Goodnight, Mr. CEO!

Chapter 1390: : That is his dignity

Lin Hanxing raised her eyebrows, and the effect was obviously much better than she had imagined.

"Who thought of exposing himself for a trivial matter, didn't he?"

The expression on her face looked extremely cold through the screen, even her voice.

"That's because the second prince didn't let the second prince know about this."

How much time and effort it takes to cultivate a "dark pile" is obviously not the focus of the second prince, and it is precisely because of this that the people who originally used the steel blade were so easily discarded.

Zhan Nanheng on the other side of the video did not say a word.

This style of picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon really doesn't look like the second princess can make!

"Do you think the second prince can really find the things in the safe?"

To be honest, Zhan Nanheng is not optimistic about this.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hanxing laughed the moment he heard this sentence.

The eyebrows are relaxed, and even with that tearful mole, there are thousands of amorous feelings.

"He will not only find it, but he will find it in the fastest time!"

"Are you so sure?"

Zhan Nanheng really didn't know why Xiao Qingmei had so much trust in the second prince this time.

"Since passing by with the crown prince, the second prince has been suppressed by us until now. Although he has no brains, after all these years, he has been held above Yunding by everyone. Do you think he is really willing?"

Lin Hanxing didn't answer the question.

Zhan Nanheng moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something.

But Lei Xiao's next sentence instantly calmed Zhan Nanheng.

"That is his dignity."

"I know."

After a while, Zhan Nanheng finally found his voice.

"I will send someone to keep an eye on the movements of the second prince and the major banks of the Sananda family, and I will notify you as soon as there is news."

After that, he hung up the video.

On Lei Xiao's side, in fact, he had just finished an exchange with Yunbai.

"The jewelry box came to the organizer through an extraordinary channel. I sent someone to investigate. The address information is all fake, but there is only one thing that can be confirmed..."

Lei Xiao's actions were very fast, and he investigated all the information of the jewelry box in the fastest time.

Lin Hanxing stared at him.

"The source of this jewelry box is Johor!"

Johor, Johor again!

Lin Hanxing didn't speak, but his brain was quickly sorting out information about this place.

About Yuan Bao’s mother...

About the sheep's head...

About the royal family of Johor...

Now I have added Zong Qinsu's thing...

Just like there is a big invisible network, we put together every seemingly messy node to form the same destination...



Lin Hanxing cast his gaze out of the car window.

In the city shrouded by night, there is a unique sense of mystery and beauty.


Very interesting!


Early the next morning.

Lei Er Shao Lei Yu was making coffee when Lin Hanxing came downstairs.

"Eldest brother went for a morning run. Sister-in-law, would you like a drink?"

Seeing her come down, Lei Yu smiled warmly, like the second young master of Lei's family who was in sight of the white snow on the top of the mountain in the past, but now showed a different side.

Because of the charity dinner yesterday, most of the people were still asleep.

Lin Hanxing was noncommittal, and soon took a cup of hot coffee from Lei Yu's hand.

Just after a bite, the movement in his hand paused slightly.

He turned his head to look at Lei Yu, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't drink it."

Seeing that Lei Yu was about to deliver coffee to his mouth, Lin Hanxing suddenly reached out and grabbed the coffee cup, took the coffee from his hand, and placed it on the table with a click.

Lei Yu raised his head, with inexplicable eyes.

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