"I have heard of it, but I never thought I would be lucky enough to see it today." Song Lingbo said, adjusting the whole robe.

Hearing this, the head of the surname Chai squinted his eyes and turned in his heart.It's not easy for someone who can see his identity at a glance!But who would this person be?Knowing that they are a mercenary group, but there is no fear at all, is it courageous?Still holding on?

"I don't know who you are?" the head of the surname Chai asked, his eyes fell on him.

"Song Lingbo." He raised his hand and bowed his fist.

"Song Lingbo, God of Cooking!" The head of the surname Chai raised his voice slightly, not surprisingly surprised.

"Father! We're back!" Mi'er returned with the three children, carrying some unknown things in his hands. Hao'er and the three also helped to hold some things, while the two Jingwei behind were holding them. Back branches.

Seeing them, Song Lingbo showed a smile: "Don't run around, it's already fired, and you can have some soup after sitting for a while."

Mi'er approached and looked at that team. They saw that forty to fifty people in that team carried a bloody breath, and each of them had a brutal, bloodthirsty color between their eyebrows. People frowned slightly involuntarily, and walked away from them.

"Hey, commander, I heard that God of Cooking Song Lingbo has extraordinary cooking skills, and the things he makes can also supplement the lost spiritual energy and enhance the strength to help people break through. It can be called a pill-like existence. You say, we are just right. If you run into it, you will never miss this good opportunity, right?"

A man lowered his voice and said, with a bit of excitement in his eyes, and a bit of cruel gaze passing over Song Mi'er and the three children, with a deeper smile on his face.

"Head, look, they still have women, three children, and only a few people..."

The implication is self-evident.

Hearing this, the head of the head of the surname Chai moved slightly.I have to say that when he learned that this person was the God of Cooking Song Lingbo, that thought arose in his heart. However, the strength of the God of Cooking Song Boling was also extraordinary, so he did not dare to act rashly, but if the woman was taken first There are also those three children who caught it, are you afraid that he will not submit?

"Song Chef God, admiring his name for a long time."

As the head of the surname Chai said, he raised his hand and arched his hand, and at the same time stepped forward. However, as soon as his voice fell, he recklessly threw a net towards Song Mi'er and the three children on the side. When the net was over, the net quickly collected them, so that the few people who were holding things in their hands could not avoid them in the first time.


Song Mi'er exclaimed, and the things in her hands fell to the ground as a result of letting go. She used her hands to prop up the net and wanted to take it off, but the net was tightening tighter and tighter.

Hao'er and Mu Chenyue'er were also taken aback for a while, and the things in their hands fell to the ground. The few people caught in the net were dragged to the team, and they quickly surrounded them. Stuck in the middle.

Seeing this, the three of them glanced at each other, did not call, just stayed quietly.

Song Lingbo saw that he even dared to do something with them even after he knew who he was, his heart became angry, his face sank, and his voice was angrily drinking: "Chai San! Let them go!"

"Song Chef God, don't get angry, it's rare to meet here, why don't we sit down and talk?"

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