any..." Everyone reported immediately, "Look, everything here has become like this. Some people have escaped long ago, except for rats. I see..."


I saw the leader looking left and right, as if he was looking for something, but his eyes were wandering, as if he was contemplating something.

Could it be that he found some traces? Fortunately, it was midnight at this time, so it was still difficult to identify the surrounding traces. They only brought flashlights to focus the light, so many places could not be seen clearly.

"Fortunately, this place where birds don't poop is not very big. I think they must still be here. By the way, we must remember the new faces who come here these days, especially the suspicious ones. Don't let them go. Our old way.”

The leading monk said.

"Uncle, don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

Those people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up, it's going to be daybreak, don't let us get discovered." said the uncle known to everyone.

A quarter of an hour later, when they had completely left the house, I carefully crawled out of that inconspicuous corner.


I felt like my whole body was about to collapse. My whole body was sore and weak, and I had no strength at all. I looked at the stone in my hand and wondered, "Monk? Temple? Why is this stone so important to them?"

"It seems that this must be related to the temple."

I secretly determined to find out the reason.

"Guangjie Temple and Daci'en Temple?"

I realized in my mind that maybe there is an unknown connection somewhere.

Just the next morning, when I got up, I found that the boy's body, like the others, had turned into a mummy. When I touched it, it all fell apart and fell to the ground, like a pile of bones and dregs.

I buried him carefully. Of course, I chose the address in his backyard and closed the door to hide it from others.

And in the afternoon of that day, people from the Shi family came to report that the old man had been found.

I was surprised and happy, but soon, I became worried, "How is he?"

"What a weird thing!"

The person who came to report the news said, I saw his face was horrified, his brows were furrowed, and he was in disbelief.

"Is he dead?"

I asked quietly.


He kept sighing.

It seems that this old man is really in danger...

"He actually came back to life."

I didn't expect that person to actually say such a thing. I was suddenly shocked, "What, alive? Is it true or false?"

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" the man said, as if he was talking to himself, "How come you're alive? It's impossible. That old monk said that as long as someone falls into the lake, he must die?"

"What are you talking about? Take me there quickly." I reminded, glaring at him.


The man nodded in agreement.

Shi family.

Many people gathered around the front door of the Shi family. Because at this moment, the old man has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention, because they all firmly believe that the person fished out of the lake actually came back alive.

Nothing happened at all.

So this time everything became news, and everyone came to see what happened.

"how's it going?"

I asked as soon as I saw the people from the Shi family.


said those people.

I walked over and found that the old man was lying on a chair, as if he was concentrating with his eyes closed, and he was humming some tune.

"Master, are you okay?"

I walked over and asked.

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