Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1019: : This family, I will call the shots from now on

"You tell me again?"

In this case, Mother He said that she would grind her teeth and crush her silver teeth.

The housekeeper looked in the direction of He's mother.

He knows how sharp his eyes are like a knife.

"I said, I was invited by Miss Lin to take care of Young Master He!"

The so-called fairy fights and the little ghost suffers.

The servants of the He family didn't dare to show up, but inexplicably thoughts all came up in his heart.

The God of Hejia...

I'm afraid it will change!

"Anyone she dismissed, I will pay double or even triple the salary, please come back again."

He Chengyu said in a deep voice.

The profound and handsome facial features reveal a convincing aura.

"This family, I will call the shots from now on!"

He Chengyu is not angry and has a strong voice.

Upon hearing this, Lin Hanxing looked at him with approval.

He originally thought that Young Master He would have to adapt for a while, but he didn't expect him to enter the state so soon.

It also saves her a lot of words.

After all, it is He Chengyu who will be in this house in the future. She talks too much and is overwhelming.

"So, do you understand?"

He Chengyu's eyebrows and starry eyes were shocking, and coupled with the hatred he had sinked over the past three years, people shivered instantly.


Almost at the same time his voice fell, someone echoed it!

Both the noses of He Mu and He Er Shao were almost crooked, and the whole people trembled uncontrollably!

Lin Hanxing's eyes fell on the two of them.

The arm rests lightly on the leather armrest of the sofa, and the surface is like ice and snow, with a kind of toughness spreading from the bone.

Can not be questioned.

"Lin Xiaojiu, what on earth do you want to do!"

With her alone, she can't disturb the whole Jiangcheng. Who does she think she is?

Looking at Mother He, Lin Hanxing gave a chuckle.

"Send Master He back to where he should be."

A kind of coldness rushed back from the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and Mother He stared at her viciously with cannibalistic eyes.

Lin Hanxing didn't care at all.

Slowly got up, smoothed out the wrinkles of the coat seemingly casually, and then stepped on high heels to come to He mother.

Stand still.

Condescendingly looked at Mother He.

The delicate and shiny face that had been so painstakingly maintained, she couldn't tell what she should look like at her age.


Lin Hanxing had already pinched his chin before he finished speaking.

Apply a little force.

He forced her mother to look up and look at herself.


"Whoever it is, it should stay where it is."

The red lips are slightly open.

Lin Hanxing's pupils were refracted by the light into a photographic amber, radiant.

Mother He couldn't help shivering.

Just about to leave her head away, Lin Hanxing had already let go of her first.

"Hehe, is it possible that you also want to threaten me like your aunt?"

He's mother was mad and she couldn't help but speak.

The sneer contained unspeakable madness and unscrupulousness.

Lin Hanxing chuckled and shook his head.

He looked at Mother He as if looking at a fool, even his eyes were unceremonious.

Lin Hanxing raised his hand and patted He's mother on the shoulder.

The expression made Ho's mother inexplicably uneasy.

"Take a good night's sleep, and I'll know tomorrow."

After speaking, Lin Hanxing walked towards the door of the villa.

In the silence, the clatter of high-heeled shoes on the floor was shocking, like a whirlwind, with strong ripples.

"Oh, right."

Suddenly, Lin Hanxing stopped with his back to everyone.

She slowly turned around.

Poker face.

However, everyone's hearts were mentioned in their throats along with her.

That taste.

It is more uncomfortable than the top ten tortures.

"I look forward to tomorrow, the good news of the marriage between the Lin family and the He family will spread to every corner of Jiangcheng."

Smiled slightly.

But with indescribable cruelty!


Lin Hanxing didn't realize that it was snowing until he got out of the villa door.

Floating snow fell from the sky.

Subconsciously stretched out his hand, letting the cold melt in his palm.

"The first snow of this year."

Lin Hanxing spoke faintly and put his hands down, but at the moment of going down the stairs, his eyes fell not far away, and his steps paused slightly.

The extended black Cadillac front...

Youdao's tall figure is standing quietly.

The cold wind blows through, raising Lin Hanxing like a waterfall of blue silk, which is so beautiful.

Lin Hanxing's footsteps suddenly became faster.

Walked towards the tall figure.

Even the delicate face was full of surprises, which instantly softened the original hostility on her face.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Hanxing looked up at Lei Xiao.

He didn't know how long he stood outside, even his black coat was covered with snow.

Only a black shirt was worn under the coat, with a slightly open neckline.

It seemed that it hadn't been long after taking a shower, and there was still a refreshing smell on his body, making Lin Hanxing unable to take a deep breath.


Lei Xiao's voice was low and he raised his hand to shake the snow off her head in a gentle motion.


Lin Hanxing's eyes were bright, as if there were stars twinkling inside.

"Mom said, in the first snow, be with the one you love."


Lin Hanxing didn't say a word, put his arm around his thin waist, and buried the smile at the corner of his mouth deeply into his arms.

She decided to wait for Lei's birthday to get her the beeswax jewelry that she missed the most recently.

Well, that's it!

"Then... did you bring me a gift?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Hanxing opened his hands and put them on his stern handsome face, and his long eyelashes blinked slightly.

Started with a cold.

Lei Xiao looked down at Lin Hanxing, as if afraid of the ground slipping after the snow fell, he supported her with both hands.

Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Isn't I your gift?"

Um, good Su...

Who taught him on earth?

Lin Hanxing only felt that the apex of his heart trembled with numbness.


Thinking of the roses on the car, Lin Hanxing pulled Lei Xiao's hand and opened the car door.

He stands outside again...

It's about to become an ice lump!

As soon as Lei Xiao got into the car, he saw the big bunch of red roses, his eyes stopped, and then raised his eyebrows, looking at Lin Hanxing.

"I bought it for you."

I thought it would take a while to give it to him, but I didn't expect A Xiao to pick her up.


Did he hear me wrong?


For him?

Lei Xiao suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"Cold Star..."

He called the person who hugged the big bouquet of roses excitedly, Lin Hanxing turned his head, his long eyelashes blinked slightly, and there was radiance in his eyes, making people really reluctant to disappoint her.


While talking, Lin Hanxing stuffed the rose into Lei Xiao's arms.

"The flowers are beautiful."

After a while, only these four words overflowed from Lei Xiao's mouth.

With pampering and pampering.

Hearing that he liked it, Lin Hanxing's face was slightly red, and he pursed his lower lip, first subconsciously glanced in the direction of the driver, then turned his head to look at Lei Xiao, and blinked.

Then, slowly stretched out two thin arms towards the man.


Said to Lei Xiao with a silent mouth.

It's like a soft and cute little rabbit, where is the domineering and powerful just now in the Lin family and He family.

Lei Xiao didn't say a word, grabbed her by the wrist and hugged her to his thigh!

Let her sit firmly.

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