Gorgeous and enchanting supreme ghost doctor

Chapter 4676 Mo Ze's Whereabouts

In a certain area of ​​the sea, Xuanyuan Moze, who was not seen by everyone, is sleeping in the deep ocean. He is surrounded by unfathomable waters, and he, as if surrounded by a bubble, quietly Lying in it motionless, his breath was extremely weak, as if he had died.

In the deep sea, there are some spirit fish and sea monsters swimming in the depths of the sea. However, they all naturally avoided the place where Xuanyuan Moze is located. The blisters on his body glowed with a soft light, and the breath But it is extremely powerful, that thing like a water bubble, glowing with a faint cyan light, in the deep sea, if you don't pay attention to it, you can't detect it.

The spirit fish and sea monsters in the deep sea did not dare to get close to Xuanyuan Moze, but the spirit power aura in the sea penetrated into his body one by one, and he, never conscious, just slept quietly. Lying down...

In Shangxianjie, Yunxiao Mountain, three children are sleeping in thatched huts. Perhaps the sunlight outside came in obliquely. Haoer on the bed opened his eyes, turned over and sat up, and saw this simple thatched hut. At that time, he was taken aback, as if he had thought of something, and he recovered after a while.

Mu Chen and Mu Yuexu on the other two beds heard him getting up, they rubbed their eyes and sat up.

"Big brother? What's the matter?" Yue'er asked, because she had just woke up, her hair was a bit messy, but even her messy hair made her delicate face look cute and cute.

"It's okay, I just thought that I should get up to practice." Hao'er said, and looked at the sky outside. The sky in the morning was soft, warm and comfortable. He got out of bed and said to the two of them: " Get up and wash up too! Let's go outside to practice."

"Okay." The two little ones responded, and then got up to wash.

After a simple wash, Yue'er came to see Hao'er with her messy hair: "Brother, help me tie my hair."

Hao'er had just moved her muscles and bones, and when she heard the sound, she turned around and saw Yue'er coming over with a messy hair. He walked over and said, "Yue'er, brother teaches you to tie yourself. Would you like to learn?"

Hearing this, Yue'er looked up at him, and finally nodded in response: "Okay."

"Yue'er is really good." Hao'er smiled and gave a compliment, then led her back to the house and let her sit in front of the bronze mirror while teaching her how to tie her hair.

Yue'er also watched and learned, but she couldn't help but ask: "Big brother, how come our master hasn't seen anyone since he came back? Why didn't he leave us here? Does he want us? If he doesn't want us, will he send us back to my mother?"

After listening to this, Mu Chen next to him also listened carefully.Since they came back, they haven't seen the person who brought them here and said that it was their master. Moreover, they have been left here to live in thatched huts for a few days. There is no one else here except the three of them.

"The master should be inseparable from work, besides, he keeps us here, and every day the Bi Fangniao will bring us to eat, maybe he will come to us when he finishes his work." Haoer As he said, looking out, he saw a giant bird with seven colors flying in the sky.

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