Golden island

Chapter 113

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi was extremely sad.

I thought it would.

Lin Jiang'an cut off his son's hands.

I also came to the door.

I have 10 million ways to kill Lin Jiang'an.


Wait until Lin Jiang'an comes to his mansion manor.

But there are 10 million ways to kill themselves.

What's the use of not being convinced now?

It's just the grievance in my heart.

Listen to these words that Lin Jiang'an asked himself.


Ask these words.

It seems that Lin Jiang'an cut off his son's hands, and he did something good to himself.

"It's good to be convinced, I'd better convince people with virtue. Lin Jiang'an reached out and patted the shoulder of the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi.

"In that case, I won't kill you. "

Spare your life.

"As long as you are honest, you can continue to enjoy your prosperity and wealth."

"If not.

Lin Jiang'an sneered.

Take a leap.

Jump off the second floor.

Walked towards the outside of the villa.

looked at the back of Lin Jiang'an walking away.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi wanted to pick up a submachine gun on the side and surprise Lin Jiang'an.


It's too pretending.



I really don't dare.

It's been a long time since I've felt the fear of death.

When Lin Jiang'an walked towards himself just now.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi really felt the fear of death.


The feeling that you can take yourself out at will.


"Boss, I'll take you to the hospital and see if I can catch your severed hand. A gunman hurriedly ran over and said to the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi snorted coldly.

A slap to the opponent to the air.

"Go, soak my severed hand in Moutai. Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi gritted his teeth and said.


I was in front of Lin Jiang'an just now.

Chopped off his own hand.

Wouldn't that give Lin Jiang'an another chance to kill himself?

Deliberately cheating Lao Tzu.

The gunman was stunned.

Hurriedly nodded.

Picked up the severed hand of the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi and went to the wine cellar.

"Are you stupid? Why don't you take me to the hospital quickly.

"Even if I don't catch the severed hand, I can't bleed to death."

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi said angrily to the rest of the gunmen who had already been blinded.

Immediately, a few people ran over and helped the Sea Dragon King downstairs.

"Remember, clean the inside, or if you can't, you will burn the house on fire.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi's eyes flashed with coldness, and he said coldly: "No one is allowed to talk about today's affairs. The

younger brothers nodded immediately.

But I was secretly surprised in my heart.

When the boss said this, it meant that the matter would no longer be pursued.

That Lin Jiang'an is really too good.

Lin Jiang'an drove away from the villa of King Yuanqi, the Sea Dragon King.

The security guard guarding the door saw Lin Jiang'an driving out with his hands and feet ready.

Both of them had shocks on their faces.

Dumbfounded, he opened the door to Lin Jiang'an.

watched Lin Jiang'an drive away in a broken van.

I was shocked.

For the first time.


Someone came looking for trouble with all hands and feet.

And then.

Leave here with all hands and feet.

the groove.

This person is simply too good.


Lin Jiang'an's image has become extremely tall and majestic from the hearts of these two security guards.

It's an idol.

Lin Jiang'an drove back to the seafood restaurant.

Got out of the car.

I saw Liu Shuangxi dragging slippers, squatting at the door of his seafood restaurant, smoking.

Liu Shuangxi looked up and saw Lin Jiang'an coming back.

Immediately throw the cigarette in your hand on the ground.

Happily stood up.

"Brother Lin, I knew you were going to be fine. Liu Shuangxi ran to Lin Jiang'an excitedly and said to Lin Jiang'an excitedly.

Lin Jiang'an looked at Liu Shuangxi with an excited expression.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

I felt chills all over my body.

Hurriedly kicked Liu Shuangxi to the side.

"I'm not interested in men. Lin Jiang'an said with a grin.

Liu Shuangxi laughed.

Stand up.

"I'm not interested in men either, haha. Liu Shuangxi said with a smile.

Before, Lin Jiang'an suddenly came to borrow a car.

Liu Shuangxi had a bad feeling in his heart.


My wife had to hand in her homework by herself at that time.

I can't help it.

Wait until you have finished handing in your homework.

Liu Shuangxi couldn't sleep.

I've been worried about Lin Jiang'an.

I simply got up and waited at the door of the seafood restaurant on the bank of the Lin River.

made Liu Shuangxi's wife jealous.

"Ma De, it's only been a few days since I went out with Lin Jiang'an, and I'm closer than my mother, I won't come back at night, and I haven't seen you waiting for me at the door of the seafood restaurant.

Liu Shuangxi couldn't explain it.



Now wait until Lin Jiang'an returns safely.

It's all worth it.

It's time to go back and get some good sleep.

"Brother Lin, I'll go back and won't bother you.

Liu Shuangxi yawned.

waved his hand at Lin Jiang'an and said.

After speaking.

Liu Shuangxi turned around and walked back.

Lin Jiang'an looked at Liu Shuangxi's back.

I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart.

I have to say.

When I drove back by myself just now.

saw Liu Shuangxi waiting for him here.

I was really touched.

A grin.

Lin Jiang'an returned to his seafood restaurant.

Shut the door.

Took a shower.

Once you have gone to bed, you have to go to bed and rest.

The phone rings and wakes up again.

Lin Jiang'an ······

I felt like I was about to collapse at that moment.

I'll it.

Is this the end there?

Someone called me again.

It's only a few o'clock.

So that people don't sleep?The

corners of Lin Jiang'an's mouth twitched for a while.

Glancing at the caller number of the mobile phone.

It's Chen Mumu's.

A wry smile.

This call.

If you don't take it, you have to take it.

A yawn.

"Mu Mu, you are safe now. Lin Jiang'an asked.

Chen Mumu's eyes were red for a while.

Tears rolled in his eyes.

With red eyes, he snorted.


"It's safe, we're staying outside in the hotel. Chen Mumu said.

"Are you alright?

"Otherwise, let's two run away. "

Chen Mumu's heart to run away is still immortal.

and ran away on the bank of the Quanlin River.

Lin Jiang'an heard Chen Mumu say this.

I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

comforted Chen Mumu: "Don't worry, it's safe now."

"However, I think you should buy another house outside, and rent out the old house."

"The bags I bought for you before are enough to buy a big house outside.

Lin Jiang'an said with a smile.

Chen Mumu couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.


safe? It's that safe?

Wouldn't it be better to run away?


I thought of the two running away together.

When the time comes.

The two of them flew like wings.

Give birth to a bunch of children.

It makes you blush just thinking about it.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, and when the time comes, I'll sell some bags and buy a house outside.

Chen Mumu pouted and said.

Lin Jiang'an snorted.

Say goodnight to each other.

Lin Jiang'an can be regarded as having a good night's sleep.

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