Before long, he youer put down his mobile phone with a proud face and smiled at Wang Xinyi Jiaojie, "I found it."

Wang Xinyi's heart suddenly rejoiced, "can there be his contact information?"

"Of course, but......" he youer smiled vaguely. "You have to do me a favor!"

Wang Xinyi's face changed slightly. She had planned to cheat him of the news and perfunctory he youer. It seems that she had to betray Mo Mingfei.

"What do you want to do?"

He youer smiled gracefully and bit his lip, "that..."

At the thought of Mo Mingfei, her face became more shy and her voice became more gentle. "Can you help me ask Mo Mingfei out? I haven't seen him for a long time. He has been avoiding me..."

In the end, he youer's seems a little lost.

It's not easy for her to like a man. Originally, because of their high requirements, they can't relax in talent, but many young men tend to hold themselves too high when they reach a certain height. She doesn't like such people at all.

On the contrary, Mo Mingfei is not like this. He likes it very much and speaks with humor. He is not like those highly educated nerds at all. The most important thing is that he has a loyal heart under his handsome appearance, but... Not to himself

Hearing he youer's request, Wang Xinyi naturally went to see Gu Yunting, "cough! Give him a call?"

Gu Yunting smiled coldly. He had long known that he you'er could not be fooled. She was a willful young lady, but she was not a fool who let herself suffer.

He raised his hand to touch his mobile phone, and then quickly sent a text message out.

After that, he put down his cell phone and calmly said to he youer, "he'll come in a minute..."

He you'er raised his eyes and looked at Gu Yunting, with obvious distrust on his face. "Wait until he arrives!"

Wang Xinyi immediately vented his anger. Come on, he youer didn't trust her and Gu Yunting at all. However, he was going to deceive her.

She looked at Gu Yunting and asked anxiously, "how long will he arrive?"

"Around nine o'clock."

Wang Xinyi subconsciously looked at the time. It's only 8:20 now. Doesn't Mo Mingfei have more than half an hour to come.

"Go dance for a while!" Gu Yunting suddenly said.

Wang Xinyi was stunned. "Do you like dancing very much?"

"No, I just want to teach you."

Listening to Gu Yunting's words, Wang Xinyi looked at her dress. She can't waste her dress.

"OK, let's go!"

So Gu Yunting led Wang Xinyi to the middle of the dance floor. Her steps were still so strange and messy, but fortunately, she didn't step on Gu Yunting.

After about ten minutes, Wang Xinyi began to learn some tricks, and his steps began to be regular and elegant

Gu Yunting held Wang Xinyi's hand in one hand and put the other hand on her waist. His eyes stayed on Wang Xinyi's face from beginning to end. He saw her seriously thinking about the dance steps. She was very cute.

Aware that it was almost nine o'clock, Gu Yunting's eyes would look at the door of the dance hall from time to time to pay attention to Mo Mingfei.

But suddenly, an elegant and generous woman came in slowly at the front door. She looked only in her early thirties, but she was a woman in her forties.

"The woman who is coming in at the door, if you see it later, you'd better stay away from her..."

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