Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 383 - Entertain me well


Just as Seraphina and Dragon headed back inside the rest house, the very few people in black spying on them also began to retreat. As they started to move, Jack, who unbeknownst to them were just sitting on a tree branch not far away from their spot had the corner of his lips curled from ear to ear.

"Heh," Scoffing that sounded more like a faint chuckle, Jack effortlessly hopped out from the branch before his feet landed on the grassy ground— creating rustling sound afterward.

This abrupt noise, that these group of people was certain it wasn't one of their movements, instinctively turned his head to the direction. Upon laying his eyes on Jack's figure, standing under the shade of the canopy's shadow of this bright full moon as the only source of light— the man instantly held his rifle up out of habit.

"Who are you?" Under his black veil that covered half of his lower face, the man threatened.

This, of course, caught the attention of his colleagues who were now had their focus and attention to the figure several steps away from their standpoint. At this point, only the wile howl of wind violently screamed across the air as each of their heartbeats slowly raced.

"Me? I am no one." Jack raised both his hands up to his shoulder level as he took a step forward— not enough advance to reveal the tedious grin plastered across his lips.

"Don't worry, I meant no harm. Actually, I came here to help! I mean, those two had certainly known that you're spying on them so I'm helping you meet them!" Jack shrugged his shoulders while his hands were still up in the air. However, the tone in his last remarks was seeping with overflowing bloodl_u_s_t that immediately sent red signals inside the men's head down to their bones.

"Shoot him down!" Without further ado, one man shouted as he unhesitatingly pulled the trigger for a continuous assault but to no avail, all the bullets only penetrated the thick tree trunk while Jack seemed to vanish into thin air.

"Hehe, people are surely violent— damn! Can't they accept a kind-hearted hand for once?!" Hiding behind the trunk, Jack cursed as his face contorted in dismay.

Granted that he uttered his disp_l_e_a_s_u_r_e, he already foresaw this happening. Thus, before the man shouted and the trigger was pulled, he swiftly hid behind the tree.

Understandable, who would accept help from their enemies anyway? If they needed help, they should have faced Seraphina and not camouflage in the dark.

Just right after they heard Jack's voice behind the tree cursing the nature of humanity— they showered him with the continuous fire of bullets while taking a little distant.

"Chill, sheez." Sounding disgusted, Jack slightly glanced back yet, it wasn't enough to see the people shooting right at him. Therefore, he looked up to the tree branch before he squatted down and within a second, he jumped— like a superhuman— immediately clinging to the tree branch and then lifted his whole body so his feet could properly land on the branch.

This one swift seemingly impossible movement, the group of men were momentarily stunned which caused them to pause in shooting their target. To them, Jack was a grown, well-built man but he moved as light as a feather and he was like a gymnast exhibiting his flexibility.

"Why do people always do this? Letting their enemies have too many openings?" Taking advantage of the momentary pausing, Jack jumped out from the thick tree branch. He immediately landed at the back of the farthest person before he tapped his shoulder by his forefinger.

"I'm here, fella." With that said note, the group of men snapped from their stupor and turned their heads behind where Jack crashed.

"Wa—wait!" Having faced with his subordinates muzzle, the man in front of Jack stuttered but to no avail, his colleagues mercilessly began firing at his direction.

"No, man. This is tragic." Still sounding chill, Jack grabbed the man's upper and lower hem of his bulletproof as he used him as his human shield while taking slow steps back.

Within a fraction of second, blood splatters to every direction it could be spilled as the man's body received every heavy blow of bullets— inflicting holes to his every vulnerable part of his body before he was unintentionally shot in the head that caused his instant death.

On the other hand, Jack was no exception from the shower of blood as the explosion of the person's head and all its blood and flesh within it splashed all over half of his face and hair. He closed his right eye as the thick ruby covered it.

"Wait— fck it!" Feeling the weight from the lifeless body slowly grew heavy while he tried to sustain him to stand, Jack was about to call for a time out but to no avail, no one was listening to him. Therefore, he decided to take on offensive mode.

Grabbing the rifle's handle that clung across the corpse shoulder, Jack began firing back which made the group of men scatter to avoid his retaliation. Hearing nothing but swift movements in the air, Jack finally tossed the poor body down as he wiped his right eye to regain his vision.

"Oh, men... this is rather an exciting night!" Stretching his neck in a circular motion, Jack then stretched his shoulders as his body heat rose from excitement.

To his perspective, this night would be his because Leon who mostly liked this cat chasing mouse game was still recovering. While Tito would only bother to join if his beloved pots of flowers were harmed. Little did he know, right now, Seraphina was being talked out by Mariel Min as she was about to deploy the two patients to have some exercise.

"Let's do this!" Exhilarated by this rare occasion, Jack was more than glad by this visit as he was undoubtedly bored for being idle. After all, his other colleagues had their own individual mission while he was left with none. It would be great if he was like Tito who has a hobby to keep him preoccupied but, aside from hypnotizing Mariel Min from time to time, there was nothing left to do.

With that, Jack began his search as the cat to find the sneaky rats. He didn't bother to carry the rifle of the gone man with one simple reason: to exterminate them using their own babes.

"Entertain me well." He whispered before a devious grin formed on his lips and without further ado, he vanished into a thin air as his speed tripled than its usual.

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