Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 310 - Long time no see, Dad

"Liam --" Suddenly, Logan Jin's voice was heard. By the looks of it, he seemed he rushed his way to Liam's study which was a bit peculiar or rather, he rarely does rush his way to his son's quarters if it wasn't urgent.

However, when Liam turned his head towards him, Logan Jin swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Seeing a stick of cigarette clipped in between his finger and seemed that he interrupted his son by lighting if up, Logan Jin's aura gradually turned cold and stifling.


"Long time no see, Dad." Liam smiled alas, his smile wasn't near even the slightest bit with his usual gentle front. It was treacherous and ominous. Seeing that same bloodcurdling smile that Logan Jin would never forget and would forever haunt him as his negligence being Liam's father, beads of sweat formed on Logan Jin's forehead seeing 'him' again.

What? Why? How?

Questions of confusion hovered inside Logan Jin's mind as he welcomed himself and sat on one of the sets of sofas placed at the center of the spacious study room.


"Master, are you going to Ms. Yue?" Dragon's driver inquired -- knowing very well his master. However, Dragon's response caught him off-guard as he somewhat didn't expect his answer.

"Hmm. Nah, let her w_h_i_n_e for a little longer as punishment." Dragon had an impish smirk on the side of his lips. Remembering how Seraphina cursed him and gives him a headache, this punishment is rather elementary. However, aside from that, of course, Dragon wanted Seraphina to have her me time and reflect on herself.

Whether she gets a hold of herself or she'll completely lose it, this will be Seraphina's hurdles. Since Dragon was certain that Seraphina will get back on track, the question is until when? Surely, she will live in seclusion for a while or going on a killing spree which will be impossible knowing that her men were having a close watch on her.

Hence, in Dragon's perspective, it's best to let her be for quite some time. "Well then, why not take a visit with the mayor?" Dragon smiled brightly showing his even white teeth. 

Hearing his master's suggestion, the driver cast Ezt a side glance alas, Ezt hadn't had a change of expression which left the driver with no choice but to abide. Since Maxwell Han was still recovering, no one could or rather had the audacity to oppose and reason out with Dragon. 

What's more? Ezt never speaks a word and only followed every words Dragon spat like he was born with it. Thus, after breathing heavily, the driver slightly cleared his throat before he stepped on the pedal and accelerate their speed; going to the most protected person in the city.

'Boss Max, recover well!' the driver thought inwardly as he knew that if Maxwell Han was there, their destination might be somewhere else. But on the second note, whether they'll go to Seraphina or to the city mayor's residence, the latter is probably the best choice.

After all, thinking of Dragon staying put in one place would be impossible as he already has done that for almost two months. Hence, his master was probably itching for some suspense after months of tranquility.


After drowning herself numerous times and coming out as if she wasn't out of breath, Seraphina finally grew tired of the seemingly unending cycle. Standing up from the tub with her n_a_k_e_d and shockingly scarred body, Seraphina didn't bother to dry herself as she strode outside the shower, completely n_a_k_e_d.

Scanning the unlit room and if weren't from the lights coming from the opened bathroom door, she won't probably see anything. Surely, this room's designed is far from what her room looks like. 

However, no matter how she purposedly designed this place that won't remind her of anything, the pain was still there. Was she too naive to think that if she chose to leave the Yue family mansion and live in seclusion for some time in a new place, to lessen the pain?

Probably, yes. She was naive or rather… desperate. The pain that she doesn't want to feel won't leave her alone. It's been days but it never lessened instead, it only intensified every passing day.

Taking stride towards the window, the rain started to drop again before it poured heavily. She placed her palm on the window that was being drenched outside and drops of rains were dripping slowly along with her tears.

'Gramps… are you also crying?' Seraphina questioned inwardly. She thought that she already cried everything out but it seems that her eyes won't stop welling up. Nevertheless, Seraphina didn't plan to stop it anyway.

In her mind, she must let it all out; cry it all out, else, she might lose her mind. She must admit that she appreciated Rex thoughts and concerned for her which slightly kicked her doubts about her existence. Hence, she decided to live in seclusion for a while and meditate for a clearer head. After all, she can't trust herself and she was afraid that she might act out of her own emotions.

Also, the pain of losing Sebastian Yue was too big to handle. No one will probably understand but, it's best to cage herself for the time being; not because she was going to transform into a monster but maybe, she will.


Riggs quaff the can of beer in his hand while watching the dark surround from the house terrace. Thinking about a certain girl who he's guessing that bawling her eyes out, Riggs shook his head in dismay.

"Well, at least no one will hear you cry." He mumbled as the sound of the rain enveloped and spread a whole lonely night.


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