Wang Xinyi has some difficulty following Gu Yunting's skilled steps. Although the dance steps are not fast, he just can't keep up!

There were many other people walking around. Wang Xinyi frowned and whispered to Gu Yunting, "slow down... Alas!"

Wang Xinyi suddenly stopped and looked flustered at Gu Yunting's feet, "that... I didn't mean to..."

I'm wearing high heels. Fortunately, I didn't step on my heels. Otherwise, Gu Yunting will be surprised if it doesn't hurt.

Gu Yunting looked at her calmly and didn't look at his stepped foot at all. "It's been three minutes since you stepped on me for so long. It's good."

Wang Xinyi's face was suddenly bad. Is Gu Yunting praising her? Why doesn't it sound good?!

But how does Gu Yunting know so well?

Wang Xinyi looked suspicious. "Gu Yunting, have you ever asked her to dance?"


"Then why do you think it's good for me to step on you after three minutes?"

"Look at the pair over there."

"Hmm?" Wang Xinyi immediately looked down Gu Yunting's eyes. At the edge of the dance floor, a couple who seemed to be lovers were dancing. However, the men danced well, but the women around her couldn't bear to look directly at them

When I saw a woman like five cloth, I would step on the man's foot, and then stop to greet him with a nervous and embarrassed face. The man was also stiff, frozen and twisted face, shook his head, and then led the woman to start over, "ah!" "are you okay?"

Wang Xinyi took back her eyes and instantly had self-confidence. She smiled proudly at Gu Yunting, "you should be glad that I'm not like that."

"Yes, it doesn't matter. I don't dislike it!"

Gu Yunting's words were very insipid, but it spread to Wang Xinyi's ears, but it was another feeling.

Plain tone, not plain words, few words, he said a different move.

Wang Xinyi hasn't had fun in his heart for long. Gu Yunting said again, "miss he should have found it."

Hearing the speech, Wang Xinyi looked back at the direction of he youer and saw her waving to them.

Of course, Wang Xinyi and Gu Yunting didn't continue dancing, so they went directly to he youer.

Before Wang Xinyi could sit down, he asked anxiously, "but I found it?"

He youer nodded at her. When Wang Xinyi sat next to him, he handed her his mobile phone. "All the people in our school piano club are here, but none of them is bad."

Wang Xinyi took the mobile phone handed over by he youer, and then looked at the picture full of names. He was a little stunned. "Are there some excellent boys on this?"

"The piano players are all excellent boys, but I don't like that type."

Wang Xinyi is stupid. What do you mean, they are all excellent boys? She looked hopelessly at Gu Yunting. She thought that what Su Mo liked must be somewhat different, but a group of boys from the piano club are excellent? How did she know it was that?

She sighed and directly asked he youer, "then help me check that Su Mo is usually closer to the senior of the piano club."

Heyou'er looked at Wang Xinyi with a suddenly enlightened face. "It's good to turn such a big corner." then she took her mobile phone and clicked on the screen.

Wang Xinyi can't help it. She wanted to try not to say Su Mo, but it's not easy to check.

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