Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1389: : Because I can't make any mistakes

Song Zhiyun was taken aback, suspecting that he had heard it wrong!

Who loses everything?

Who is she referring to?

Lin Hanxing looked at Song Zhiyun coldly, obviously not prepared to answer questions for her, and after dropping this sentence, Lin Hanxing also slowly got up, not prepared to stay too much.

At that time, the second master of the Yuan family designed to interrupt Yuan Shaojing's knee bones and let him leave the Yuan family like a dog. Except for Aunt Quemian, no one would give charcoal in the snow.

For thousands of years, no matter how history changes, human nature has never changed!

Song Zhiyun, I am looking forward to your choice...


When he returned to the car, Uncle Hai had compiled all the information into a book and handed it to Lin Hanxing as soon as possible.

After reading it briefly, she had a new understanding of Yuan Shaojing's business ability.

His decision to enter the international sugar market immediately after seeing the upward trend of sugar prices in the international market was enough to see his extraordinaryness. In a short period of time, he successfully controlled nearly 80% of both Singapore and Malaysia. Sugar market!

In its heyday, Yuan Shaojing alone controlled 10% of the total global sugar market trade!

At the same time, he led the Yuan family to become the richest Chinese in Malaysia!

And this position is still occupied by the Yuan family until today!

For Lin Hanxing, if the emotional factor between Yuan Shaojing and Aunt Mian is removed, his vision and pattern of ability can be regarded as an object that she can admire.

After all, Aunt Mian was brought out by Yuan Shaojing himself!

"Yuan San's wishful thinking is good!"

Lin Hanxing leaned the entire weight of his body on the leather seat, with a curved mouth at the corner of his mouth.

Yuan San really doesn't have great wisdom, but he keeps on cleverness.

Up to now, Yuan San has not given up his coveting to control the Yuan family, but has learned the wisdom to find the best time to make trouble for Lin Hanxing, the successor chosen by Yuan Shaojing!

"If I can resolve it smoothly, that would be offending the Second Princess and the forces behind it. If I can't resolve it, then there is reason to explain to the board of directors that I have no qualifications and ability to manage the Yuan family at all!"

Anyway, Yuan San can't suffer anyway!

Waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

I was talking here, but there was a FaceTime beep from the phone.

It was sent by Eric Zhan Nanheng.

Lin Hanxing successfully connected, and soon the video over there was unfolded on the screen.

"Sure enough, someone moved the jewelry box!"

Zhan Nanheng's beloved baby face is now occupied by Frost, and the eyebrows are full of sharpness and murderousness. Anyone who sees it will be shocked!

"Well, don't be stunned."

Compared to Zhan Nanheng's excitement, Lin Hanxing did not have any emotional ups and downs.

Perhaps it was her calmness that caused Zhan Nanheng, who was constantly rising in anger, to calm down.

"No matter when, you can be the calmest one!"

No matter how he heard Zhan Nanheng's voice, it was unclear and lonely.

Lin Hanxing did not speak.

In the past, she would only choose to ignore it, but I don't know when she learned empathy.

"Because I can't make any mistakes."

Everything that Lin Hanxing controls does not allow her to have any chance of making mistakes, so she can only estimate all the worst possibilities before the other party calculates her every time.

Over time, it becomes ability.

"Not at all."

Zhan Nanheng on the video side was taken aback when he heard this, and then his eyebrows were relaxed.

"That person is the confidant who has been with the princess for many years. He has been dormant, who would have thought..."

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