After days of preparations, Marga successfully joined the reality tv show: OFF CAM. It was a show where 10 celebrity participants were stripped off the celebrity title and live like a normal person in an island village. They will experience life away from the glitz and glamour, away from the fast-paced life of the city and stay in a dead zone place and live the village culture.

The location shoot was currently at the island village near the island shore.

This season, the show was all hyped up since every hot selling celebrity —participated for some reason and the location set was oddly isolated as if it was a survival show.

As the camera begins to roll, each participant introduces themselves and starts to do what they have to do.

On the other hand, Seraphina was roaming around the area while everyone was busy doing their duties. She was unknowingly getting farther away from the location set but no one really cares since she was just tagging along with Marga and doesn't have any duties to fulfill anyway.

Unlike Central City's polluted air and busy streets, the location set was calm and relaxing. Looking around at the peaceful community, she spoke.

"I like this place."

"...." not far away from her were her two bodyguards giving her a silent treatment.

"Hmm?? Alright, I understand your silence." turning her head behind her, she slowly nods as she reaches a conclusion to her unbothered bodyguards. Not receiving any response from Ace and Riggs, she sighed and clicks her tongue as she shakes her head, she spoke.

"What can I do, my beauty is out of this world that it can make a capable person incapable to speak."


'talk about confidence!' Ace and Riggs thought in unison. though both of them hadn't had any change of reaction from the surface, Seraphina has the ability to make their subconscious self to criticize her vanity.

"I know, I know. That's a fact but thanks anyway." continuing her illusionary conversation with her bodyguards, she happily acknowledged her own compliment.

"okay stop the compliments now, let's go for a stroll." Seraphina happily skipped as they went farther from the location set. Strolling around the village, Seraphina stopped in front of a young kid whose selling souvenirs.

"Wow, this looks nice!" taking a closer look at the wooden carving of this island, Seraphina was in awe. The kid offered her a warm smile at her compliment.

"pretty sister, you can buy them at 1$ per 3 pieces."

"Who made them?"

"they were made by my Grandpa!" the kid replied with a proud grin on his face.

"how old are you?" Seraphina continued to chat with the kid as she looks at the kid's young face.

"I'm 7 years old, pretty sister."

"Wow! What an inspiration! Your parent must be so lucky to have you!" Seraphina admired the kid even more.

"I don't have a mother or a father but I have my grandpa who always takes care of me."

"I see." nodding in understanding.

"big sister, will you still buy this?" the kid asked Seraphina and went back to the original negotiation. She pondered before blurting out,

"Hmm… let's see, do you want to be my tour guide?"

"huh?" the kid was puzzled at her sudden question.

"I will buy all these and I will hire you as my tour guide, sounds good?"

Hearing at the good offer, the kid happily accepted her proposal. Even without payments as a tour guide, he will accept the offer as long as Seraphina will buy all his goods.

Since the island is an almost isolated place, the people living in the town have a rather peaceful community. After a few hours of strolling, they stopped at a near old-looking restaurant. Unlike to what it looks like, the food they serve seemed decent.

Looking at her two emotionless bodyguards and the kid who's happiness reached the heaven as he munches the food.

"is it that good?" Seraphina asked the kid. She had not taken a bite and kept playing with her chopsticks.

"umh! I oways wunna eat here." the kid replied with his mouth stuffed with food. He drank a mouthful of water then continued,

"this place is one of the town's best restaurant! I always wanted to eat here with Grandpa but we can't afford it." despite with his young age, the kid sounds and acts m_a_t_u_r_e but still looks cute, thus, Seraphina grew fonder of him.

"by the way, where do you live here?"

"We live just outside the town."

"I see. We need to go back now but will you show us more of this island tomorrow?" with a smile on her face, Seraphina asked. Seeing her this gentle, Ace found her unusually relaxed around the kid.

"Sure! Uhm, big sister, can I bring this for my grandpa?" Pointing at the food in his plate that he separated before eating half of the dish. Seraphina glance at the plate then to the kid's face before nodding.

"No problem."  

Before they part ways, Seraphina gave him an extra take home food aside from his service fee as her tour guide. At first, he was refusing to accept the food but due to her nonstop drama, Ace stepped in with a threatening look on his face— the kid finally gave in. After the talk of thanks, Seraphina went back to the location set of the show.

On their way back, Seraphina was rather quiet.

"What do you think about this place?" She spoke out of nowhere. Expecting of the silent response, she continued,

"It makes me want to live here." She goes silent with her last words. Both men walking behind her hadn't noticed the wry smile on her face. They reached the location shoot and as expected everyone was busy. They were currently setting up tents and a bonfire since they were filming its pilot episode.

"How troublesome." Seraphina commented, seeing the participants assembling a tent. They will supposedly sleep at a tent but in actuality, each celebrity still had a little luxury and will stay at the town's inn.

But who cares? As long as the reality show will look real, no one really care.

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