Thoroughly examining her delicate innocent facial features, he spoke. "I only care about you, wife."

Dragon gently draws her head to his c_h_e_s_t as he relished himself with her refreshing fragrance. He added, "You… let's not break up."

Seraphina was frozen for the sudden affection he was showing her. In the last weeks she spent with him, he was neither too affectionate nor intimate. Most of the time, she was the only one who insists on pestering him. Alas, their interaction was worst than being a sibling.

"You knew?" Letting his hand to sn_a_k_e_d around her waist as he draws her closer to his embrace, she inquired.

"Hmm." Dragon hummed as an answer. Knowing her personality and the way everything started, he already guessed what she was planning.

"Eh?! How?" Seraphina slightly pushed him as she raised her head.

"I just know." he chuckles.

Seraphina frowned. It's not that she was against it but the fact that her other identity might be compromised or Dragon might be put in danger if she keeps him with her. Alas, before she rejects him, Dragon spoke.

"Don't think too much. It'll work out." With that said piece, Dragon pulled her again to his embrace. It was as if he was holding to his lifeline.

A few hours ago, due to the interference of Luciano's organization to his transaction, his plans for the day was ruined. Although he commends and admires Luciano's eyes for valuable goods. Alas, he was displeased this time because he almost lost the only woman he d_e_s_i_r_es and cares.

Luckily, he saw her flight ticket a couple of days ago, hence, he booked the whole business class flight just for them. God knows how fast his trusted driver drove to reach the appointed flight. Relief and joy danced in his heart when he saw her resting soundly.

Though he particularly been extra careful with his movements -- afraid that she might wake up, alas, even with the slight discreet motion, she still woke up.

Then and there, Seraphina's heart melted by his sincere words. She could feel his overwhelming emotion seeps through her. How can she bear to break this man's heart if it's her fault for pestering him in the first place?

Granting that they just met weeks ago, she found herself being too attached to him. This time, she finally realizes the emotion she felt towards him. It might seem too soon to admit but he, the only man she allows to get close to her, the only man who embraces her with the same feelings she felt -- the man who seems cold and indifferent, reticent and reserved -- he was her first love, first boyfriend and her first unofficial husband.

"Alright…" She murmurs as she relaxed her body to his warm embrace. Just a simple contact with him makes her heart content and gleeful.

'Ryu, I'm sorry for being selfish again because I am dragging you to a horrible world.' Seraphina apologizes inwardly.

In the narrow and obscure path he's been walking all these years, out of nowhere, a street light started to function and a girl's flushed smiling face is under that faint light. Just the thought of losing her -- he doesn't dare think about it.

For the last week he spent with her, he contemplated in letting her go and just forget about her. Alas, in the end, the foreboding feeling without her felt much worst. Finally, the unknown emotions that have been waving to him -- he, at last, discern what's her real position in his heart. She was his first love, his first girlfriend and his instant wife.

'Sera… I'm sorry. I'm a selfish man. I can't let you go. Let me protect you with everything I've got.' he swore inwardly as his eyes rest along with her relaxed body.

The seemingly innocent love of these inexperienced individuals in this aspect filled their rotten, wicked and guilty hearts with content. That moment, it was as if they had their own little world that only they could see. Despite the cloak and dagger relationship, the trust they never bestow to anyone -- Alas, for the both of them, they willingly, without question asked; gave their full reliance to each other.

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