
Not only them, but even I am curious about the four words above. What do they mean?

The last two words, 'warning the world', may be intended to tell the world some unknown secrets, such as the existence of such a thing...

But what about 'Sanzang'?

Dong Xuanzang traveled west from Chang'an, walked all the way west, passed through the Hexi Corridor, and outside Yumen Pass...

"Could it be..."


Da Li said, "Good guy, this monster actually appeared in the Tang Dynasty. How many years has it lived? No wonder its skin looks so wrinkled."

"What the hell is this?"

It's incredible.

"Maybe, this knife may be a copy made by later generations, so it's not surprising." Da Li analyzed, "There are all kinds of strange things in the Northwest. The death worm in the desert is said to eat people for a living. Maybe there is such a thing..."

Imagination is another matter. Whether you believe it or not, it's just what others say. It's nothing, but how can we not feel anything when there is such a living thing in front of us now?

"There's more!"

I found that there seemed to be something familiar on the monster's head.

"It's... black bone!"

I suddenly thought that there was a strange thing protruding from the monster's head, pure black like a bone, as if it was pierced into its head.

Because this thing...

We have seen it in the camp!

The monster in the infirmary that had half of its head cut off also had such a black bone on the top of his head, and it died completely after it was pulled out.

Is there some kind of connection between them?

Or, was half of the soldier's face bitten off by this monster?

"I know how to deal with this thing, watch..." After saying that, I directly pulled the protruding black bone and pulled it out with force.


But this time, no matter how hard I tried, the thing didn't move at all.

"Is it wrong?"

I wondered.


Suddenly, the monster stretched out its claws and struggled hard towards the chain. I immediately saw black liquid flowing out of the claws, almost covering the entire chain.


The liquid emitted white mist as soon as it touched the chain.

"No, that liquid is seriously corrosive!" I reacted immediately. I hurriedly tried one last time, holding the bone-like thing with both hands and clamping the monster's abdomen with my legs.


I yelled.


The monster spit out a mouthful of black liquid from its mouth, and then the black bone was pulled out directly by me, but the moment I saw that thing, I felt bad all over.

The bone actually took root, as if it grew on the monster's head. No wonder I couldn't pull it out no matter how hard I tried.

And there were rows of joints on the bone, like tentacles drilling into the monster's body, but I pulled them out by the roots.


However, the bone was pulled out, but the whole head of the monster fell down, and in an instant, its whole body fell apart.

I hurriedly pulled the iron chain.

The body of the monster fell directly, and there was no movement below for a long time. You can imagine how deep the bottomless pit below is.

"Quick, let's climb up quickly!"

At this time, I saw that the stones around were somewhat fragmented as the monster fell, and cracks gradually appeared on the surrounding stone walls.

The cracks were like tentacles, looking in all directions.


Suddenly, I felt a tremor above, and the whole vine and the surrounding stones became a little loose. The four of us climbed for a long time, but still did not see the sunlight above, and the vine bones above gradually became a little soft. Maybe this skeleton has been there for too long, so some of them will fall apart with a little effort.

"Damn, I can't hold on anymore."

Yingjing'er was sweating all over, and his hands and feet were shaking.

"Hold on for a while."

I told him that as long as we climb forward for a while, we will reach the ground according to our current progress. This bottomless dry cave is only about ten meters high from the road we entered, so it should not be much different.

However, the vines in front are getting thicker and thicker, almost completely covering the dry cave, and we have to find the way out by ourselves now.

"Brother, it's not right."

Mountain Mouse seemed to have discovered something, "We have spent half a day's effort, and the higher we go, the darker it gets?"

"Yes, if we can get out, at least we can see a shadow, right?"

Glasses said.

"I don't think this is a dry cave."

"What is it?"

"It should be like a tower or something! Look how firmly it is sealed on all four sides, there is no gap at all, it is airtight." Mountain Mouse was hanging in the air, "If this is the case, plus the deep pit below, the gap in the middle is too big."

"Right, let me take a look!"

I exerted a little force and climbed directly to the vine bone at the edge. When I stood firm, I took out a dagger from my arms, "I want to see if it is what you said."

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