Yue'er chewed on what was in her mouth, and said: "My brother asked me to come in and tell you that I just won't let you out."

Hearing this, Mi'er stared and said: "Don't let me go out? How can I do it? There are just two of them outside? You...cough, does Madam know? I have to go and see." Her little hand opened and strode out.

Upon seeing this, Yue'er wanted to follow along, but saw that the dishes in the bowl were not finished yet and the soup was still stewing on the stove, she continued to eat while watching the fire burning in the stove.

Anyway, there will be nothing wrong with her mother.

At this time, Feng Jiu opened the door of the room on the second floor and walked out. She was dressed in a simple blue robes, with drooping ink hair draped behind her. He looked lazy because he had just taken a bath.

She walked to the fence, stood there and looked down, her eyes fell on the people in the Cheng family, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Seeing her, almost needless to say, the ancestors of the Cheng family and others knew it was her. Seeing her ordinary face, wearing a simple blue dress, they knew that she had changed her appearance. Therefore, the ancestor of the Cheng family walked up. One step forward, he bowed his hand to her.

"Old ancestor of the Cheng family, pay homage to Madam." At this moment, a heart was raised up from nervousness, feeling uneasy.

Feng Jiu walked down the stairs slowly, and said, "I haven't looked for you yet, but you came here by yourself."

Hearing this, everyone in the Cheng family trembled, their heads lowered slightly, not dare to look at her.

"Madam, the old man is here to make amends with everyone in the Cheng family. I am waiting to send my Cheng family ten rare and precious treasures, self-defeating and self-cultivation. I only hope that my wife can raise her precious hand. It is our Cheng family this time. In the future, Definitely teach children and grandchildren to do good deeds and never forget the great kindness of the wife.

Seeing her walking down slowly, at this moment, the ancestor of the Cheng family knelt down and slammed his head at her.

The people who were watching from a distance outside the inn could not help being stunned when they saw this scene. Each one of them opened their eyes wide in shock, looking at the kneeling ancestor of the Cheng family in incredible ways.

Such a character who can stomping his feet casually can make the whole town turbulent, actually kneeled to an inconspicuous woman in Tsing Yi?If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was true!

Feng Jiu stood in front of him, looking at the old man who was kneeling on the ground and putting his head on the ground, his eyes flickered.People like them can only wait to die if they abolish their cultivation base, and if they abolish their cultivation base, they will be able to live soon.

She also had faint guesses about the fact that they found the inn here to seek a way to survive.After all, these people are powerful men who have lived for hundreds of years. After learning that the four people sent by the Cheng family were dead, they should guess the final fate of the Cheng family.

She walked slowly, came to the table where the two children were sitting, and said slowly: "Although the world is respected by the strong, everything has to be left behind. Since you come to ask for each other, I I can spare your Cheng family this time, but..."

Listening to her, the ancestor of the Cheng family was overjoyed and couldn't help but raised his head to look at her, but after listening to her, his heart came up again.

"Madam, please say, as long as the wife is willing to raise her hands up, she is the descendant of the Cheng family, no matter what the wife says, we will do it!" The ancestor of the Cheng family said quickly.

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