"it is good."

Yue'er took the crystal core and took a look and put it away, followed him to check the big tree, and finally saw that there was a small tree hole on one side of the big tree, and a pile of leaves covered things. , As soon as I opened it, there was something weird inside.

"Big brother, where did you get these things on this monkey? Are these shiny beads?" Yue'er pulled out a fist-sized bead, glowing with a layer of spiritual power, and I don't know what it came from.

Hao'er stepped forward and saw that most of them were luminous or colorful stones. He said, "Put things away and take them away."

"Okay." Yue'erren crawled in and put everything away inside.

The two Jingwei quickly stepped forward and said, "Master Chen, or go back first! Maybe they are already preparing to eat." The two secretly wiped their sweat, really worried that they would go deeper. go.

Hearing this, Hao'er looked at Mu Chen and Mu Yue and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry." The two shook their heads.They have food, so they really haven't felt hungry yet.

"Well, why don't we go and see if Miss Mi'er picked up any ingredients?" Another Jingwei said again.I think it's better to take them back. One is that their combat effectiveness is a little scary, and the other is that they are afraid that they will encounter something that they cannot cope with when they go deeper. If something goes wrong, they will not be able to compensate for ten.

"Then go back first!" Mu Chen said, "The monkey corpse here will attract other beasts for a while, lest they worry, let's go back first!"

"Yeah." Hao'er nodded, and then followed the two Jingwei to find Mi'er, ready to help her find ingredients.

Song Lingbo looked at the whole tiger skin that was peeled off with a smile on his face. He was about to put it away when he returned home and then deal with it and give it to his wife. He heard a voice.

"Your lord, this tiger skin is peeled very well, I wonder, can you sell it to me?"

Listening to the voice, Song Lingbo looked up and saw a group of about 40 or 50 people coming from not far away, and the middle-aged man headed by him was staring at the tiger skin in his hand.

"Sorry, I want this tiger skin myself." Song Lingbo said, putting the tiger skin away, and said to the Jing defending aside: "Take the tiger meat, make the tiger bone soup, and eat this scarlet tiger at noon. Up."

"Yes." Those Jingwei respectfully responded, and after a glance at those people, they got busy.

At this time, the Song family, all dressed in gowns, are inconspicuous. The only advantage is that they can resist dirt and are convenient, and there is no representative thing on them. Therefore, after those people took a look at them, they showed inexplicable look.

"Hey, who are you? You are so courageous, so few people dare to come into this forest?" A man in his 30s yelled at them.

Song Lingbo watched the elite guards doing things without saying much, so he looked at the group of people who were standing not far away, his eyes fell on the middle-aged man who was headed, and said: " What do you want to do by staring at us like this?"

Hearing this, the headed middle-aged man who was going to get people to step forward flashed his eyes slightly, stared at the middle-aged man who couldn't see his identity, pondered for a moment, and asked, "You know me?"

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