"What?" Seraphina raised her brows as she innocently looked at the suspicious gaze from Dragon.

"Uh, where are you going?

"With you." Seraphina uttered as if what she was saying was what she usually says. Alas, god knows that Seraphina wasn't always like this! 

"What a turn off. " Seraphina shook her head before taking the lead to the kitchen. In her eyes, she just doesn't want to bother Dragon anymore. He'll be going back and forth from the kitchen to their underground base which was rather annoying in her opinion. Yet, Dragon seemed as if he was suspicious and a little puzzled by her abrupt decision.

Dragon parted his lips as he tries to utter a word, alas, just as he raised his hand with his index finger erect -- he forgot what he was about to say. Looking at her slender back, Dragon nodded as he bit his lower lip.

"Alright, this is normal -- nothing to l_u_s_t about." He heavily sighed as he tried not to twist her real intention and didn't take it in the wrong way. However, even though he restrained himself from thinking such thoughts, dragon could not help his mood but be boosted. His seething jealousy earlier slowly dissipated like it wasn't there in the first place.

"Wife, wait~!"


Seraphina awkwardly glanced at Dragon every minute as the man was sparkled than ever before. As she chewed down her food, Seraphina raised her head and directly stared at Dragon.


"Nothing, really -- it just that I was thinking of proposing again." Dragon shrugged the matter off and explained; with a very honest reasoning.

Scrutinizing his Mr. Lover persona, Seraphina pursed her lips which made her dimple briefly showed. She inhaled and heavily exhaled before she spoke,

"You know, whatever, the relationship between us right now…" She paused as she observed Dragon's unchangeable expression while he anticipates whatever she's gonna utter. She resumed, 

"...is not my priority."

"Uh huh," Dragon nodded in understanding as if he already knew about it which made her furrowed her brows.

"Yup." With a series of nods, Dragon agreed without batting an eye. 

Him, being like this didn't make Seraphina feel better but rather, it disturbed her to the core. He won't just abide as easy this if he wasn't cooking something behind her.

Squinting her eyes towards the smiling, innocent looking Dragon, Seraphina arched her brows as she halted all the reminder that had been urging to be spit out of her mouth.

"Is that all, wife? That's a rather short list, eh? Now, hear me as well." Dragon cleared his throat as he straightened his posture. Gazing back at Seraphina's pair of enticing jet black eyes, he smiled heartily and added.

"First of all, I understand that our engagement is not your priority but, that's YOUR opinion, not mine -- my wife always comes first to me, so you are my priority." Dragon shrugged as he briefly reasoned his side of the story. He resumed,

"Secondly, I just said I was, planning and might propose, but I'm not forcing you." This time, he grinned. Indeed, what he said were his utmost sincere utterances he could have said. He doesn't mind if Seraphina would reject him if he proposed again. It would actually shock him if Seraphina accepted him that instant.

Their relationship, their situation -- Dragon knew that very well. The fact that he succeeded invading her space and heart was already near mission impossible, alas, though the outcome was different and he was still there with her -- should he ask for more?

"Whatever." Cl_i_c_k_i_n_g her tongue, Seraphina shifted her attention back on her food as she could no longer bear to see Dragon's contagious countenance. Alas, part of her was relieved that somehow, Dragon partly understood what she meant.

"You know what wife, we should really go on a holiday." Dragon offered while his head nodded; agreeing on his own idea.

"I was thinking of what country is best to make babies. Oh -- I think my preparation was too advanced."

Seraphina: "..."

"I have tons of properties -- wife, will you say what kind of holiday getaway you prefer?" Pondering on the best places Dragon could take her, he was left conflicted as he had countless places in mind. It just that, he was unsure if Seraphina would enjoy them. After all, he doesn't want to mess things up since his relationship with Seraphina was slowly, like a baby steps but surely getting better.

Seraphina didn't respond immediately as she continued to consume her food. After a minute or two, she replied, "beach."

"Why is it that whatever you say seemed to have double meaning?" Dragon dissed hearing her short yet precise answer. It's not that he's complaining but he really thought this time that they have no gender roles or whatsoever in this relationship, because, Seraphina did fixed her position as the hubby!

"Is that so?"

"Aish! I can't believe that I am acting like the old you and you as the old me. Tsk tsk, I, in this marriage is doomed to be the housewife." Cl_i_c_k_i_n_g his tongue in annoyance, Dragon mumbled seeing that Seraphina was like him in the past.

"I can still hear you."

"Even if I won't say anything, you'll still heart my heart shouting your name, right?" Of course, Dragon found another opening to insert his cheesy lines which didn't affect Seraphina.

"I can't believe I literally became your male servant." Dragon sighed in frustration seeing that his beloved wife leave her plate on the table for him to clean up afterward.

Supporting his jaw by the back of his hand, he watched her retreating figure with another sigh. "Well, this is a much easier punishment… I guess."

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