Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 337 - Bath next to her

After Tito's statement, everyone earnestly focused on their task and the information they needed before they decided to leave the control room to execute their own respective orders.

"And, viola~!" Dragon pressed the enter button then leaned back after doing so. Seraphina and X, on the other hand, was unbothered when Dragon stopped working.

Dragon placed his left elbow on the desk and cupped his cheek by his palm as he turned his head on his right side where Seraphina sat.

"Relax, my dear. You can leave everything to your little hacker -- he could manage." He said with a grin. Yet, Seraphina treated his words as if it was the air that passed by her.

Receiving her usual cold treatment, Dragon shrugged as he slowly stood. By the next second, he pulled Seraphina chair. Fortunately, the chair has wheels which made it easier to do what he has done.

Seraphina's hands were still on the typing position as she was pulled away from the keyboards. Since she didn't heed Dragon no mind, she was caught off guard. Alas, before she could speak, Dragon interrupted her.

"Hey, Mr. Hacker, can you finish that in two hours?" Dragon inquired before he swiftly pulled Seraphina's arms which caused her to almost fly by his strength and landed on his shoulder like a sack of rice.

"What do you think you're doing?" Seraphina scorned and moved alas, Dragon locked both of her knees together by his arm. Hence, she couldn't retaliate get out of his clutches.

"Hmm?" Dragon hummed a tune towards X and ignored Seraphina's protest.

"An hour is enough," X replied without turning his head to his boss. After all, he was now in the deepest of his own little computer world as he took the old Luciano's moved as a threat. Moreover, he could not accept the fact that someone did touch his world -- it only meant war to him.

"Good, don't mind going crazy -- my devil's eyes got your back." Dragon affirmed as he began taking stride while carrying the protesting girl on his shoulder.

Upon hearing that, a vicious grin that was rarely seen on X's inexpressive front shown. Knowing that the unattainable devil's eyes were activated for him, X felt all the prowess he had with both Seraphina's god's eyes and Dragon's devil eyes on his back. Now, nothing would hold him back to vent his anger in the world of hacking.


Seraphina knew that no matter what she does, she can't escape from Dragon. Hence, she persisted on being stubborn and let him carry her like a sack.

Shortly after, they reached her room. Fortunately, her subordinates seemed they all left which made it easier for Dragon to carry her around -- especially that irksome Venus.

Just being reminded of that woman's audacity, Dragon could not help but feel displeased and annoyed by her around Seraphina.

When they entered her tidy and uncreative room, Dragon didn't stop or seemed he has the intention to let her go. 

"Where are you taking me?" Seraphina unenergetically questioned foreseeing that he won't bring her down any moment.

"Bathroom," He emotionlessly muttered before going to the specified direction.

Looking down on her, Dragon without further ado took off the jacket that Seraphina lend her showing his sculptured body.

"Huh," Seraphina scoffed seeing his daring action. Does he want to harass her? Sure, he could try but that would be the most reckless decision he'd do if ever. All in all, she was speechless and baffled at the same time.

"Tsk tsk, sorry dear…" Dragon leaned closer to her until his face was a few inches away from her. He whispered, 

"I can't trust you'd keep still," He then retracted his head from her with a sly smile on his thin red lips. Sprawling his arms to reach for the showerhead, he added,

"So, stay there while I freshen up." With that said note, he took the showerhead and abruptly slid the curtain as their partition.

Only the running shower could be heard inside the bathroom as Dragon did shower up with Seraphina inside. He wouldn't be this wary if Seraphina could rest for a day. Alas, god knows for the past one month that she didn't have enough sleep or rest!

He was monitoring her ever since Sebastian Yue's death but even though he knew that she was suffering, Dragon perceived that if she didn't get a hold of herself alone, then, there's no use for her to hear his grandpa's last words.

Moreover, he already oath to clear all misunderstandings between them hence, he cannot let her sabotage it by leaving without short notice.

"If only, you aren't what the way you are, there's no need for me to do this… sorry." Dragon broke the silence after some time. He might be a little shameless and was gone overboard alas, he was sick and tired about this unclear situation between them. Furthermore, her statements earlier… he has few conclusion of what it was; he just needed her confirmation.

"You don't have to do this… I won't go," Seraphina mumbled as she leaned and tilted her head back on the rim part of the tub.

"Unconvinced." Dragon affirmed. 


Minutes had gone by and the shower was finally turned off. Seraphina remained with her position and could hear the door opened,

"I'll be waiting outside, don't think about going anywhere -- also, I like it fresh." He warned in an amiable way and then change his tune in a mischievous tone as he teased her before the door was shut closed.

"Fool…" Seraphina mumbled but didn't get moving immediately. Yet, somehow, she finally felt how exhausted her body with the little amount of rest or sometimes, no sleep at all for the past month.

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