It was night time and Seraphina's flight will be in a few hours from now. Alas, her instant husband wasn't still home which frustrates her a little. She doesn't want to end their abrupt relationship just like that.

Despite that Seraphina's resolve in breaking up with Dragon was unwavering, however, part of her still wanted to see him for the last time. At least, she wanted to thank him for taking care of her and making her experience what it is to be in a relationship albeit uncivil.

Glancing at the wall clock, Seraphina sighs dejectedly. "Well, what can I do," she murmurs.

Since didn't bring too many things with her and the clothes she shopped will be unused in the future days, Seraphina only packed the essential pieces of stuff in her small backpack. Scanning the penthouse, a subtle melancholic smile form on the corner of her lips.

'What a nice place…' she thought inwardly as short warm memories with him flashes before her eyes.

"Ryu, so long." She mumbles as Seraphina drag a long inhale then let it out heavily. It was as if the lingering hesitation in her went along with her sigh -- letting it all out.


[Country S international airport]

After she checked in, Seraphina will only wait for her flight to be called out. Dragon's image and figure were sent at the back of her mind as if she locked their memories together somewhere deep beneath her heart.

She swore to cherish those beautiful times with him. After all, she has never been too sire to any man before. Her love for her family and friends is very different from the feelings she bears for him.

"Maybe it's a good thing he didn't send me off." She mumbles afraid that the minute she saw him, the reluctance she tries to annihilate with great effort would all go down the drain.

Call it absurd or ridiculous for liking a stranger -- well, she is crazy like that. After all, a 22-year-old lady like her was never been in a relationship and never been attracted to any man. It was her first to experience this kind of emotion which she likes and don't.

"Forget it." She convinced herself as she shakes her head to clear her thoughts. Just as this moment, a female flight attendant was heard calling for the flight's passenger. Though her pocket money was almost gone, she could still afford a business class flight. After all, she can't contact Rex to pick her up using her private chopper with her appearance.

Looking around the business class section, Seraphina saw that she was the only person on board. She didn't give much thought about it as she sat on her seat and rest her heavy eyes.

"Hehe. what a convenient flight." She murmurs before sleepiness dawned on her.


Seraphina's brows knitted when she felt a blanket covering her body. Even before she opened her eyes, her hands involuntarily moved in defense mode. When she opens her eyes, her menacing gaze pierced through the pairs of deep sharps eyes staring back at her.

She tightly held his arm yet, the familiar man was unfazed. Seeing his majestic facial features, Seraphina's eyes widen in disbelief.

'What is he doing here?'

"Ryu?" She heedlessly gasped. Dragon's eyes soften seeing her stunned expression as a subtle smile form on the side of his lips.

"What are you doing here?" Seraphina inquired as she looks around the same empty flight.

"Sending you off."

"Sending me off?!" Seraphina's lips twitch by his brief and concise explanation. Realizing that her hand was still clutching his arm, she loosens her grip.

"How grand to send me off." She murmurs while pinching the space between her brows. She already knew that Dragon was a rich man but his efforts in wooing a maiden like her are on a different level.

"Baby, do you always do this to your girlfriends?" Seraphina instigate. Since she didn't inquire about him aside from his name, now that she thinks about it -- he's a real champ in romance.

"Girlfriends?" Dragon's brows raised by her assumption.

"Am I wrong?" Seraphina tilts her head innocently as her eyes blink in anticipation.

"No. I only do this to my wife."

Seraphina's eyes dilate to a new kind of degree when he mentions the word 'wife'.

"You're married?! Does that mean you made me your mistress?!" gasping in disbelief and in disdain, she was utterly shocked. After some time, she added.

"Hmm… but that's impossible."

"Impossible?" Dragon's was baffled to what's going through her mind as she was too focus contemplating about something. With his looks, though he won't admit it, he was not lacking in women throwing themselves at him. Moreover, he was at the right age of getting married. Thus, why would she think it's impossible for him to have a woman?

"Because you still haven't met me!" Seraphina affirmed in certainty. Her shameless answer made Dragon crack up. After the good one minute laugh, his tender gaze land on her as his hand reached out for her face.

Thoroughly examining her delicate innocent facial features, he spoke. "I only care about you, wife."

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