Through the fast rustling in the wind along with the crisp sound of bushes as the men scattered around the whole area, Jack finally found his prey within the next three minutes. Slowing down his speed, Jack caught up with the man as he was sprinting with his life on the line.

"Mind if you slow down for a bit?" Bearing the same menacing smile, Jack was looking to the man on the side as he sprinted at the same speed as his. He didn't bother to look up ahead,  yet, he was managing to dodge whenever a tree was blocking his way.

"Damn!" Under the man's breath and through his gritted teeth, the man cursed. Fortunately, Jack was unarmed hence, he initially thought that he should just outrun him. However, as his endurance was slowly getting low, Jack seemed he has more energy to spare some more.

Therefore, the man glided, pinning his full to a full stop as if drifting before he raised his rifle cling on him and without further ado, he showered Jack's direction with bullets. The loud firing of gun resonated across the whole forest— giving signals of his location to his comrades.

"Woop!" Gliding to the side, Jack hopped to the nearest tree branch like a ninja— unbothered by his weight— and hopped to the next tree nearest him while the man kept on shooting at his trails. Alas, didn't show even the slightest bit of fear but rather, his eyes smiled gleefully by the excitement of the moment.

Jack's heart raced similarly for a guy falling in love at first sight yet, his situation was entirely different from the comparison. The man seeing his face despite the dimness of their surrounding pulled the trigger as harder as he could. Jack's temperament grew stronger by the minute and deep down, the man knew that he shall kill him or he'd be the one to lose his life if he didn't.

"Wait—!" Shouting for the man to chill for a second, but to no avail, Jack was forced to move back to find a tree to shield him. Well, he was crazy enough to be thrilled under his current circ_u_mstance but not to Leon's level that wouldn't care if he gets shot one or two times— they have a completely different fighting style.

As the man felt a slight relief seeing him retreat a little, unable to counter him, the man continuously fired a series of bullets. However, the thought of running out of ammo left his consciousness as he had two things in his mind: kill Jack or make a good distance between them. 

In that case, he could stall more time for his comrades to escape. To him, even if he loses his life, at the very least, his comrades could return to their base and report what happened in here so they could avenge him.

Soon, the man heard the clicked of an empty fire which instantly resurfaced the dreaded feeling that was slowly being set aside. On the other hand, that was a cue for Jack as he stopped hiding behind the tree and stood not far away from the man bearing a devious sneer.

"Well, well, well, guess you have to reload comrade…" Jack loudly humored before he pinned down his left foot before he sprinted that speed was beyond the human standard. Within a fraction of second— while the man was still rashly reloading— Jack appeared before him as his pair of eyes glinted and reflected the frightened expression plastered across the man's face.

For a moment, time seemed to slow down for the man. Upon seeing his reflection in Jack's eyes, he finally realized why he was so dauntless. He was like a sheep clad with a tiger's fur for he has a gun in his hand. Meanwhile, Jack was akin to a real king of the jungle and in just one sniffed, he knew his disguise.

"Or not." Making slash gesture, Jack launched his neck chop but only a harsh wind blew passed the man's skin as Jack stopped his hand inches away from his neck. Regardless, it was evident that if the side of his hand landed on his neck, the man's consciousness would surely leave him that instant.

"Kidding, lad." Chuckling by the man's reaction, hope dimmed away from his pair of eyes and any sign of retaliation enormously leveled down along with his rifle crashing, click-clacking to the ground, Jack placed his hand on the man's shoulder like a close friend.

"You see, I am not Leon or Riggs that prefer tearing their enemies down using b_a_r_e hands— I hate cleaning my hand because blood was harder to clean especially on the nails bla bla bla…" Jack explained as if he was just casually talking to his friend while they were in the middle of a serene park. Along with his clarification of how less evil he was to the others, his forefinger constantly tapped the man's shoulder in the same rhythm. 

"But Jack taints his hands when danger comes and the people intruded this area have ill-intention." The man's eyes were drawn to some magnetic force as his mind went blank, only to be filled with what Jack was feeding him.

"Go, Jack. Find those people and do what needs to be done." Tapping his shoulder, Jack's lips stretched from ear to ear before seeing the man mindlessly nod his head and his dimmed eyes sharpened. Without further ado, the man began his search and finish what supposedly Jack's because, in his mind, he was Jack himself. 

"Aya, now this will be interesting." Excited for seeing the group of people killing each other instead, the despair that he was about to witness shrouded his heart with nothing but glee. Hence, he followed the man's tracks as he couldn't miss the chance of a good show. 

Little did he know, the reality would crush his expectations as Leon and Rex were on their way to interrupt the fun.

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