The days went on filming the reality tv show while Seraphina roamed around the town. She got to know the town's people and as if she was already part of the family, she spent more time in the town than helping out Marga. But since their task for this day was going in the mountains to get some herbs — Seraphina chose to tag along with the crew.

The crew was split in half and each celebrity participants have one chaperone with them. Reaching a certain point of the mountain, they decided to stop and rest near a cliff. It was rather cold and as if every assistant was on queue, they brought the town's version of jackets.

Looking up, Seraphina murmurs,

"rain rain go away…"

"Sera, did you say something?" Maria asked hearing her murmuring.

"It looks like it will rain." Saying it louder, she repeated.

"I don't think so. It was always like this in this island." A male celebrity participant spoke —looking at their beautiful haggard faces, Seraphina shrugs her shoulder. Although their situations were not as bad as it seemed on screen, it was still not as comfortable to the life in the limelight.

Since almost every participant came from a well off families, their stress was written all over their faces.

"Sasha, you bitch!" Not far away from them, one of the female participants shouted.

Garnering attention to her sudden remarks —all they saw was a girl slumped on the ground while another female celebrity participant name Zasha is standing looking down on her.

"Me? Coming from the queen of s_l_u_ts like you? Ha! Don't make me laugh!" Sasha scoffs at the other girl.

"You bitch!" Standing up, she pounced on Sasha and both of them started rolling on the ground.

Both girls were shouting and throwing curses at each other— the people trying to stop the catfight successfully remove their tightly grip hands from each others hair, separating them and distancing them from one another.

"Haven't you had enough, Sasha?!" the girl spoke in rage but her tone cracked as if she was about to cry —looking directly on the other girl Sasha.

"Zia Tang, don't act as if you're the victim! I know every dirty trick you've made to be here!" Sasha shouted back at her, she continued.

"You think you're better than me? Ha! You useless bitch who only knows how to take advantage of her status, and now, you're flirting with my boyfriend? How dare you! You took everything away from me and you dare asked me if I hadn't had enough?!" Sasha's eyes were bloodshot as said her hatred towards the other party reaches the heaven.

"Wh- what are you talking about?" Zia was taken aback at Sasha's outburst.

"What am I talking about? You kept taking things from me and now you ask me what am I talking about? You ignorant, ins_e_n_s_i_t_i_v_e spoiled brat!" Sasha continued trying to retaliate from the people's grip —she managed to escape and will pounce on Zia but to everyone's surprise, before she could reach her, Zia accidentally tripped.

The time as if slowed down, when Sasha missed Zia who lost her balance —due to her uncontrollable rage, she couldn't control her speed and can't stop herself —she will bump on the girl behind Zia.

The time froze and everyone could not comprehend the following events.



The people shouted their names seeing them falling from the cliff.

Ace was the first one to snap back to reality and hurriedly went to Seraphina's original spot followed by the other crew.

To their surprised, Seraphina luckily held to a not so thick branch while Sasha was holding onto her.

"Oh my god!" The crowd started to panic seeing their situation. Their team consisted with only 16 people; the 5 celebrity participants, 4 assistant, 2 from the crew set, 2 people from the village island, Ace and Seraphina.

"Miss, can you hold onto me?" Ace asked as he reached out his hand. The two men from the town gave him support as they hold him while he reached for Seraphina.

"I can't, hey you go first." Turning her head at Sasha who's gripping tightly on Seraphina's hand.

"I-I can't. I-I'm scared, help me! " her voice cracked and her eyes started to tear up.

"If you're that scared, then just die alone! Don't let her go down with you!" Ace snapped as he sees her tearing up. The branch is not thick enough and even if it is, Seraphina cannot hold on to it that long since there is another person weighing her down.

Every millisecond felt much longer as Zasha kept crying like a baby.

"Hey, I'm letting you go." Her voice was cold and calm. Looking up at her, Sasha was terrified —her words were only audible for the two of them.

Ever since they started filming this show, she hadn't much paid attention to Seraphina and didn't interact with her that much so she never knew her but, the girl above her looks like she doesn't care if she dies or not, she seems she's about to let her go for real.

That instant, she was backed from reality,

'I can't die' she thought.

Neither one of them knew what happened but Sasha started to climb up in resolve.

'I can't die, I don't wanna die.' She repeated these words inside her head as she climbs up.


"No!" Zasha screamed as the branch cracked. Her situation was nerve-racking and anytime, she can fall and die. Mustering up all her courage Sasha reached for Ace hand —one foot away from them.

Everyone was relieved seeing her being rescued but just as she gripped on Ace hands, the branch Seraphina's holding gave in.

Ace almost jumped from where he is but the girl was tightly went to his embrace and the people who're supporting him, pulled him up.


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