Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 338 - First encounter with Luciano

Seraphina soaked her body on the hot tub. She felt her overly exhausted muscles relaxed with every passing second.

She almost forgot when was the last time she had this kind of peace hence, it didn't take long for her heavy eyes to shut and indulged to a short nap.

[8 years ago]

"My, my, is this the trash that challenged me when I wasn't around?" A group of flashy and stylish girls blocked the 16 years old Seraphina the moment she stepped out of the school's restroom cubicle.

"Ah?" Seraphina harmlessly raised her brows seeing this unfamiliar cl_u_s_ter of fashionistas. Ridicule and disdain were evident on the faces of the cute girl that greeted her earlier and her lackeys.

"What huh? After seducing brother Ben and received support from him, you pretended not to know him and even humiliate him in the whole school! Shameless -- what can I expect from a low-class person like you?" Unlike the cute countenance of the girl, her words and personality were the typical unreasonable young miss from the top social ladder.

"Ben? Who that?" Seraphina's brows creased as she can't remember who's the guy she talking about. After all, she humiliated tons of guys who irked her and girls who think too highly of themselves.

"Senior Ben already explained everything to sister Ling Ling -- you don't have to lie anymore, you trash!" One of the lackeys of the cute girl named Ling Ling chimed in; fanning the flames and boosting Ling Ling's ego.

"Don't care, step aside." Seraphina was unaffected by the insult aiming towards her social standing as she tried to move forward alas, by the next second, she was pushed back inside the cubicle which caused her to land on the cover of the toilet seat. 

Fortunately, the lid of the bowl was closed or else, her b_u_t_t would surely land on the inside of the bowl.

"Sister Ling, this girl sure is a country bumpkin -- a loser."

"How can she say she doesn't care whoever sister Ling is just because she thought it won't reach her."

Ling Ling had a boastful smirk on the side of her lips as she gazed down on Seraphina's figure. She could see Seraphina's shoulder tremble as she hung her head low.

"No need for you to cry -- you won't gain any sympathy from me! This is just a warning, don't think I'll let you off that easily." Ling Ling threatened before she took her leave with a triumph smile plastered across her face. 

Her lackeys, on the other hand, scoffed and cast Seraphina a scornful glance before they followed their leader Ling Ling 

Shortly after, when the group of young teenagers left, Seraphina let out her laughter that she suppressed with great effort. So to speak, the reason why her shoulders trembled earlier was because she restrained herself from bursting out with laughter.

What made her laugh was because the face of the cute Ling Ling momentarily transformed into a cursed creature which what caught Seraphina off guard.

After some time, when Seraphina managed to keep herself together, her mood was brighter than before as if she wasn't bullied minutes ago.

"Well, now I have a good reason to skip class." Seraphina murmurs as she skipped her steps out of the restroom.

Hours had passed and Seraphina didn't notice the time that it was passed dinner already. Feeling her stomach grumbled, she decided to dine to her favorite small restaurant near the arcade place.

In her second year of high school, Seraphina was granted to have a small studio apartment from his grandfather; with the excuse of practicing independence.

Fortunately, Sebastian Yue was a very kind man that could never say no to her thus, Seraphina convinced him after pestering Sebastian Yue the whole school vacation before gaining his approval.

Therefore, Seraphina doesn't worry if she goes home late or not as she could always make up an excuse that she went to the national library to study.

After having her fill, Seraphina got a to-go food for her to eat if ever she gets hungry in the middle of the night. As she walked her way home, Seraphina ceased her steps hearing a loud, constant 'thud' sound from the side alley near the route to her home.

Scrutinizing their figures, Seraphina knew that they were the real deal. Alas, what baffled her was what are these people doing in there? It wasn't the first time she went home a little late but these streets were always quiet and safe.

Taking a step back, alas, just then, the group of gangsters turned their heads to her direction. Since their attention was caught by her, the man on the side moved which partially revealed another man who was beaten black and blue; and was bleeding a rainfall. 

Time seemed to slow down as her heartbeat raced faster. Before she could even think, her feet dragged her away from them.

"Get her!" The man who beat up the victim and seemed like the leader of these rouges shouted that reached Seraphina's ear.

She didn't think of going back to her lousy apartment as she was afraid that these men would know where she stays and her freedom might be compromised.

As Seraphina runs, she found a street with a nonfunctional street light thus, she turned to its way and entered another small alley.

Peeking through her pursuers, Seraphina was about to heave a sigh of relief when she saw them passed through her without being noticed, alas, a loud man's voice yelled in annoyance. The volume of his voice could be heard up to the next city which made Seraphina jumped from fright.

"How dare you disturbed my sleep!"

Probably, due to the turbulence caused by his shout, the nonfunctioning street lamp miraculously turned on -- revealing Seraphina and a seemingly homeless man with his long beard and dirty clothes.

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