Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1018: : He Dashao is back

When Lin Hanxing tightened his eyelashes again, the car door had been opened from the outside.

Pour cold wind into the car.

Floral fragrance floating.

Lin Hanxing was the first to bend down and get out of the car, a powerful aura spreading from his bones.

That coldness and composure can make her stand out from the crowd, and make people pay attention to her in the first time.

He Cheng Yurong Shiyu and the housekeeper followed her separately.

There was a click.

The white European-style door of the villa is opened from the inside.

He's mother, who walked behind and supported her son, had never felt like a crisis like now.

This is different from when I was in Lin's villa.

There, Lin Xiaojiu targeted the Lin family, but here, she stood on the opposite side of them for He Chengyu!

She stepped on her high heels and walked up the steps steadily.

The figure disappeared at the door of the villa.


That aura is like her Lin Xiaojiu is the master of this house!


He Zhehan's hand is still dislocated, his whole body is weak, but his voice is gritted his teeth!

As if hatred into the bones.

"This family belongs to our wife!"

They tried their best to hold them in their hands, and they would definitely not be taken away so easily!

Lin Hanxing walked forward with no expression on his face.

He Chengyu was a step slower.

His gaze scanned everything that was familiar and unfamiliar before him.

Three years.

For others.

Talking long is not long, talking short is not short.

It's just three Spring Festivals.

But to him, it was like a lifetime.

Here, it is still He's Villa.

But Nei Li had completely changed his appearance, and he could no longer find what he remembered.

Some of the servants are newly hired.

Most of them were old people. At this time, they hadn't received the news of He Dashao's reappearance, but the moment they saw He Chengyu, they opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight!


The servant who was holding the vase accidentally broke the vase.

Lin Hanxing, who was walking in the front, paused slightly.

Sight swept across.

The latter's breathing suffocated suddenly, at a loss.

Lin Hanxing said nothing.

Since stepping on the pile of vase fragments, there was a crackling sound.

Yuan Xiaolei, who heard the movement downstairs, came out of the room and stood at the entrance of the carved staircase. When he saw He Chengyu, her eyes widened in shock, and she subconsciously reached out and covered her mouth!


When did you wake up?

Lin Hanxing quickly sat on the main seat of the sofa.

The small face set against the black cashmere coat is even more indifferent.

"Mrs. He, sit down and talk."

Lin Hanxing spoke faintly, with an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth.

"This is my home!"

Mother He's voice trembled slightly, obviously trying to suppress her anger.

Lin Hanxing didn't speak, her black and white eyes looked in the direction of He Chengyu.

"This is my home too!"

As soon as he said the words, Young Master He seemed to have recovered his confidence.

The feeling of being at home after three years has disappeared.

He seems to have become the same himself three years ago.


He is the most promising successor.

"Everyone is a fox for thousands of years, so don't go around in circles."

Lin Hanxing flicked the diamond bracelet on his slender wrist, his eyes did not fluctuate, but his eyebrows rose high.

"Call everyone here."

Lin Hanxing said this to the butler.

Mother He only felt cold all over.

Especially when I saw the butler who was supposed to be their He family but respected Lin Hanxing, the sense of fear was like throwing a person into the deep ocean several kilometers.

It's getting darker, getting darker, getting colder.

Soon, the servants on duty were called by the housekeeper and stood in the lobby of the villa.

At that scene, Rong Shiyu couldn't help but open his deer eyes slightly.

There was footsteps over the stairs.

Yuan Xiaolei ran down with red eyes and stumbled.

At the moment of looking at each other with He Chengyu.

Tears fell like a broken string.

This bitch!

He Zhehan cursed secretly in his heart. When He Chengyu was still there, he couldn't wait to climb onto his bed. Now what kind of chaste woman is he pretending to be a virgin woman. He thought he would really turn the world up when he came back to this house?

Lin Hanxing didn't even look at Yuan Xiaolei.

He just scanned the faces of every servant in front of him with those sharp eyes that seemed to be able to perceive people's hearts.

Such a shock.

She used it once when she first returned to Lin's house.

"You don't need to know who I am or what happened in this family."

Lin Hanxing's voice was not loud.

But it was strange and clear to everyone's ears.

It makes people feel inexplicably chilling.

As if she couldn't help but take her words as imperial decree.

Obviously such a slim body.

Obviously such a delicate and beautiful face.

But it makes people bow their heads from the bottom of their bones, even if...

This is the first time they met!

"Just remember, this one next to me is He Chengyu, the eldest master of the He family!"

Lin Hanxing's tone is sonorous and powerful.

All the servants, old and new, looked in the direction of He Chengyu unconsciously.

The eldest master of the He family...

According to the rumors, there was a serious car accident when Yan Er was newly married three years ago, and the sober ‘vegetable’ has never been seen?

He woke up?

The new servant now finally understands why the others had just looked at each other with a ghostly expression.

This is simply unheard of!

"And that person will always only be the second young master of the He family!"

Lin Hanxing said clearly and clearly.

"have you understood?"

"Lin Xiaojiu!"

He Zhehan's entire popularity was declining, but the voice had just settled, and the tea cup flying out of thin air exploded fiercely on his face!

Lin Hanxing's three-point indifferent and seven-point cruel eyes fell on He Zhehan's face like this.

"have you understood!"

Lin Hanxing turned to look at He Zhehan, but he was speaking to all the servants!

No one spoke, and there was an indescribable weird atmosphere circulating among the people.

They couldn't help but rise in awe.

"Who dares to speak, don't have to go to work tomorrow!"

He mother followed closely.

"especially you!"

Mother He suddenly walked towards the steward, and quickly stood in front of him, gritted her teeth and continued to speak.

"Now pack my things and get out!"

Lin Xiaojiu, Lin Xiaojiu!

If she had been preparing for these things two and a half years ago, how terrible would she be?

He's mother would rather believe.

The butler was only recently bought by her people!

But even so, she had to let everyone here know.

Who is their master!

This He family is the He family of her and her son!

Long after the old man died in that plane crash, this place was just theirs!

The butler did not move.

The atmosphere is tense.

"Sorry, I was invited by Miss Lin to take care of Young Master He."

The butler opened his mouth low.

I don't know if it is the illusion of others, and there is a seemingly nonsense sarcasm in the voice.

He mother slammed her chest.

what did he say?

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