When several venerables of the Cheng family went out, almost everyone from every family in the city heard the news for the first time. Some of them sent people out to watch, and some of them came out in person to see what was going on. .

"Ancestor, those three children came with that woman." The guard leading the way looked at the three children sitting by the window on the first floor.

The ancestor of the Cheng family looked and saw the three children sitting there drinking water and eating snacks, chatting from time to time, pointing to things on the street outside and smiling.The age of the three of them is indeed as the guard said, they are not very old, but the three children know at a glance that they are not ordinary children, and they should be from famous families.

At the same time they appeared, Hao'er noticed them. After taking a look at them secretly, Hao'er guessed that these people should be from the Cheng family.

Perhaps he noticed that Hao'er's gaze was looking elsewhere. Mu Chen and Yue'er also looked towards the door. After a glance, they turned their heads. Yue'er asked, "Why are they staring at us all the time?"

"It should be from the Cheng family." Mu Chen said, drank the water in the cup, and said to Yue: "You go in and see if Sister Mi'er makes the dishes."

"Oh." Seeing her brother sent her to the kitchen, Yue'er didn't say much, and after a reply, she walked to the kitchen.

Because of their arrival, the people in the inn were quickly cleared out by the Cheng family. In the entire inn, only Haoer and the people at the table were still sitting. Outside the inn, there were Cheng family guards. Now, no one gets near here.

"My child, the woman in Tsing Yi who is walking with you, do you know her identity?" Cheng family ancestor asked.

Hearing this, Hao'er and Mu Chen looked at each other, Hao'er said: "You found here, don't you know?"

The ancestor of the Cheng family flickered his eyes, seeing that the two children were not surprised or afraid, sitting here without a trace of panic or fear, and even dared to say this to him, and his heart moved slightly.

It is really not a child of ordinary people, it is rare to have such a temperament at this age.

In the kitchen, Yue'er came to Song Mi'er's side and said, "Sister Mi'er, people from the Cheng family are here! My second brother asked me to come in and tell you." She said, while standing on tiptoe. He secretly squeezed a piece of meat into his mouth and ate it, and licked it with his little fingers in his mouth.

After hearing her words, Miller turned around and caught a glimpse of her, and she couldn't help but whispered: "Oh, how can you eat your fingers! Did you wash your hands just now? You can't put your fingers in your mouth." She said as she took her He came to the side and washed his hands and said, "Aren't you hungry? I'll give you some food to fill your stomach."

Yue'er smiled, letting her help her wash her hands, and said: "I just had to wash my hands."

"You can't put your fingers in your mouth after you wash your hands. It's dirty." Mi'er said, washing her hands, took a bowl and chopsticks and gave her some food, while asking, "Cheng family come here. Now? Your two brothers are outside?" Outside, she kept in mind that she couldn't reveal their identities.

"Yeah, they are still sitting there." Yueer took the bowl and chopsticks, and went to the small chair to sit down and eat.

Hearing this, Mi'er said: "Then you eat here, I'll go out and have a look." Then, she picked up her own pan on the stove with one hand and was about to go out, but was held by a small hand. .

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