Mu Chen and Mu Yue looked outside, and when they saw the Bifang divine bird, they didn't say anything.These days it is true that I haven't seen their inconspicuous master, but this sacred bird has been guarding them here and will bring them some spirit feather chickens as food.

"Well, will Yue'er be tied up?" Hao'er looked at her and asked.

Yue'er looked at it, then smiled and nodded: "Well, Yue'er will tie the eldest brother to teach this, and Yue'er will also braid braids, and Yue'er will tie her hair in the future."

"Well, that's fine, let's go! Let's go outside to practice." He said to the two of them.

"Okay." The two followed him out, to the open space outside, and followed him one by one.

The Bifang divine bird that flew in the sky for a while glanced below them, then fell to another hill not far away and watched the three of them gesture there.

At noon, the Bifang divine bird on the top of the mountain seemed to sense something. It looked towards the main peak, flapped its wings, and flew in that direction.

And at the main peak, a stone gate of a cave house slowly opened, and a white figure came out from it, with a steady and elegant pace. As he walked, the white robe flicked slightly, as if he had his own body. Immortal spirit, let the unfree Lord hold his breath, as if he was afraid of worrying the immortal in the mountain.

In addition to his excellent celestial temperament, his face is also extremely outstanding. The face that makes people unforgettable at first glance can be called a banter. It is just that he is like a banal, but because of those pairs The peach blossom-like eyes added a bit of evil, and the whole body exuded a breath of righteousness and evil.

One of his ink hair was dangled casually, not even a strand of hair tied up, just dangled casually and naturally. As he walked out of the cave, he looked at the sky and saw Bi Fang, the god bird, returning to him. , He curled his lips and asked, "How about the three little guys?"

"I looked for you after waking up, but they have been cultivating by themselves for the past few days. They tried to run around, but I stopped them, so they were allowed to move around in that thatched cottage. Does the master want to see them?" The bird asked, looking at him with his head tilted.

"It's time to see them too. Go and bring them here!" He said, walking slowly to the stone table under the big tree in front and sitting down with his hands.

Bi Fang's sacred bird flapped its wings and flew away. When it came to the three children, it stopped beside them: "Come on! I will take you to see the master."

Hearing this, Hao'er and Mu Chen and Mu Yue were taken aback. They looked at each other and jumped on the back of the bird, holding the feathers tightly with both hands, and the body rose as the bird soared. When they got up, they looked around and felt the wind blowing on their faces a little rustling, so they closed their eyes. After a while, they felt Bi Fangniao stop.

"Here, come down." Bi Fangniao said, knelt down and let the three children down.

The three of them glanced around, and their gazes naturally fell on the person sitting under the tree. For a moment, the three of them were a little startled, because they felt that this person was not very similar to the master who brought them here. !

Although puzzled, they got off the back of the divine bird. The three of them stepped forward and looked around. There was no one else besides them. So Yue'er asked curiously, "Who are you?" "

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