He vigorously tore open the rough surface of the vine. He was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand and leaned against the stone. It took him a long time to recover.

"What the hell is this vine? It's just...bones!"


I loosened my hand slightly and tore it open. Sure enough, the bones inside were clearly visible, but the bones looked like some annelid animals, such as snakes, but they were definitely not snake bones. First of all, from the In terms of length, it couldn't be a snake.

Something is hanging upside down from above, and it seems that they have been rotting for many years. A simple test on the bones shows that they are about to become fossils.

"Let's climb up first and then talk."

I said.

But now this is the only thing that can save us from the crisis, and we can't control so much.


Suddenly, Shan Mouse frowned, then stared up, "There is movement up there!"

"It's like..."

I seemed to hear something falling down instead of climbing down directly. I could even hear the harsh sound made by the friction between the thing and the air.

Getting closer!


Something fell directly from above and landed at my feet. It immediately cracked the protruding stone from the stone wall. I quickly grabbed the vine-like bone and swung my body behind me. He jumped on another stone to avoid falling.

"What is that?"

Dali asked me.

Now I am the only one who is closest to the thing. However, although the thing fell, it was still tied up with something like an iron chain. Although it was rusty, it was not broken free by the powerful force of the fall.

"I didn't see it clearly, but the thing fell down and there was a chain."

I said. "No, that's not an iron chain, it seems to be something else. There are many patterns and words on it, but they can't be seen clearly."

Suddenly at this moment, the chain seemed to start to shake. At this time, I actually found a claw climbing directly on it, making a harsh sound.

"Ah, there's a monster!"

I reacted instantly.

Only when the thing climbed up completely did I see clearly that it was a...

The skin all over the body is wrinkled, with some dust everywhere, and the original appearance is completely unrecognizable. The head is irregularly shaped, and the body is divided into three sections, the head, chest, and abdomen, and the outlines are very clear.

But this guy's body is almost the same size as a tiger.

The strange thing is that it actually has six legs, and the nails on each leg are comparable to sharp knives.


Strangely, his leg seemed injured.


The monster climbed directly on the iron chain and glared at us!

"It's an insect!"

I looked at it for a long time and said tremblingly.

"Are you fucking kidding me? This thing is an insect!" The glasses almost made him right, and he was huddled there motionless.

Suddenly the monster jumped directly towards me, but because its neck was directly passed through by the iron chain, its movements were not as flexible as before.

I quickly climbed up, and the monster also rushed up to chase the four of us.

But every time its claws touch the stone, it becomes very manic. It opens its mouth and the fangs in its mouth make people feel heartbroken.


Suddenly his eyes were fixed on the Mountain Mouse, because this kid was huddled aside and did not move. He originally wanted to use the surrounding rocks to hide himself, but he was still discovered.

"Help me!"

I noticed that the monster's movements were getting slower and slower, and every time it opened its mouth, it looked very painful. Taking advantage of this moment, I swung directly over, took out the dagger in my arms, and pointed it at the monster's neck. Stabbed up.


Unexpectedly, my hands were numb from the shock.

There was a crisp sound, as if it was stabbed on the steel frame.


Remind me vigorously.

I took advantage of the situation and circled back, but I didn't know that maybe due to excessive force, the vines tied to my body broke directly, and I fell down, right on the back of this monster.


I quickly grabbed the monster's head.

But this guy's reaction was obviously as slow as a hippo's, and he couldn't hold himself back at all. It kept struggling, trying to throw me off, but it was no use.

"Are you okay?"

Glasses asked me.

"It's okay...this guy can't do anything to me now." I replied.

"No, you see, this guy seems to have a knife stuck in his neck!" I felt strange why this guy moved so slowly. Every time he opened his mouth, it became very painful. It turned out that there was a knife stuck in his neck. A knife.

Looking at the writing on the handle of the dagger, it should be from the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Chinese characters have a long history. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the same character has been written in different ways, and the strokes in it have also been somewhat different with the development of dynasties.

Even if it is the same stroke, the thickness and direction of force are very different.

"I read the words clearly!"

At this time, I found that those words were still relatively clear.

"Sanzo warns the world!"

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