"Say, Private Clark, how about we settle this using our guns, eh? *hic*" Riggs who's faced was beet red as he challenged the flushed and slightly sober Rex.

"Make sure you reload." Accepting the challenged, the whole pub cheered with drinks on their hand and all the attention was focused on the two gentlemen perching across each other with a small wooden table between them at the center of the small pub.

"Place your bets! HAHA!"

"Go kid. We lay our faith in you." One of the men massaged Riggs shoulder as if they were going in a big fight. On the other side, other men cheered Rex and boost his ego to defeat his opponent.

"Don't be intimidated, pretty boy. He might look tough but he's a softie!" Laughters came after when one of Rex supporters spouted his insults towards Riggs which caused no impact on the said man.

"Softie?! Ha! Show them who's softie, macho man! Teach this pretty lad a lesson!"

"Yeaaah!!" the crowd hailed in unison and clapped as they continued rumbling on their inspirited words to boost their bets. After all, their money was put on stake hence, they used all the insult they could spat and compliments they could shower on each of their bets.

Soon, Riggs and Rex grinned as they placed their right elbow on top of the table showing their perfectly muscled forearms and properly gripped on each other's hand. Currently, they were about to have a showdown of bicep and forearm strength to a contest of hand, finger, and wrist prowess or so-called arm wrestling.

"Stay Frosty, Private Clark." Riggs reminded with a large grin as his grip tightened a little and loosen by the next millisecond. 

"Tango Yankee." Rex humored using their thank you army terminology for soldiers devoted their lives to the service of our country in their own lingo. In other words, Rex just proclaimed that Riggs was dead right there. 

After taunting and provoking each other, the contest of top rolling began when another man standing as the announcer shouted, "Start!"

Hearing the go signal, both men who trained studied side by side with the goal to be the best of the best elite soldier focused all their strength on their battle arms. Getting stronger and their gripped tightening, both Riggs and Rex gritted their teeth -- giving their all.

Ever since then, Riggs and Rex held a fierce competition. It all began on their first day of the army boot camp. It wasn't verbally declared but both of them perceived one another as a friendly rival. Of course, even though they acted and had a mentality as one -- with their ego, they always compete to be the top. 

Sometimes Riggs would be the victor but other days, it would be Rex. Fairly enough, their drill instructor saw their potential every passing day and were all satisfied by the incredible skills both of them displayed. 

Minutes passed with the loud clamoring from the audience in the background, the seemingly unmoving and tie competition started to move. Apparently, Riggs' hand was slowly being pushed down and overpowered by Rex yet, he won't easily back down and put more strength on his wrist and pressured on his elbow which pushed Rex's hand and got on the original starting position.

"Heh, not so fast… pretty boy." Riggs emphasized the last two words trying to hit Rex' nerves but to no avail, it only made the corner of Rex's lips curled upward and displayed a mocking smirk. With that, the brawl of arms with their biceps and triceps flexing to the maximum length. 

Little did they know, among the crowd, Riece was squeezing her way through the crowd with great effort. She bumped and pushed roughly by the cheering men who've been giddily watching a match as if it was an international league. Out of her curiosity and since she can't find her brother, she thought that maybe her brother was in front of these crowd.

However, to her surprise, she guessed correct! What's more? He was actually one of the participants in a contest of arm wrestling and the other one that her brother was competing was the man she bumped in front of their residence.

Even before Riece could recover from her shock, a slight turbulent made the ground shook followed by a loud cheers -- indicating that one prevailed. Shaking her head and focused her disturbed gaze, all she saw was her brother being carried by the people who bet on him in glee.

"That's our softie!!"


"Better luck next time pretty boy, haha!"

Cheers like that were spouted on Rex who also had a large grin on his face as if he wasn't being insulted. All in all, the crowd ordered another batch of beers to celebrate their winning. Though it seemed atypical to Riece, she felt the lively atmosphere with her brother being congratulated for his victory a heartwarming scene. Her intention to scold her brother for not coming home for days dissipated seeing him carefree.

"He deserved it anyway." Riece mumbled before turning her back against the direction of her brother and left with a subtle smile. In her mind, since their childhood, Riggs always looks after her and protected her from all the injustice they receive from their distant relatives.

Furthermore, when they moved out, though Riece also works while studying, Riggs, on the other hand, had a double responsibility and workloads but he never complained. Sure, he was annoying at times but Riece knew it was his defense mechanism to not worry her. Hence, she always pretended to not know what's her brother's simple mind was thinking.


The next day, Riece woke up and immediately searched if her brother made it home but to her dismay, she saw no one inside the house. Raising her brows along with a sigh, Riece meekly smiled. She was used to it anyway so she didn't welcome the foreboding loneliness that was about to dawn on her early in the morning.

Since it was the weekend, Riece didn't have her class. Therefore, she decided to take a jog to strengthen her body. She needed to take care of herself and having a healthy lifestyle is a must. Alas, when she opened the front door, her brows knitted together seeing two men sleeping on the terrace.

By the looks of it, they barely made it home and reached their limit causing them to sleep just before the doorstep. Shaking her head, Riece rolled her eyes and tiptoed her way outside for a jog; not having an intention to wake them up as she told herself that they were grown men.

Minutes after Riece left, Rex eyes slowly cracked opened. Just then, a cold soft breeze brushed by him which gave him the chills. Unhurriedly getting up while he massaged his temples as his hangover came rather strong. He realized that Riggs and him slept outside the house like little wasted hoodlums.

If someone from their platoon saw their state, their beloved reputation would definitely be tarnish from their heedless action. However, since no one of their comrades lives nearby both of them were safe. After Rex woke up, Riggs g_r_o_a_n_e_d indicating that he too was awake.

Seeing that it was sunrise, their body would wake up whether they like it or not as they were used to waking up at five in the morning. It could also be considered that they woke up rather late than ever even though it's only quarter to six.

"Urghhh -- my head, ow, my back." Riggs complained as he assisted himself to sit up. Just like Rex, he massaged his temples due to his pounding head and dry throat. Scrutinizing his surroundings, he realized that they were several steps away from the door; meaning, they somewhat made it home and also didn't. Which reminds him of the quote "So close yet so far."

"Oh god, I hope Riece was still asleep." having the gist of their current situation, the very first thought that came through his half dysfunctional mind was his sister. Knowing her mother-like nature, she'll surely scold them or worse, bully him all day long.

However, since he wasn't woke up from Riece loud voice, Riggs could not help but sigh in relief as he thought that Riece was still soundlessly sleeping -- which he would soon realize his wrongs.

"Yo Rex," Riggs turned his head towards Rex sluggish figure as if reflecting on his action that was instigated by Riggs. He tilted his head towards the front door inviting him inside for a hangover remedy.


Just as Riggs and Rex were sluggishly dilly-dallying on the kitchen with a glass of water on the table, these poor creatures had a huge dilemma! They can't properly cook in this state hence, all they could do was stare at their half-filled glass of water like a lifeless corpse.

The stifling silence also worsened their hangover and their felt like they weren't sober up just yet. When they heard the front door slightly moved, both of them instinctively went hostile. In their minds, they expected no visitors and Riece was probably sleeping hence, someone intruding the house early in the morning is like courting death.

However, the next moment, both men froze seeing Riece in her workout outfit. Sweats still evident from her hairline. She was carrying a huge brown bag that seemed she also went grocery. Yet, the problem is that Riece knew they slept outside! 

'Oh shit!' Riggs cussed inwardly seeing his sister. Knowing her violent nature, Riggs was certain that aside from his throbbing head and aching muscles, he will be mentally tortured -- worser than the yelling and mind challenged he experienced in the boot camp.

Probably, the reason why Riggs didn't break down by the loud shouting and screaming from his drill instructors was Riece was a better mind torturer to him. God knows how sharp this sister of his tongue.

"Oh, so you're awake." Hearing her first words, they unconsciously gulped a mouthful of saliva; salivating their still dry throats and held their breath. It was as if they were waiting from their commander's command and punishment.

"Oh, you guys are awake! Wait let me prepare some food for your fill." Riece uttered with a bright tone and didn't waste a second and pulled out tons of ingredients from the brown paper bag.

"Who -- who are you?" Riggs who could not believe the current occurrence could not help but doubt the person manifesting his sister. Blinking numerous time to the confused Riece, he repeated, "Are you my sister? Riece Woods or a kind spirit that possessed her body?"


"If it's the latter, please stay as long as you want." With that said remarks, a flying apple came directly to Riggs. Though he was suffering from a hangover, with a slow-moving object that was thrown with less strength, it was too easy for him to catch him.

"Do you want to be a spirit as well?" Riece as usual sassed back which confirmed that it ws still her. She quickly glanced at Rex who was silent the whole time before she looked away and proceed to prepare breakfast.

'How can he be so handsome even though he slept outside with my brother?' 


"Ah~ my sis is the best!" Riggs complimented as he rubbed his stuffed stomach. Surely, the food that was prepared by his sister helped to reduce his hangover. Moreover, Riece bought a hangover medicine which made her look like a goddess to Riggs and Rex as well.

The calm satisfied and reserved Rex: "Thank you for the meal."

"Yeah, yeah, I know that."

"Sis -- I am so grateful to be your brother!" Due to the unmeasured gratefulness he felt, Riggs followed up and curry more favor from his sister. Since it been two years and in that span amount of time, he only saw Riece on his graduation day after his first graduation of completing the basic training; Riggs could tell that Riece m_a_t_u_r_ed -- a lot.

"Hehe, you do?" Riece smiled mischievously which made the smile on Riggs face gradually dissipate. 

'Why do I feel a bad omen is coming?'

"Hehe, sis, of of course!" Riggs stuttered awkwardly. The familiar grin that her sister had on right now was too familiar to him meaning, she has a very diabolical plan which sends ripples of fears inside him. Rex on the other hand silently observed the Wood's sibling interaction and a slight subtle smile form on the side of his lips.

Somehow, for the first time, he felt envious by the genuine interaction of these two as he never experienced this kind of relationship with his brothers. Surely, in this aspect, he must admit defeat to his friendly rival. Moreover, even though they cursed and insult each other, Rex could feel their unbreakable bond between them.

"Ahhh, sis~ I swear, I won't get wasted again -- ever again!" Riggs face distorted to a whole degree even before hearing his sister's verdict. After all, he was certain that Riece would probably drag him around and treat him as a pushover which is a little bit correct.

"Huh, Stupid brother. I decided to enlist."

Hearing Riece impossible remarks, words that Riggs never thought he would hear them being uttered by his sister made his eyes dilates in a new kind of level. It was as if time stops itself and though he heard her wrong.

"You -- what?"

"Haha, not now silly. I am planning to be a military field doctor." Riece explicated as simply as she could, yet, her explanation only made the confused Riggs more appalled. Smiling subtly, she raised her brows and pulled her shoulders upward indicating that what she said is it is what it is.

"Wha -- why?! Are you serious? They will razor your hair off!" Asking and lying at the same time, part of Riggs doesn't want to approve on his sister's announcement. After experiencing the hardship he had to face, he was concerned that Riece might not make it. Despite knowing that she's a strong girl, alas, why does she wanted to be a military doctor instead of working into a nice hospital?

"Because I can, duh?" Riece rolled her eyes by the hypocrisy of her brother. Why does he sound so opposed? Shouldn't he be happy for me? Nevertheless, Riece already thought about it long and hard-- even before Riggs went home.

"Is that your final decision?" Out of the blue, Rex who only talk if necessary chimed in which slightly made the Wood's sibling flinched. For a moment, they actually forgot that Rex was still there as he doesn't even speak.

"IT. IS." Riece responded filled with resolve. Seeing the unbending determination beneath her eyes, Riggs could only sigh heavily. 


With that matter being dealt out, the three of them continued to talked or rather, answering Riece' enthusiastic question which made Riggs forget his opposition as he boast his merits as a reserve. Also, Riece and Rex turned marginally familiar with each other.


Six years later, Riggs at 26 was promoted to a Country Y's army Captain. His achievement at a young age for acquiring such position with his short service after succeeding and actually made a heroic act on their last mission taking down a dangerous terrorist group.

Rex on the other hand merited a position much higher than anyone could think off with his young age. Due to his impeccable skills in every aspect, he became the second in history of country y to be the youngest major general.

If it weren't for their last mission, speculations and unnecessary disapproval of the huge leap Rex took in the ranks would be suspicious as he basically came from a political and military family. Alas, his skills, especially his strategic planning was top-notch that no one dare to question that he gained his position through connection.

Even so, Riggs only considered this as another loss in the continuous competition he had with Rex. After all, among everyone, Riggs knew Rex capabilities and believed that he deserved his position through his skills and hard work. Also, he was satisfied being a Captain too soon; that alone, Riggs was satisfied. At the least, he wasn't stuck being a first lieutenant.

"What are you? Ladies?! I don't see anyone wearing skirt!" Riggs shouted referring to the slacker of the soldiers under him. Though every soldier were well-trained, in his eyes, it's not enough and they must move with a purpose. As he personally accompany the active duty soldiers in their drill, a familiar voice made everyone halt with their training and offered a salute.

"Captain Woods." Rex greeted as he arrived on the training grounds where Riggs was inspecting. Seeing his comrade, Riggs saluted to Rex direction showing his respect towards the major general. 

Gesturing that he received his salute, Rex nodded which made Riggs let down his hand. "At ease. A group of medical staff will be assisting us on the next mission." He informed. Seeing that Riggs understood, he resumed. "Riece as well."

Hearing his sister's name, part of Riggs was glad and worried at the same time. Through the course of six years, he only saw his sister a few times as he devoted himself into training and improving.

"Understood, General Clark." Riggs sternly responded. Rex slightly nodded and permitted them to resume in their respective drill. 

For some reason, Riggs slightly felt distant with the huge difference in rank. Though Rex knew that Riggs was only acting out accordingly, he somewhat missed those days when both of them were one of those soldiers doing the drill. Alas, six years had passed and changed and he could only treasure those moments with his sworn brother.


As expected that day, a new group of medical staff arrived at midday. They were received by the respective officer but since Rex knew Riece and could say that they were pretty close or rather less distant than his own siblings, he came to check the situation.

Due to his rose in fame, everyone even the new recruited medical soldiers knew Rex the very instant they saw him. His divine exquisite profile was something to die for and his aura emanates a very domineering one; not to mention Rex in uniform was a treat to the ladies eyes.

However, since even medics were trained before they were deployed, females hadn't much changed on the surface as they kept their salute to the Major General.

As always, Rex accepted their salute and getured the person in-charge to continue. He scrutinizing each of the stoic faces of the medical soldiers, Rex for a moment slowly blinked his eyes when his gaze landed on a certain someone; it was none other than Riece.

She had grown into a beautiful lady with her short hair made her look more m_a_t_u_r_ed than ever which made him think that if she was wearing a doctors lab coat inside a huge hospital rather than being in the army, it would probably suit her best. Though he doesn't have a say in it, he couldn't help but compare seeing Riece again. 

Quickly observing Riece posture, Riggs was impressed. The Riece he knew was a stubborn lady with a sharp tongue and seemed that she won't take orders, especially from her brother. The very reason why Riggs teased her and of course got a beating afterwards. But now, from his professional perspective, Riece became a diligent soldier which somehow made him proud.

'Riggs must be proud as well.' He thought inwardly before silently left with the soldiers saluting as he goes.


"Aw aw aw, what the --" Riggs rubbed his waist. Apparently, when he came to visit his sister in the infirmary, he was welcomed by her sister by harshly pinching his back. Despite his thick uniform, Riggs wasn't surprised that his sister's prowess didn't decline. Instead, her strength multiplied with all the training she had gone through before being deployed.

"Hey, don't forget I'm not your brother here, I'm Captain Wood. Are you a broken barney style?" Riggs whispered afraid that someone might hear them. Fortunately, there wasn't a person inside hence, Riece could act as carelessly as possible. Alas, there is a limitation with their seemingly bitter sweet interaction.

"I am conducting a check-up, Captain Woods." Feigning innocence, Riece smoothly explicate which both of them knew was a lie. Riggs who couldn't handle his sister's shamelessness caused his face to distort. If it's other person, he'll gladly bully them as he was in fact a legal bully.

"This lady… no doubt Rex never looks at you." out of nowhere, Riggs dissed which stunned her sister to the core. Did she heard him right? What the hell is his brother's thinking to say such nonsense? Did he knew all along?

"Ca -- Captain Wood,"

"Huh, you think I don't know?" Seeing her sister stuttering, Riggs smirked and teased his sister. He missed this kind of teasing after all the bullying he had done to his servicemen. It a fresh relief to tease his cute sister. However, despite that she was rank lower of her brother, Riece hand was to blame to as she hit her brother just like before.

"What the --"

"Gear adrift, is a gift." Riece instantly uttered. Referring to the military quote 'it's your own fault if you left something unattended and it went missing.' meaning, it was Riggs fault that he was hit by her.

Riggs who was too bewildered by the sassiness of his sister was rendered speechless. He was a respected captain for f*ck sake! Did she also sharpened her tongue along her training? Fortunately, Riggs was couldn't lay a finger on his sister which is also the reason why she 'push him around' whenever she feels like it.

As the both of them banter just like the good old days, a sudden call form the outside ceased their bickering before a serviceman entered the infirmary and saluted in front of Captain Riggs.

"Captain Woods, Private Jones reports."

Riggs: "At ease."

"Major General Clark asked for Captain Woods 15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior."

"Dismissed." Riggs nodded solemnly as he dismissed the person came to relay a message from Rex. If he was being abruptly summoned, it only means that they will be on the move. Turning his head back to Riece, Riggs thrust his chin forward, "Important person, me. Behave." he lastly teased before going leaving in leisure. Seeing the change of his brother's expression, Riece saluted as his brother goes.


"Morcos is on the move." Rex explicate as a map was laid on the table. Currently, a few important individuals including Riggs were present and finally after months of surveillance, they received news about their Target being sighted. 

Furthermore, from their informants, it was said that a territory of war sparked between their main target and other dangerous felons that were titled as kings of country SR. Hence, taking advantage of the situation, Rex summoned all the core members and presented the plan he has his mind.

Since the whole plan made with complete discretion and consideration, everyone didn't opposed as they absorbed the whole point of this mission. After all, if they take down this certain person, they would retake the peace and order in country SR and terrorist such as them would have less morale if their leader and the current backbone of their group would be taken down.

"If no one object, we better get moving at 11 0300 Jan 16." Rex announced and resumed with all the details needed including accompanying medical staff and such.


Since the operation required the best of the best soldiers, Captain Riggs Woods at that time was tasked to lead the mission as per Rex instruction. This could be considered an honor to him as Riggs would willingly fight for the innocent. Despite every servicemen has the same vision, Riggs held the utmost capabilities and will which lead him to be the Captain at 25 years old.

Moreover, Rex could only entrust this mission to Riggs on the frontline as he was restricted to go on the battlefield. The day had come and Riggs platoon arrived at a certain desolate mountain. Of course, aside from the combat soldiers, few medical staff was also with them.

Walking in complete discretion with their rifles upfront -- ready to fire if spotted an enemy, the soldier signalled, "All clear!" which eased the standby men outside the lonesome hut. Since the hut was thoroughly checked, everyone entered the said shelter as it will be used as the infirmary.

It was the best location for the medics to settle as it was a mile away from their target. As they enter the hut, the military medical staff started working on their equipment and set them all up. Riggs went to his sister and as he did, Riece stood in a military manner as she sees her brother coming her way.

In a whisper, Riggs uttered, "You alright?" Surely, he requested to the Major General that Riece must be leave behind at their base which Rex approved. However, for some odd reason, she was tasked to come to the mission to assist them if needed. Hence, Riggs before they depart came to Rex for questioning. To his surprise, their was an abrupt changed in the medical staff and he doesn't have a choice but to deploy Riece as well.

Though it may sound selfish, especially with their line of duty, Rex assured his trusted friend and respected subordinate that he would add more servicemen to secure the temporary infirmary which somewhat didn't appeased Riggs. However, no matter how disappointed Riggs was, he could not oppose the decision with his rational thought process.

"Yes, Captain Woods." Unlike how she acted several days ago when she arrived at the base, Riece conducted herself with dignity. After all, they were on a mission and giving attitude to her brother would put him in a conflicted position if other subordinates witnessed that a lower ranking soldier could disrespect their captain -- despite them being siblings.

Scrutinizing the unbending resolute of his sister, Riggs cleared his throat as he nods before turning his attention back to the other soldiers that monitored the camp of the said terrorist group. 

"How was it?" One soldier solemnly instigated. One of the soldier glanced at the man before responding; "Hell. They were doing a mass execution."

Hearing the response of his informants, Riggs jaw clenched as his grip on his rifle's handle that was clung to him slightly tightened. Indeed, these people were doing gruesome deeds and always films it to flaunt it to the world. Their actions sparked many other terrorist groups from around the world and caused a huge chaos in the past.

Riggs had seen enough; women and children being killed for no reason, men being beheaded if they oppose, and so much more. However, now that Riggs was into it, he will make sure to get their leader's head and bring the peace in that damn country.


[Time: 0300]

Camouflaging as they crawl their way on the lengthy wild grass while others position on the tree -- Riggs group surrounded the whole mini village where the terrorist resides. Since the terrorist hideout was compromised a few years back, they were left with no choice but to hide in the mountains where there's no source of light aside from their torches and a huge bonfire.

Seeing the unaware situation of the patrolling enemies, Riggs signaled to the soldiers near him which they passed to the others. Receiving the 'advance' signal, everyone stealthily crawled forward.

However, as they neared the said location, a loud gunshot was heard which alarmed both parties. Not a millisecond late after the loud gunshot, a harsh shout was heard, "Enemy attack!"

With that said note, all soldiers knew that they were found out and swiftly held their guns to openfire. "Attack!" Riggs shouted as he got a hold of his ripple and advance -- shooting the nearest terrorist on his vicinity.

Soon, loud gun shootings and cries from both parties resonated across the whole desolate mountain. Even so, no one from both end doesn't have any intention to back down as they reload and kept on pulling their guns triggers without any reserved. Bodies piled up and thick liquid as crimson as ruby tainted the ground -- turning the brown muddy ground into a maroon.

"motherf*cker!" Riggs cussed as he shot a terrorist head that was short of ammo. As he shot the man down, a piercing bullet came rushing to him -- grazing his uniform followed by more bullets. Hence, Riggs dashed in a crouching position to the terrorist he just shot and pulled him up using his lifeless body into a shield.

He slid his rifle's muzzled in between the corpse arm and waist and fires back. Thanks to his years of training, in every three bullets he fire, one would get shot. He was akin to a beast as he move forward with a dead human as his shield in a fast pace. To his enemies perspective, they subconsciously admit that facing this monstrous soldier, they felt fear which made their aim more inaccurate. Also, it was the emotion they felt before their world blacked out.

Hours had gone by and the shooting got less and less. Other huts were set ablaze due to the intense fiery gun battle and others threw torches to perspective huts to secure that no one was hiding inside. Of course, despite that the fifty elite soldiers that were deployed on the mission, they received casualty; deducing them from fifty to approximately thirty soldiers. 

On the other hand, the terrorist received a huge blow and almost all of them were annihilated. Others attempted to scurry away alas, since their were supporting soldiers on a snip not far away from the blood bath, shoot the escaping terrorist down.

Dragging the head of the filthy terrorist on the open field where other captured kneeling members were being held at gunpoint, Riggs roughly pushed the infamous Morcos; the mastermind of brainwashing every young ones that joined his propaganda.

Without further ado, Riggs who's eyes were as sharp as a dagger raised his rifle and opened fire to Morcos leg.

"Ahhhh!" Morcos screamed and winced by the harsh bullet penetrating his flesh. However, Riggs wasn't done yet as he launch another paramount kick; one after another. No one stopped him -- no one dared. After all, Morcos killed more innocent people no one could imagine hence, the beating he was receiving from the Captain isn't sufficient to quench the sorrow of all those lives that were cut short. 

"Where are your other followers?" Pulling Morcos by the collar, Riggs roared. Given that they captured all the terrorist alive and others were killed, he knew that the numbers were rather short. Hence, without jumping to other conclusion, Riggs instigated.

Alas, despite the beating he received, the side of Morcos lips slightly curled upward and displayed a provoking smirk. Just then, a rushing soldier came in and abruptly saluting towards the Captain.

"Captain, `a report came in, the hut is under attack." 

For a brief moment after the report was stated, Riggs time slowed down and his heart pounded more unsettling than when he was facing the enemies guns. He slowly turned his head back to Morcos lying figure and spotted the glint that flashed across the said terrorist eyes.


"Send reinforcement, now!" Riggs ordered sending his other men which was passed to the other support soldiers that were covering them from the distant earlier. As the order was delivered, no one waste a second and immediately hitch on their mobile heading to where the medics and other of their injured comrades hide.

"Son of a b*tch!" Riggs growled louder than he ever spatted before and stomped his way towards Morcos. Grabbing him by the collar again, Riggs launched an unreserved punch causing Morcos to lose a tooth or two.

He punched him harder and faster until Riggs lost count. Though his first instinct was to go over himself, alas, if he leave this place that instant, he was certain that other followers of Morcos would ransack and retake the whole damn place.

Therefore, despite his own will, Riggs entrust his sister to his comrades and Riece smart head. He must trust them as their Captain and the older brother of Riece.


[Riece side]

As usual, the injured soldiers were sent to where the military medics place. With every soldier that comes in, Riece anxiety rose but also somewhat relieved that her brother wasn't among them. Thus, she along with her team executed to salvage the injured soldiers.

As expected, they received a huge blow as others were shot with their vitals. Fortunately, their location was safe and they could perform immediate surgeries to their comrades. However, as everyone inside the hut occupied themselves with each patient, a continuous gun shooting was heard from the outside.

"Enemy attack!" All Riece heard from the outside was the loud shout indicating that enemies reached their location. Despite that, Riece's first thought was her brother.

'Riggs!' In her perspective, if the enemy managed to bypass their main hide, does that mean his brother…'no, it can't be right?' she doesn't want to think about it. She won't ever think about that her brother was now draining out of life from a mile away.

Just like the drill, they secured the hut and sometimes, a bullet would go through the small temporary infirmary. Riece together with the other soldiers assisted their comrades down and safeguard them as much as possible. Since they had gone through a harsh training, even the medics of course knew how to handle guns and fight as an individual. 

"Use the back door for escape, we'll hold them here for the time being!" A soldier came in and commanded for the rest to retreat. After all, they got the order to protect these valuable individuals from the Major General and the Captain entrusted them to secure them. Hence, as a soldier with rational thoughts, they must execute their orders. Moreover, they knew that reinforcements were coming; they just have to hold out a bit longer before they arrive.

Not wasting a second, they executed the order and dragged the injured to the back door of the hut in a hurry without looking back. They move in quick succession as they drag soldiers that weren't gravely injured and left the ones with the others to protect.

Riece's group encountered few terrorists on the way which were shot killed by her comrades and continued their retreat. As far away as they could, Riece glanced back at the hut from the distance away and a loud explosion was heard causing the retreating team to dock.

Currently, a part of the outside of the hut exploded probably an assault from her comrades. Gritting her teeth as hard as she could, they continue to retreat and find a place to hide. However, by the next second, the hut they used earlier exploded as well with other's flying along with it.

Every second that passed, their adrenaline rush heightened and rushed towards the nearest place they could hide. Riece on the other hand knew that the enemy will soon reached them and was afraid that everyone would be killed before the reinforcement could arrive. Hence, coming up to a decision, Riece volunteered,

"Sir, I'll lead them this way, please continue." 

"No, we'll split." The commanding officer of course rejected. After all, even if Riece could sacrifice herself, that doesn't mean that they won't come at them more. With the dire situation, everyone agreed and with that, the small group split into two groups -- going east while the other team on the west with the hope that their back up would come before it's too late.

Soon, Riece team arrived a small empty bunker where they decided to hide. Obviously, as they made they way on their location now, they encountered a few terrorists around the area which they mercilessly shot down. This is the battlefield; the first one to shoot would be the victor hence, for their survival, they pulled the trigger without batting an eye.

Grabbing their telecommunication device, Riece was the one among everyone that was left uninjured. Hence, after doing first aid to her comrades, Riece examined surrounding and reported their location.

"Private Woods, you alright?" A soldier that was shot in the leg and was dragged along with them inquired.

"Yes, Sir Thomas." Gasping for air, Riece heedlessly uttered. She was out of breath but she could not rest as the other medical staff tend to the others care. After minutes of rest, since Thomas was now the one leading the group, he commanded,

"Continue to retreat. We can't stop moving. The uninjured ones leave the gravely injured ones." knowing that they were still unsafe, he could not rest and have more casualties. After all, other of his comrades and him as well were good as dead. Thus, sacrificing for the lives of their comrade is the best option.

"No, Sergeant."

"What?! Private Woods!" Sergeant Woods bellowed by the insubordination of Riece.

"We can't leave you all behind. We had a duty to keep everyone alive even with a one percent chance of survival." Riece affirmed stating her unbending resolution to save the small team. She was certain that the other team was in a dilemma as well but, she couldn't stomach leaving her comrades behind for her survival.

She had seen the other brave soldiers sacrifice themselves for them hence, she doesn't want to make their deaths in vain for another few casualties. "Bring them all along with you, I'll hold them all here."

For a moment, everyone including sergeant Thomas was stunned by the determined aura of the female soldier. However, they instantly disagree on her suggestion. "Private Woods! Do you know the consequences of your insubordination?!"

"I know Sergeant." Riece flatly responded. She resumed, "alas, as a doctor and a soldier, you have the utmost importance of the team. Moreover, I know the Major General and the Captain would arrive before I lose my life." She affirmed with a subtle smile on her face.

No matter how displeased her comrades, Riece managed them to agree with her. Seeing that her comrades were a distant away from her, Riece heaved a sigh of relief. She was currently alone. Of course, fear was slowly creeping out on her but she couldn't be overwhelmed by the foreboding feeling. She peeked at the situation outside and soon, a few enemies came into sight. 

Seeing that several terrorist raised their rifles towards the unreliable small house she hides, Riece took refuge. By the next second, her location was showered with fierce bullets. It only took a few second before the firing guns halted and the terrorists came to check if anyone inside was alive.

Riece stealthy peeked through a hole and seeing that she had several enemies coming to where she hides, she breathes heavily. Alas, a figure was caught on the corner of her eyes as the man among the other terrorist was also a core and second in command under Morcos. She had seen all the other photos of the important core members of the terrorist group and aside from Morcos as the head, there is also a man that they should capture, dead or alive; it was Farid.

Closing her eyes, Riece hastily reached for the telecommunication device and phone the person she could relay her message.

"General, I am being surrounded." The first words that cem out of her mouth was her current situation before saying her coordinates where she was.

"Private Riece, retreat at once!" Rex who's at the military base and was receiving all the reports agitatedly commanded, "Reinforcement were on the way."

"No, General… they would escape. I heard their also had a camp at the other border in the south, other core members of this terrorist groups were probably there and was retreating…. I will bomb the place."

Her last remarks were akin to a bomb that almost deafened Rex in disbelief. Though the information given by Riece was relevant, Rex jaw tightened as he couldn't let Riece die. 

For some suspicious reason, their operations was compromised and seemed that the enemy anticipated their attack. Hence, Rex suspicion rose that someone betrayed them. However, right now is not the time to dwell on it as Riece, his best friend's sister was about to go kamikazee.

"Status about the reinforcement?! Where the hell is Captain Woods?!" Rex shouted to the other soldiers around him. For the first time, his emotion overwhelmed him making him lose his cool.

"General, Farid is also here." 

"No, no, no! Riece, listen to me, if you get the hell out of there now, you will make it. Back up are on its way." Rex who disregarded his position attempted to talk things out with her. Although everyone's opinion silently sided with Riece judgment as the best option alas, Rex seemed he won't allow it to happen which is of course a very unethical thing for a man with his position to do.

"General, I like you." Resolute about her ending, Riece confessed despite Rex disagreement about her decision. She wanted to say more of her feelings towards the man that captured her heart six years ago. She wanted to tell him that her heart flutter whenever he's around and sometimes d_e_s_i_r_ed to be by his side. Tons of words attempted to rushed all out from her mouth but only these words are the only thing she could utter.

Indeed, she might probably love Rex from afar. She was touched by his caring and kind nature. His action and words towards her brother and his genuine friendship until the end.To her eyes, Rex was disregarding his position as the general for the sake of Riggs and her. However, Riece was not regretful at all. 

'This must be the feelings that Dad felt.' she thought reminding about her father's heroic act decades ago. 'It probably in the blood, brother.'

Peeking through the small hole, Riece saw that Farid was neared her standpoint and launching a grenade would surely catch her and all the enemies as well; including Farid.

"Riece! Get out of there! That's an order!" Rex on the other end was hysterically shouting -- trying to change her mind but to no avail, Riece wasn't listening and spoke her last words.

"General, will you relay my message to Captain Woods? It's been an honor working with him. Also please tell my brother that… huh, he's the dumbest person on earth." She uttered with a subtle smile on her face. Though it may sound odd but to her, she wanted to tease her brother for the last time.

After Riece spoke her words, she pulled the pin of the grenade and threw it to where her enemy was standing before blowing her cover and started rattling her rifle -- luckily shot her target Farid.


Rex knees wobbled and lost its strength. His hand trembled when the line was cut off with a loud explosion.


That very night, Country Y's military troops brought home the bacon by capturing every terrorist member including the head mastermind, Morcos and the most important ones from the information Riece relayed.

It was a great victory for the whole Country Y and Country SR for regaining their freedom from those fearless executioners that killed hundreds or rather thousands of civilians through the years.

Alas, while the whole country rejoice, one man grieved. Though he was the one who leads the troops and he must be congratulated for his achievement, soldiers and other subordinates sympathized for his loss.

He merited greatly as a soldier but loss and failed as a brother. Riggs who a second late, witness the place where her sister hid explode before his eyes. 


As the ceremony to commemorate the fallen soldiers for their sacrifice, Riggs honorably marched his sister and all the fallen soldiers to their grave. Cries from the soldiers family resonate across the ceremony but Riggs didn't drop a tear.

Facing the newly buried dismembered body part of her sister, Riggs stood without uttering a word. Alas, no matter how cold and unmoved he looked on the surface, he was slowly dying inside. He failed. He didn't went home as the victor but a loser.

"Captain Woods." from behind him, Rex voice reached him but Riggs didn't turned his attention to the General as if he didn't hear him. Understanding his action, Rex didn't mind. Soon, silenced dawned on their surrounding as neither of them utter a word.

Rex finally broke the stifling silence as he slid a recorder from his pocket, "This is for you." Hearing that Rex got something for him, Riggs finally turned his attention to him. Seeing a small recorder, Riggs knew what it was and its purpose. Hence, he reached out to receive it.

"Thank you, General Clark."

Rex nodded in understanding before he wordlessly left and gave him some private time. Though Rex was filled with regret, he knew it was comparable to the pain Riggs has now.

When Rex left, Riggs looked on his hand and contemplated what to do with it. Without a word, he pressed the play button and listened to the last conversation between Riece and Rex. After all the desperate attempts of Rex to convince Riece to retreat, she was still as stubborn as hell which didn't surprise Riggs. It was his sister after all.

"... General, will you relay my message to Captain Woods? It's been an honor working with him. Also please tell my brother that… huh, he's the dumbest person on earth."

Hearing her last words, the corner of Riggs lips curled into a bitter smile as side of his eyes form a drop of tear. He saluted to her tomb as he says; "Major Riecelyn Woods, it's an honor working with you too… Your brother told me that, you're a heartless witch as ever."


Months had passed after Riece death and Riggs was granted for several months of leave. With the course of months, Riggs didn't forget the heroic sacrifice of his sister. However, with that time, he could not shrugged the fact that, that last mission was rather suspicious.

In his perspective, there was something amissed that tugging his instinct. At first, he thought he was just being corrupted and looked for someone to blame aside from himself. Alas, as he thought about it more, his suspicions grew bigger and bigger.

Hence, with his time leave, he decided to investigate the matter from the outside. After all, he already gathered some hints from the inside of their base and thought that he must broaden his horizon to look at the matter alone.

He started investigating from all the involved officers and the people having the knowledge of the operation including all the untouchable higher ups.

If one saw Riggs as the months passed and his beard grew longer, they might have perceived him as a person who was being delusional. His house had tons of pictures and information pinned on the walls regarding the mission where he lost his sister.

Indeed, he lost his mind. Alas, what makes him so is not the death of her sister but the cause of it. Investigating through all these months, several revelations has been unveiled and question of suspicion rose from his mind.

First, the time when the reinforcement arrived. If he was correct, they should have arrived minutes after the attack on the hut where Riece and the others settled, alas, they came later than expected.

Second, how did no one talked about the whole geography of the whole mountain that the terrorists has more camps aside from the location they ambushed? Though he already questioned that before the operation, other higher ups seemed they were certain about that fact?

And third, why did the other high ranking officials to let Rex stay at the base far away from the location despite him, requesting to join the mission. And so many more questions just like that.

Looking at the messy wall that was filled with pinned information, Riggs pulled a photo of an old military veteran and flicked it by his other finger.

"You should know the answer… General Clark."


That late night, Riggs infiltrated the Clark's mansion. Yes, it was the residence of Rex grandfather. Wearing an all black gear, Riggs stealthily made way towards the study of General Allen Clark. 

Fortunately, he wasn't caught yet as he reached the door of the study. Just then, as he arrived at the door, Riggs ceased as he overheard the loud laughter of an old man.

"Haha! Senator, I must thank you for giving us, Clark's, your support."

Riggs couldn't hear another man's voice and so he concluded that the old man Clark was on the phone.

"Abou that Captain, hmm. It is indeed a shame that his sister died instead of him. Such troublesome fellow." Hearing this statement, Riggs heart pounded and his blood slowly then eventually boiled from anger.

Did he heard him correct? This old man was the real perpetrator of this conspiracy? He knew that something was amiss but Riggs wasn't a hundred percent sure about it. Even though he decided to question him, Riggs was still hesitant on his approach.

However, who would have thought that before he could even do his agenda, he already got them. The c_o_c_kiness of the old man's voice made Riggs clenched his hand. He wanted to intrude right at the moment but thinking about the reason why, Riggs held back.

Disregarding his motto about justice, Riggs knew that it would be impossible for this man to put into prison. After all, the Clark were a powerful family. Their connection and influence on the government was too strong that for a small fry like him trying to rise in the rank, he won't get the justice like he wanted.

Hence, he must seek his sister's murderer and the country's traitor into his own hands.


An hour had passed since Riggs infiltrated Allen Clark's mansion. He waited until the phone call ended and for the veteran soldier to go to sleep.

Since the residence was too huge that the servants quarters were living in a separate bungalow not far away but within the whole lot of the Clarks.

When the oldman Clark laid on his bed, Riggs who's hiding from the shadow pointed his gun on his head. Hearing the light c_o_c_king sound of a pistol and the muzzled pressing on his forehead, Allen Clark eyes abruptly opened.


"Wh- who are you?!" Stuttering, Allen Clark questioned as he doesn't know the man hiding behind his beard.

"Why did you want to kill me?" without a change in his emotion, Riggs added. Alas, Allen Clark had a lump stuck on his throat not knowing what to respond. Seeing his stupid expression, Riggs scoff and took of his cap.

"What? You have too many names on your his list that you can't answer me?"

When Riggs revealed his face, though he still has his beard, Allen Clark eyes dilated as he recognized him in an instant having a clear look at him.

"Captain Woods? What, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?!"

"Answer me. My patience is running thin."

"I don't! Why would I want to kill a respectable military captain?" Allen Clark denied without batting an eye.

"Is it because you're afraid I will snatch the spotlight from your baby grandson? Huh, what a dummy." 

"Ha! Captain Woods, you are not worthy to compare yourself with my grandson!" When Rex was involved, Riggs was mildly surprised by how the old man growled back. If he was much younger, he would probably attack him that very instant.

"You are such a bad liar with that scheming nature of yours. Now I questioned if Rex did got his position through his hard work or because of you. Nevertheless, your grandson must be disappointed for meddling with his business, goner." After his last remarks, Riggs emotionlessly pulled the trigger and shot Allen Clark's head -- causing his brain juices to splashed on his pillow and soon blood traveled across the bed.


It's the very first time Riggs murdered a civilian. However, he didn't regret it. On the contrary, his burden slightly lightened killing the person that lead her sister to death.

After that incident, news regarding the death of a veteran named Allen Clark were all over the news. Of course, with the technology of the mansion, Riggs photo was caught albeit blurry.

Despite that, Riggs couldn't care less anymore. He knew that the moment he pull the trigger, he could not return to being a soldier. After that night, his views towards the government, a side of the world that uphold the justice of the innocent gradually changed.

From his realization, it's not about whether he become a soldier or a felon -- both sides are infiltrated with corruption. Hence, Riggs decided to live on his own, with the way he likes it.

Eventually, having his face as one of the most wanted criminals, Riggs ended up on the run from the authorities. Yet, he never felt more free being a seasonal hit man after his sister's death. Indeed, Riece was correct. Riggs is the dumbest person she ever knew.

It's been a year when Riggs was regarded as a soldier turned criminal. Currently, he was gambling all the money he earned for taking down a gang boss on the S City, Country D. If anything aside from being a criminal, Riggs became infamous about his gambling habits and his winning luck.

He always wins most of the days and deliberately lose them all the next day. Hence, his playmates liked him as they knew their money will return to them the next day. Alas, one fateful day, an unknown fatty joined his table and played poker with him.

Since Riggs was on the mood to collect his pokermates money again, he didn't mind a new face to play with him as he was certain that he will go home as a victor. After a few rounds, Riggs c_o_c_ky expression turned more and more serious as he was on the lose streak and yet, a certain fatty was emotionless and seemed unsatisfied at all.

"How boring, just when I thought the infamous Riggs would quell this foreboding underscore boredom dot com." Seraphina disguised as Luciano unenthusiastically uttered and unfold her card; winning another round again.

"You-!" Riggs hand balled into a fist by the arrogant remarks from the fatty. Alas, his words were interrupted as Seraphina added,

"But it's better than others. You do still have money? I can lend you some and pay me later if you win… IF." smirking, Seraphina challenged nonchalantly. Of course, Riggs buried the word 'shame' six feet under the ground as he instantly agreed knowing that he would win. After all, he doesn't have savings and only leave a few hundred bucks on his pocket before deliberately donating his millions to his gamblingmates.

Alas, just like what happened earlier, Riggs lost and now's indebted to a certain someone.

"You're cheating, aren't you?" Riggs jolted from his seat and pointed his index finger towards the Seraphina.

"Huh, how insulting." Seraphina clicked her tongue as she shook her head in disbelief. However, unlike her displease words, her face depicted otherwise.

"Ey ey, calm down." A spectator tried to handle the matter seeing the atmosphere heated up and knowing their regular, he was afraid that the place would turn upside down. The other players on the other hand breathed less trying to lessen their presence as they sneakily stood on the side and leave the premises before things get ugly.

"Insulting?! It is intended to be that way. Admit now or else!"

"Else what? Kill me? Dismember me? Skin me alive?"

"Wh- what nonsense! I'll beat you up, goddammit! Don't exaggerate." Riggs responded. Hearing his reply, Seraphina cracked up and laughed out loud. She didn't expect that coming from him as she heard more threats she could ever hear in her life. However, who would make threats using beating someone up if not a kid? Hence, Seraphina's view on this infamous criminal rose to five percent.

Riggs on the other hand watched the laughing fattie like he was watching a merry pig in disdain.It was evident across his face his disgust towards the nonchalant. After her good laugh, Seraphina wiped the tear on the corners of her eyes from laughing too hard.

"Phew, that was hilarious. I didn't expect that from the former Country Y's Captain Woods.

When Riggs heard her statement, he lightly stepped back and his hostility heightened. No one there knew his real identity or his past. He was only known as Riggs -- nothing more nothing less.

"Who are you?" Reaching out for his gun that was clipped on his back, Riggs inquired with a clear vigilance.

"I am Luciano; head of Luciano famiglia. You know that mafia family? I am their godfather." As absurd as it may sound, Riggs was dumbfounded how the fatty reveal his identity just like that. Of course he knew all the big families in the underworld and avoided to cause trouble with them as he already had the government coming after him.

"Scram!" Riggs shouted as he reached for his gun and pointed at Seraphina. Alas, Seraphina was unbothered with that boring look on her face despite the gun aiming at her direction.

"That's impossible." Seraphina mumbled as she scrutinize the odd expression plastered across Riggs face which halted Riggs from pulling the trigger.

"What impossible?"

"You. You really don't know Luciano famiglia? Didn't you see the classified information while you're on duty?" Seraphina rubbed her synthetic fat on her chin as she contemplated the problem with Riggs small mind. Coming to a conclusion, Seraphina nodded as she slowly blinked as if she understood the matter.

"I see. I'm not as fat as before so you don't recognize me."

Hearing her conclusion, Riggs almost choked on his own saliva. He didn't know if the person whether to laugh or get mad at him as he thought that this con needed more practice to pretend to be a mafia boss.

"Just a piece of advice, if you're conning someone, use a better disguise; it might get you killed." Riggs shook his head with his handgun still pointing at Seraphina. Given that the fatty was probably a con-artist, alas, he couldn't shrugged the fact that Seraphina knew his identity. Regardless of any reason on how she obtain such information, Riggs must silence her.

However, before he could pull the trigger, a cold, skin piercing metal was placed on his neck from behind. For a moment, Riggs froze as he didn't sensed the other person's presence approaching him. 'Is he here the whole damn time?' he thought inwardly as he shot daggers on the calm fatty who was leisurely sitting on the chair that was crying from its weight.

"What do you want?!"

"Aiya~ I don't want anything actually but since you have a debt, why not work for me as a payment? Oh oh, rest assured that after you paid everything, you're free to go. You have my word."

After that fateful encounter, the rest was history.


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