Golden island

Chapter 112

"Smack. A

big guy slammed the table.

"Poof. "

Immediately stood up.

He glared at Lin Jiang'an with a fierce face.

"You little rabbit, don't think that if you have some ability, you can see no one.

"I really think that if you kill all that waste out there, you can show off your might in front of us.

"You do have some skills, but don't forget what kind of place this is. "

Bang bang bang. The

big guy clapped his hands.

Immediately, more than a dozen shots appeared on the second floor, all aimed at Lin Jiang'an.

As long as Lin Jiang'an moves.

The loaded guns will fire immediately.

"That's all?" Lin Jiang'an narrowed his eyes and glanced up at the gunmen who appeared on the second floor.

The gunman who appeared on the second floor.

It wasn't a pistol in his hand.

Rather, it was a submachine gun.

This thing hits the body, it's definitely a shot and a hole.


Lin Jiang'an didn't have any expression of fear on his face.

"Ha, who do you think you are?"

"No matter how fast you are, you can outrun the bullets of these submachine guns?" the

big guy shouted angrily.

His face was full of hideousness.

Raise your arms.

Signal the gunmen to shoot.

That's when it happened.

Lin Jiang'an moved.

It was so fast that everyone couldn't see the shadow of Lin Jiang'an.

"Shoot, shoot. The

big guy roared.

"Bang bang ······

". The muzzle of the submachine gun erupted tongues of fire.

Bullets poured out.

Shooting frantically towards Lin Jiang'an's figure.

All kinds of furniture, under the impact of bullets.

Instant smashing.

The scene was filled with smoke.

The big guys ······

", stop, stop.

"Let's see if he's dead.

"Bastard, I don't believe it, under so many automatic submachine gun fire, it's still alive. "

The crowd of sought-after players immediately stopped shooting.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Many bigwigs looked at Lin Jiang'an sitting beside them with a blank face.

the groove.

When did this kid come to them?

I didn't feel it at all.

looked at Lin Jiang'an's hands swaying.

A dagger that flashed with a cold light.

These bigwigs shivered one by one.

"Are you looking for me?" asked Lin Jiang'an with squinted eyes at these bigwigs.

These bigwigs ······

"Boom. He

swallowed hard.

The bigwigs who have long been hollowed out by beautiful wine and wine.

Where is there still the domineering spirit that fought the world back then.

Now their wives are like flowers, and they have a lot of money.

Ruthless before.

That's because of poverty.

The poor hanging hair did not.

There is no choice but to fight hard.

And now.

They have.

"What about the Sea Dragon King?" Lin Jiang'an squinted his eyes and swept around these big guys.

Asked in a cold voice.

These people.

In the eyes of their younger brother, it may be a big guy.


Lin Jiang'an knows.

These bigwigs.

In front of the Sea Dragon King.

That's also a junior brother-level existence.

"Bang bang bang. "

Young man, amazing, worthy of being a hero out of a teenager.

"Single-handedly, you dare to break into my house.

"However, do you know that the strong have their own strong hands?"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a slender figure and gold-rimmed glasses walked to the railing on the second floor.

Keep your head down.

Looking at Lin Jiang'an with a smile.

As soon as the middle-aged man came out.

It has its own aura.

directly attracted the attention of the audience.

Lin Jiang'an didn't need to ask, he knew that this person must be the legendary Sea Dragon King.

Squinted his eyes.

Lin Jiang'an stretched out his hand and knocked out all the bigwigs around him.

Then he smiled at Wang Yuanqi, the Sea Dragon King on the second floor.

Take a leap.

Straight to the second floor.

The gunmen looked at Lin Jiang'an one by one in amazement.

Neither is the shooting.

Neither is it without shooting.

It's a bit of a crash.

"You are the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi?" Lin Jiang'an asked with squinted eyes at Wang Yuanqi.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi snorted.


Look up and down at the banks of the general forest.

"You cut off my son's hands, you have already avenged that girl. Wang Yuanqi said to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an thought for a while and nodded.

"Then when you come to me again, do you want to kill them all to avoid future troubles?" asked Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi with a smile.

Lin Jiang'an nodded again.

"Haha, it's worthy of being a hero out of a teenager, ruthless enough.

"However, you should also know that if I can achieve the position of the Sea Dragon King, it is impossible to be without means.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi smirked and stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew.

Two people dressed in white and black robes, with pale faces, rushed out from behind the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi.

The two of them were expressionless and their eyes were gloomy.

It doesn't look like it's alive.

"Black and white are impermanent. "

The Sea Dragon King actually used black and white impermanence. "

The gunmen on the second floor saw these two men in white and black robes appear.

One by one, their faces turned pale with fright.

Hurriedly and quickly dodged the two of them.

Lin Jiang'an couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"Black and white impermanence, I really dare to call this name, I really think of myself as a ghost.

Lin Jiang'an smiled bitterly.

Take a look.

knows that these two black and white impermanence should be ancient martial arts masters.

Not even a cultivator.

Dare to claim to be black and white.

This face is really big enough.

Squinted his eyes.

Lin Jiang'an did not hesitate at all.

Rushed straight over.

True Qi runs wildly in the body.

Flock to your legs and hands.

Coupled with the powerful physical strength brought by the three quenching pills.


"Whoosh. "

Click, click. "

Plop plop. The

dagger slashed across the neck of the black and white impermanence.

The two didn't even have a chance to react.

Straight into a pool of blood.

I convulsed for a while.

And it became stiff and stiff, and fell there motionless.


Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi gasped.

Shocked to look at the black and white impermanence that died in front of him.

Just now the self-confidence, the momentum.

Disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi was able to rise to become the Sea Dragon King.

The help of these two black and white impermanence ancient martial arts powerhouses is indispensable.


These two people are ancient martial arts powerhouses who betrayed their master and fled down the mountain.

It's scum.

Ran into the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi.

That's like a dog hitting.

Soon they joined the same stream.

With the two big killers of black and white impermanence.

made the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi quickly become a first-class boss on the road.

The scenery is endless.


The most important hole cards.

Just died in front of himself.

"Get on your knees. Lin Jiang'an squinted his eyes and came to the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi.


Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi did not hesitate at all.

knelt directly in front of Lin Jiang'an.

"Big, big, the master spares his life. Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

His face turned pale.

Where is there still a little bit of the majesty of the Sea Dragon King.

"I'll cut off your only son's hands, can I accept it?" Lin Jiang'an asked in a cold voice.

"Serve, serve, I serve, the master just cut off his hands, that's a cheap dog. Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi said in a trembling voice.

"I'll call the door and kill your little brother, can I accept it?" Lin Jiang'an walked to the side of the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi and asked.

"Serve, serve, I am convinced. Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi was so frightened that he peed his pants directly.

"I'll kill your hole cards and kill the black and white impermanence, can I take it?" Lin Jiang'an asked as he looked down at Wang Yuanqi, the Sea Dragon King who was kneeling on the ground.

"Serve, serve, they should be killed. Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi's head was full of cold sweat.

"You have no way to teach your son, you are cautious in your deeds, as a father, you have not fulfilled your responsibility to educate, I want you to take one hand, can you take it?" Lin Jiang'an asked in a cold voice.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi trembled.

Gritted his teeth.

There was a hideous look on his face.

snatched the dagger in Lin Jiang'an's hand.

"Click. "

Chop on your left wrist.

The blood flowed like an infusion.

"I take it, and I take it orally. Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi said in a trembling voice.

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