Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld


"Rise and shine, Aurora!" 

Riggs was awoken by Riece' loud voice and by the blinding light coming from his window as his sister roughly slid open the curtain that was shielding Riggs room from sunlight. Throwing his arms to cover his eyes, Riggs lightly groan in annoyance.

"5 minutes Riece -- shut your trap,"

Though this occurrence always happens every single day, he will never get used to it. He wants more sleep -- he needed it as he don't get enough sleep because he was studying and working part-time jobs at the same time.

"Alright, 50 seconds. I'll be back." Riece responded charitably cutting down his pleaded time limit. However, not a ten second had passed, she forcefully kicked his brother out of bed causing a loud thud sound when Riggs well-build physiqued crash on the laminated floor.

Feeling the sudden pain from his minor crash, Riggs winced as his consciousness finally woke up. Supporting himself to sit up, he instantly glared daggers to his sister's wicked grin. "Witch, begone!"

"Good morning too, brother." Riece giggled in triumph as she made her way outside Riggs room. Surely, it's her favorite time of the day when waking up her big brother and sees his protesting expression yet, knowing that he could only lashed out verbally -- Riece took advantage of it.

Despite that she had a plausible cause why she was doing it knowing what her brother was doing, alas, they don't have many choices as they only got each other's back and needs to prepare for their own future.


While having breakfast, Riggs as usual just poured himself a bowl of cereal and an unimaginable amount of milk that was spilling on the dining table. Since Riece was used to it and lost hope for his big brother to listen to her preaching, she could not be bothered anymore as she can just clean it all up afterwards; saves her the time and energy to bicker with her brother early in the morning.

As he eats his breakfast, Riggs constantly cast his sister a glance as if he was hesitant to say the news he was about to deliver. Alas, unbeknownst to him, Riece already knew about his plans and was just waiting for him to say it.

"Say it."

"Tch. I'd enlist."

"Brother, do you even know what you're saying?" after the brief silence, Riece raised her small head. Her dark natural brown hair that reached past her shoulders dr_a_p_ed on her back with minimal strand left on the side. Her pair of monolid dark wood eyes that was almost black in colors were filled with concern and pain. She also had a small pointy nose and thin lips that made her look delicate and fragile; on the contrary of her strong and bright personality. She added,

"Have you forgotten why we lost Dad?"

"Riece, come on. You know that this is my dream; to serve and protect this country." Riggs frowned hearing Riece' opening up about their father's death. 

Indeed, his father is a fallen soldier. Alas, he died for the country which merited his father a great honor. After all, they are a family line of soldiers, reasons why Riggs was taught about a strong sense of patriotism and the seemingly cool stuff being a soldier when he was a child. Hence, as a little boy, he once dreamt to be just like his father and his grandfather.

Now that he has passed all the qualifications he needed to attain all the requirements, he was ready to take a new leap towards his dream. However, he could not completely disregard his only remaining family hence, Riggs was conflicted as well.

Yes, Riggs and his sister Riece were already an orphan. Losing their father at a young age, then just after a decade, their mother soon bid her farewell because of a disease. Since losing both of their parents at their early teens, Riggs and Riece stayed with different relatives one after another.

However, though technically speaking, both siblings were feeding and probably paying their stay on their Uncle's house by the remaining monetary benefits they received from their father's death, alas, they were maltreated and was forced to do all the chores as another repayment by the seeming kindness shown to them.

Hence, when Riggs and Riece reached the rightful age to be independent, they chose to move out from the hellish house they were staying and live together. It is hard at first as they have to pay for everything on their own and the savings they had left was insufficient. 

After the struggling years, having both of each other's backs, Riggs and Riece survived studying and working multiple part-time jobs and share their burden. 

"You will die." Riece finally raised her head and her certain gaze instantly met his.

"I will, but not too soon." 

"No, I will kill you even before you go." Riece dissed as her eyes scrowled. Despite knowing that no matter what she says will not change the heart of his stubborn brother, she wanted to make the last threats and warnings which of course didn't change Riggs mind.

"No --" Riggs sternly replied but was interrupted midway when Riece spoon came flying towards his head.

"Ah! What the hell!" Riggs shouted rubbing his poor little forehead by the assault of her violent sister. Seeing that she was getting her hands on the bowl of cereal, Riggs instinctively jolted from his seat and fled while abruptly grabbing his bag.

When Riggs left, Riece sighed heavily. Frustrated, she languidly leaned her back against the spindle of the wooden chair she was sitting on. "Stubborn, big brother." she scoffed as her lips turned to a subtle smile. Part of her was disgruntled by her brother's decision but, still, it made her proud of his strong sense of determination and keeping his words to their father.

"What will I do with you."

At the end of the day, Riece couldn't do anything to stop her brother. Hence, at the age of 18 years old, Riggs enlisted at Country Y's military force. Sending her brother off, Riece raised her eyes to meet her brother's resolute gaze.

"I don't want to see those man in uniform in my doorsteps. They're the last people I wanna see, alright?" she warned with a frown. Grinning, Riggs nodded in affirmation while his hand ruffled her sister's hair, "Oh, sister dear. I'll see you in two years."

"Go." Riece enthusiastically replied while her brother was busy ruffling her hair. If this was a normal occurrence, she'll probably beat him up until he could no longer walk but now, it slightly prick her heart that she won't see her brother for a quite some time.

"Don't miss me too much, eh?"

"Who will miss you?"

"Alright, alright -- I know you've been holding back your tears since earlier so, take care." Riggs warmly grinned. He wasn't good at heartwarming goodbyes. Also, he was certain that he could make it in two years and the years after that until he could retire.

Hence, instead of spouting loads of reminders to his ever responsible sister, he knew the best gift she could receive is him, being successful in the path he was about to take -- his dream; fulfilling his promise to his gallant father.


After passing all the requirements and signing his contract, the day finally arrived when Riggs together with the new recruits were being relocated to receive their full course training offered by Country Y's Army.

Inside the bus, Riggs awaits for the person-in-charge to welcome them. Since he came from a family of military and he dreamt of being a soldier one day, Riggs was rather excited. After all, this is his first step towards his dream.

The moment the bus door opened and a man in an army uniform with a broad-brimmed felt or straw hat like, with a high crown, pinched symmetrically at the four corners placed on his head indicating who he was.

'Drill Sergeant.'

"harmless stuff, everybody take your cellphone out, hold them up. Alright, on behalf of lieutenant colonel Clark from..." The Drill Sergeant instantly uttered which made every recruit inside the bus began moving and slid their phones out.

"... I'm a Drill Sergeant, everyone wearing a hat like this or something similar is a Drill Sergeant, you will address us as Drill Sergeant, do you understand?"

"Yes, Drill Sergeant."

"You'll gonna bailing those last three words out of your mouth; yes or now Drill Sergeant, do you understand?"

"Yes, Drill Sergeant." every recruit answered in unison. Then, the Drill Sergeant started instructed them of the first two things they must do. First was if he told them to leave the bus, females must get out first and head to the left side of the yellow vertical line where the Drill Sergeant was pointing out, and then males on the right side of the vertical yellow line.

Second was that the paperwork that each recruit must be held on their left hand while their bags on the right. 

"...your heel, both of your heels together on that vertical yellow line, do you understand?"

"Yes, Drill Sergeant!" Riggs attentively listened to the Drill Sergeant's instruction as he repeated his words again for the second time in a slow and clear manner. 

'This is it… Dad, Mom, Riece, I will make you all proud.' Riggs affirmed inwardly. His enthusiast rose that very instant and his determination leveled up. After a few more words from the Drill Sergeant, Riggs finally heard him say; 

"You have two minutes to get off my bus, go."

With that go signal, Riggs deliberately acted swiftly to get off the bus after the females and go to the specified vertical yellow line outside the building.

"Put your arms down. Put your bags in front of you now and you paperwork on top of it." The commanding Drill Sergeant instructed. Riggs who was as diligent as ever swiftly followed and did as instructed. He knew from his father and from all the doc_u_mentary he watched on his free time that following orders is a must in the military. Hence, he was giving his hundred percent attention to the Drill Sergeant's words.

Soon, one after another, commands regarding extra clothes they were wearing must be taken off and shirts must be tucked in unless wearing some specified shorts the Drill Sergeant spoken off; so on so forth.

Riggs who was in front of the Drill Sergeant swiftly tucked his shirt as commanded and stood still with both of his heels together -- keeping his posture properly.

"You do your work, do not touch your shirt even if you want. Pay attention to the detail!" Another Drill Sergeant who was inspecting reprimanded someone on the other end of the line which lead them to a glimpse of what they should expect on the upcoming days.

"Listen up. You already failed your first task, the only tasked I have given you. I gave you two minutes to get off the bus because you're moving very slow and I only saw one person for every five that were actually moving with a purpose. So, what you're gonna do now, everyone get in a push-up position, do it now." The Drill Sergeant commanded which everyone executed without a millisecond delay. He resumed;

"The position you were in is called the front leaning rest position. From here on out, this is the front wing rest position. You ever hear someone say; front wing rest position, move -- when they said, 'move' that is the command of execution." The Drill Sergeant explicates further going in circles as if reassuring that everything is clear to them.

"... man, I will recommend you to fix your face because you need to make your attitude less visible. Check it out, there are few things that we will tell you to do while you're here. All of them require simple yes or no…" After the Drill Sergeant warned the person behind Riggs who was also in a push-up position, the Drill Sergeant got immediately on his tracks and briefly explained stuff.

"Move." Hearing that very word, all the recruits including Riggs started doing push-ups while the Drill Sergeant continued on his nonstop prattle. Fortunately, Riggs maintained his body in shape and diligently followed the order while attentively listening to the words coming out of the Drill Sergeant.

Riggs was too focused on doing his push-ups and listening to the Drill Sergeant that he didn't notice that aside from him, there is also another person who excelled in their first punishment. Surely, others had a hard time doing their push-ups while others barely do it right. 

After that short punishment, they were asked to head to a certain room accordingly just like what they were instructed to do which everyone abides and executed properly as much as they could.

With that, the first day of training Riggs experienced is just as what he expected. Scream, growled, shouts from their instructors testing them physically and mentally were soon took place on the said training.

And with that day as well, two men stood out among all the recruits. They were Riggs Woods and Rex Clark.


Two and eight months had passed since Riggs enlisted at country y's military force. After Riggs graduated for completion of his boot camp training for months, Riece hadn't seen him since then. Therefore, knowing that even though his brother doesn't have any special skill or naturally excels in anything -- what made her at ease was Riggs was a hardworking person. If he devotes his entire heart and soul in it, she was certain that Riggs will survive.

"Okay class, that's all for today." Riece professor announced which made other students collect their notes while others immediately evacuate and left the room. Collecting her own stuff that laid out her desk, Riece raised her bros and sighed in relief.

When she was out of the university where she attends, a man in uniform was caught at the corner of her eyes. Exhilarated, she immediately turned her attention towards that certain man and there, his brother's quirky grin welcomed her.

Without thinking too much, she rushed her way to her brother who threw his arms wide open. Alas, instead of coming to her brother's embrace, a smack in the head welcomed Riggs.

"You didn't even tell me you're going home!" She exclaimed in agitation. By the looks of it, annoyed and delight combined plastered across Riece beautiful face. Riggs, on the other hand, took off his military cap in annoyance as he rubbed the area where his sister smacked him.

"I miss you too, sis." He grumbled. For a brief moment, he thought Riece was skipping her way for a hug or that's what he saw in her eyes hence, he gladly welcomed her. Alas, how can he forget her sister's personality? After all, Riece's way of expressing her happiness was twinned with violence.

'Two years and as violent as ever.' He thought inwardly. He won't dare speak his mind or else, he might die out of duty. 

"I am utterly offended by how you act. Come and go as you want, ha!" Riece dissed. She was indeed displeased by Riggs surprised leave. She didn't even prepare a proper meal for him. If only he gave him a heads-up, she might have cooked some nice food for his brother's homecoming.

"*sigh* there, there, mother. I'm sorry, alright?" Ruffling her silky hair, Riggs conceded knowing what's bothering her sister. Ultimately, Riece always played like a mother and often time gets worried about Riggs well-being. 


"So, you see how cool I am?" It's been hours since Riggs kept prattling on his journey about his training and how he excelled in everything. Scrutinizing his physique, Riece was satisfied by her brother's drastic improvement. 

He became much bulkier and his muscled got more firmed. He had bruises here and there but since she was studying in the medical field, she knew that they weren't serious wounds and he probably got them with his harsh training.

"So, who is that person that always takes the 1st place?" Listening attentively to his brother's story, Riece interest was caught by the person that his brothers praised aside from himself.

"Oh ho, sister! What is this I smell? Interest to a man, eh?" As usual, Riggs insensitivity made the veins on his sister's forehead inflate a little. 

"Not bad. He's a great guy -- my partner!" Riggs teased as he grinned mischievously towards her sister. Riece, on the other hand, nodded with her face filled with mockery. 

Knowing what's inside his brother's head, she scoffs, threatening the man in uniform. "Don't you ever think about arranging me to a blind date."

"Eh? I was just thinking to invite him over or hangout -- excluding you, of course. Study first, young lady." Riggs grinned even more. If one thing he learned from his years of training is how to legally bully or rather, how to bully someone in the right way.

Fortunately, Riece was well-aware that he just got home and needed to rest. Thus, she decided to turn a blind eye on his brother's teasing and kept a high tolerance. After all, it's been a while since someone annoyed her like how Riggs annoy her.


[Three days later]

"See ya later!" Riece rushed her way downstairs as she was late for school. 

"88, 89, aye ma'am --" Riggs who was doing his morning exercise at home responded and then continued his routine.

Just as Riece heedlessly exited at their front door, she bumped into something sturdy. Since she was rushing, she almost lost her balanced by the sudden collision. Fortunately, the person she bumped into had a swift reflex and supported her by grabbing her slender waist and her right wrist.

Mesmerized, the moment Riece raised her gaze to the person holding her, a hiccup suddenly came out of her mouth as the tip of her ears reddened. Seeing an exquisite man with his deep chocolate hue eyes and a small mole under his left eye was too beautiful to not notice.

For a while, Riece world slowed down and her heartbeat raced; she could almost hear it throb by every second passed.

"Are you alright?" The exquisite man inquired with his brows knitted as if confused by the young lady's reaction. Alas, Riece had a sudden lump on her throat as she can't seem to find her words.

"Ey, Rie -- Rex, mah man!" Riggs who was alarmed by the sudden noise made by the fallen books of her sister came to check the matter and to his surprise, Rex was present.

However, seeing Rex and Riece unconventional position, his brows creased in confusion."Eh? You made my sis fall for you that instant?!"

"What?!" Riggs words snapped Riece and miraculously brought her words back which made her slightly pushed Rex and turned her attention back to her topless muscled brother. "Is that how you react when your sister is being harassed right in front of our house?!"

Shaking her head in disbelief, Riece quickly glanced at Rex's confused expression before collecting the books that were on the wooden floor and walked away.

"Why is she mad?" Riggs who doesn't understand why his sister was so mad asked Rex.

"It's your sister, you should know better." Rex, on the other hand, shrugged in nonchalance. After all, it was Riggs sister and he only helped her to maintain her balance because he can. Other than that, he too was appalled by Riggs sister's mood. Yet, he didn't come for her so he could not care less.


When Riece arrived home, there were already cooked food laid on the table with a note from her brother. It says; 

'Don't look for me, I'll be gone for a few days! Take care sis~!'

Shaking her head, part of her felt wistful about her brother's personality. Given that they have the lives of their own, Riece could not help but be a little dispirited. Alas, thinking that she couldn't accompany her brother as much as she wanted to due to school work, she understood that Riggs must have gone somewhere with that man named Rex.

"Whatever…" Riece heavily sighed and threw the melancholic aura that was about to envelop around her surrounding hence, she meekly smiled and started digging in on the foo that her brother prepared. 

"I am used to it anyway." She mumbled and ate her fill until she could no longer take another bite.


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