Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1017: : Profiteers with no bottom line

Lei's villa, study room.

In the black leather president's chair, Lei Xiao stood tall and hid himself, showing no expression on his handsome and vigorous features.

The floor-to-ceiling tempered glass glowed with icy light.

In the ashtray at hand, a white smoke ring curled upwards until it became illusory.

The computer LCD screen is on.

Lei Xiao is having a three-party video conference with Yanbei Xiaoliang Yuran.

He unbuttoned a few shirts on his chest, and his strong chest was looming, and the fluffy hair after the shower blocked his deep eyes.

There is a cold bird at work.

"A Xiao, the Royal Princess and the Second Princess of Malaysia are trying their best to get your support and Mr. Yuan's support."

Liang Yuran turned his back to the camera and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"Fuck, this is your doghouse?"

Yan Beixiao's eyes are almost growing on the screen. How long has he not seen the color of his floor?

Liang Yuran ignored him, holding the spirits to the ice outlet of the refrigerator.

Added a few pieces of ice.

"Who I support depends on Han Xing's attitude."

As soon as Lei Xiao's voice fell, Yan Beixiao on the other side of the video snapped his fingers.

"Liang, it seems that from now on, Xiao Hanxing is the conscience of this big profiteer!"

Lei Xiao didn't speak.

Picking up the cigarette and taking a sniff, the smoke spread from the nasal cavity.

The posture is cold and charming.

"Profit businessman?"

For a long time, Lei Xiao chewed these two words intriguingly.

Liang Yuran turned around with a cup in one hand, and his handsome facial features relaxed when facing his friends.

"You don't just know that others call us three "profiteers with no bottom line", do you?"

Over the years, the three of them have traveled in the Golden Triangle, Russia, Africa, South America, the Middle East and other places. As long as the other party offers the price, they can buy whatever arms they want.

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows.

The neckline of the black nightgown was half open.

Full of sexy.

Yan Beixiao felt that fortunately he was a man, and if a woman could not hold back, she would rush towards him.


He is really curious.

How on earth did Xiao Hanxing face such A Xiao?




At the entrance of He's Villa.

Three years later, when He Chengyu stood here again, his mood was hard to calm down.

When he left home that day, perhaps he would never have thought that so many things would happen later.

So that in three years, he no longer belongs here.

Just thinking about it, the bright headlights seemed to cut through the night, with rush and coldness.

He Chengyu subconsciously raised his hand to block the glare.

I don't know when.

Lin Hanxing, dressed in a black cashmere coat, stood behind him, her delicate face with unremoved makeup faded away from the tenderness she had just been in the car, and returned to the extreme indifference and coldness.

"Go! This is my home!"

He Ershao He Zhehan got out of the driver's seat and slammed into the car door.

The whole body seemed to sway with him!

The headlights of the two cars were bright, and even the particles of dust in the air were clearly illuminated.


Lin Hanxing laughed, and her long eyelashes flickered ripples of sarcasm.

He Zhehan's head buzzed.

Somehow I felt like I was blown up.

All the shame suffered tonight has a vent at this moment.


He's mother, who sensed that it was wrong, hurried down from the co-pilot, but still watched the violent He Zhehan rushing toward Lin Hanxing aggressively.

He Chengyu would stand in front of Lin Hanxing if he didn't say anything.

But before he even got there, Lin Hanxing pushed him aside with a slightly impatient expression.

He Chengyu, who wanted to protect Lin Hanxing, was a little dazed.

But before he returned to his senses, what happened next surprised him even more!

He Zhehan, who had just walked over violently, didn't even say anything. The whole person was thrown onto the cold ground in a standard shoulder throw posture by Lin Hanxing, who was still turning his wrist a second before!

Obviously wearing a few inches of high heels on his feet, but still as stable as Mount Tai!

He didn't even blink his eyes.

Lin Hanxing glanced condescendingly at He Zhehan, who was struggling with pain, his forearm was pinched with his hand, and with the force that could easily be broken at any time, his eyes were filled with indifference and contempt.

"Don't talk nonsense if you can!"

It's the blame that He Zhehan insisted on asking for trouble after she bought roses for A Xiao.

Although the petals will not wilt for a while.

But Lin Hanxing still wanted to give it to Lei Xiao when it was in its best condition.

"Lin Xiaojiu!"

Seeing this scene, He's mother's scalp was numb, especially after seeing Lin Hanxing's combat power throughout tonight.

He Chengyu still hasn't recovered.

The guard inside the carved gate heard the movement and walked out.

"Open the door."

Lin Hanxing said coldly, and He Zhehan yelled again as soon as his voice fell.

"Who the **** dared to open the door, I will fire you all tomorrow!"

With a click, He Zhehan's forearm was so dislocated by the expressionless Lin Hanxing!

The pain is coming!

Mother He rushed over and slapped Lin Hanxing's face regardless.

But before waiting to get closer, Lin Hanxing's fierce look had already successfully prevented her from coming.

Just as the situation was in a stalemate, suddenly, the carved door slowly opened.

He Mu and He Zhehan turned their heads abruptly.

Look at the door.

who is it?

Who opened the door?

At the end of the line of sight, the butler whom the He family had hired for two and a half years stood blankly.

In two and a half years, he has made no mistakes.

It can be said that He's mother is extremely trusted.

He opened the door.

This dramatic scene left the He family's mother and son speechless, unable to speak for a while.

"Miss Lin."

The butler bowed respectfully to Lin Hanxing, just like those big men in black suits tonight.

Recognizing that this was the housekeeper newly hired by the He family after his accident, let alone the He family’s mother and son, even He Chengyu was confused by this scene. Why did the new housekeeper of the He family treat Lin with such respect? Hanxing?


Lin Hanxing nodded to the opponent, and then took the lead in getting into the car.

Soon, others followed.

Both mother and son of the He family were ignored.

The car restarts.

Drive slowly towards the He's villa.

On the way, Young Master He never looked away from the faces of Lin Hanxing and the housekeeper.

There was a faint scent of roses in the air.

On the contrary, Lin Hanxing closed his eyes blankly, but wondered what A Xiao was doing right now.

There is a distance from the gate to the villa.

And there was a roaring sports car in the back, I wonder if He Mu drove over.

Soon, the car stopped.

"from now on……"

Lin Hanxing's voice suddenly sounded, and her long eyelashes blinked like wings, causing a ripple.

"Pick up your respected young man He Daxin for me."

Lin Hanxing turned to look at He Chengyu.

After entering this door, the things that belonged to him can only be held firmly in his own hands.

No one can let go!

"I see, Miss Nine!"

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