Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 374 - What do you think about Liam?

"Hey, X sent something for you." Wren's voice went through Alexander Han's Bluetooth earpiece.

Alexander Han pressed a button on the treadmill, which caused it to slow down before it came to a full halt. Fixing his Bluetooth earphone, he responded.

"Yeah, I received it this morning." Alexander Han slightly panted as he reached for the bottle of water near the treadmill. He added,

"So, why are you interested in the Jin family especially, Liam?"

"Just because," Wren nonchalantly answered. Alexander Han could envision Wren's languid expression as he does so, alas, aside from Riggs' unfiltered personality, Alexander Han could somehow perceive Wren's other meaning.

"What do you want to know about him?" Gulping down a mouthful of water to salivate his slightly dry throat, Alexander Han asked.

"Well, what kind of person Liam Jin was -- you've been friends forever, right?"

Alexander Han's forehead creased as Wren's nearly unnoticeable change of tune. In his business mind perspective, he could discern Wren's interest in Liam Jin. 

"Liam is the kindest and the most understanding person I have ever met." 

"Is he?"

"Wren, what I'm saying is the truth. That's kind of man Liam is to me." With a firm tone, Alexander Han defended Liam Jin; his friend, that seemed to be the mister perfect guy. 

Unlike the family feud inside the Han Family, the Jin Family, on the other hand, was peaceful, to the extent of its too good to be true. Alexander Han would be lying if he said he never envy Liam in that matter.

He was his childhood friend and as a child, Alexander Han witnessed the difference of how Liam's family care for him as if he had a poor health. Hence, Alexander Han as a child was always been reckless, hoping that he would receive the same treatment but to no avail, Alexander Han had always been neglected.

After a few attempts, the young Alexander Han realized that Liam Jin was the most treasured son of Logan Jin -- that's what Alexander Han concluded that is why they took extra care of Liam Jin.

Hence, he could not understand why Wren sounded sketchy as he inquired about Liam Jin. For God's sake, every article about the genius and kind-hearted Liam Jin were true and not over exaggerating.

"That's your truth, Alex… but the truth within the truth is what I always d_e_s_i_r_e." This time, Wren's tone also turned firmed -- adamant on his views and skepticism on the whole Jin family. He resumed,

"Tell me, have you always been with that kind and gentle doctor in the past?" 

"Huh? Of course not. We don't live in the same house and Liam had poor health as a child, so he always stayed in the hospital." Alexander Han frowned hearing the no-brainer answer from Wren's question. 

How could he spend every minute of every day with Liam Jin? Forget about the times when Liam Jin was in the hospital, how can the young Alexander Han could visit Liam Jin whenever he felt like it?

"Oh? He had a poor health? Have you visited him as a good friend back then?" Ignoring Alexander Han's obvious disp_l_e_a_s_u_r_e being interrogated like this, Wren continued as for some reason, his interest towards the Jin family heightened.

Alexander Han grinned his teeth as he was totally irked by Wren's feigning ignorance, yet, he still answered after a frustrated sigh, "Even though I wanted to, but, his doctor advised that he'd rather not received any visitors. It's a good thing that after being confined for a year, he never got back to his illness."

"Oh? For a year? Alright, thank you for your cooperation. You'll thank me later or maybe… I should console you some other time." With that said note, Wren immediately hung up on Alexander Han.

Alexander Han shook his head as he headed to his room from the gym inside his own mansion. Looking at the tiny, small piece, with a size of a half centimeter or perhaps much smaller, Alexander Han wouldn't know what it is used for if it wasn't for the note that X sent him along with this.

Apparently, it was like a mic that could fit on his tooth that could transmit whatever he says or any conversation to X. Alexander Han could not help but feel in awe as he had only done this kind of mission impossible kind of thing in the movies he starred.

Who would have thought that these things really happened in real life? Also, X who's an expert in this field exist? He initially thought that X could only hack systems but he could also modify and engineered cool phones like the one he used to contact Wren.


[10 hours later.]

As expected of a charity event hosted by a prominent Ong Family, the whole venue was sparkling with expensive flowers, champagnes, rare wines, a chandelier that shrouded the whole place with grandiose, variety of beautiful women, and known businessmen

"CEO Han! I'm glad you made it." David Ong greeted the moment he saw the dashing former superstar now a CEO and headmaster of the Han Corporation.

"Of course, how could I let you down." With a business smile plastered across his entire face, Alexander Han shook David Ong's hand.

"I see you got no date?" David Ong glanced behind Alexander Han and sees no one with him. Even his assistant wasn't there to accompany his boss! Well, it still favored David Ong's side as it was better to have Alexander Han alone. After all, Alex was a perfect player in the game of life.

"Unlike Director Ong, I haven't found my match yet." Glancing at the woman standing next to David Ong like his real mistress, Alexander Han smiled politely.

"Hehe, by the way, this is my date for tonight, Clara Ye." David Ong proudly introduced Venus that was evidently shone out among the ladies in the event.

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