Chapter 374 – Dragon Corps

After much discussion last night, we agreed on a number of guidelines. In particular, the questions posed by Count Delisans and his cohorts regarding the explanation of the magic rifle and magic airship served as a good example, and I think we were able to finalize our response in considerable detail. I was able to understand where the interest of those who saw the magic rifle and the magic airship for the first time would be directed.

Many of the questions about the magic rifle and the magic airship were still about their performance, followed by questions about the scale at which they would be operated, whether they would be available in the future, and how much they would cost to operate.

It was easy to decide how far to go in answering these questions. As for the power of the magic rifle, we only told them that it could shoot through heavy cavalry armor from a considerable distance and that it had enough killing power to kill a Gizma with a single blow.

As for the magic airship, since the R&D staff and I were the only ones who knew the specific capabilities of the airship, it was enough for Isla to tell the R&D staff not to talk about it. Now, I think a civilian officer who actually went on board with the magic rifle squadron could talk about what they experienced, but the idea is that they would not have a grasp of the specific specifications. Even if they knew the specifications, it would be impossible to imitate a magic airship, so there would be little point in finding out the specifications. However, it was decided that the internal structure would be kept secret for security reasons.

We also considered other questions directed to Grande and myself, but since we had no idea what kind of questions or tactics would be used, we decided to drop the matter. It seems we have no choice but to maintain a high degree of flexibility and tactfulness.


So the next day, as we were standing by, fully prepared for departure, a message came to the bridge from Harpy-san―Rey, the black-winged harpy who had been in charge of the introductions.

“Several large flying dragons are approaching from the west. They are believed to be from the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom.”

“Understood. Meet them and lead them to the landing site.”

“Roger that.”

With these words, Rey ends the communication. A few minutes later, the deck of the magic airship also receives a report of an approaching large flying dragon. The ship’s airborne surveillance seems to be working fine. The development of an active radar using magic is being considered, but it has not yet been put into practical use due to various concerns, such as how to release magic waves that can reach far and are highly reflective and whether or not the magic waves will stimulate monsters. The magic detection magic Isla used before has high accuracy and very good performance, but it is not suitable for long-range detection for magic airships due to its short detection distance.

While I was thinking about this, the members of the magic rifle squadron standing guard on the deck pointed to the western sky. From the bridge, I could see all the movement on the deck, so I knew immediately what they were doing.

“Can you see them?”

“Hmm, five flying dragons are approaching.”

Isla nodded.

Five? If we didn’t have our own transportation, we could only take about 20 people with us. With me, Isla, Driada-san, the Beastmen maids, and the civilian staff on board, it would be a full load. They said they would send any number of flying dragons to transport us, but I am not sure if they would have even transported the magic riflemen.

“Then let’s welcome them. We should fly the flag of the Kingdom of Merinard so that people can recognize it, right?”

“I think that would be good.”

Driada-san nodded her head, so I used the magic transmission tube to give Ted instructions. The landing area for airships is larger, so the flying dragons of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom will have plenty of room to land.

Even with my naked eye, I could see several dots in the western sky. They must be the flying dragons of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom. Unlike wyverns, flying dragons have upper and lower limbs in addition to their wings. Wyverns are easy to distinguish because their upper limbs are wings. And the flying dragon is bigger.

“Should I greet them?”

“No, that is not necessary. It would be enough to come out and work with them when they arrive.”

“From a superior position?”

“Actually, you are the superior.”

Driada-san smiled bitterly. I’m sorry. I just can’t be like this, you know?

“Anyway… I’ll do it accordingly.”

The shadow of the flying dragons is getting bigger and bigger as we speak, and they seem to have arrived at the landing site right away. Hmm, I’ve seen them before, but they’re really cool. They are also very powerful. If I were an ordinary infantryman in this world, equipped only with a sword, spear, and shield, I definitely wouldn’t want to fight with something like that.

A little later, Driada-san said it was time to leave, so I decided to take Isla, Driada-san, and Grande to the landing site. The flying dragons had just landed in front of the airship, and as soon as Grande appeared, they crouched down with a kind of pitiful cry.

“Hmm, they are well trained.”

Grande nodded as she looked at the trembling flying dragons. The dragon riders and flying dragon soldiers of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom also saw this and quickly kneeled down. They were all strong-looking lizardmen and horned subhumans, but the way they knelt before Grande was as if they were pious believers facing the object of their faith.

“I see that you are Grande-sama. It is an honor to meet you.”

“Hm? Umu, it’s no trouble.”

Grande was a little surprised to see them kneeling so suddenly, but she seemed pleased as if it tickled her self-esteem. She’s so easy.

I counted them and found there were seven of them. Considering that there are five flying dragons, it seems that flying dragons can carry two people.

“Your Excellency’s military fame is also echoing throughout our Dragonis Mountain Kingdom. As expected from the companion of Grande-sama. We are all deeply impressed by you.”

“I see. I have also heard about the military fame of the Dragon Corps of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom. If I have the opportunity, I would like to fight side by side with you.”

“That would be a great honor. If the opportunity arises, I will show you the full extent of the martial arts we have developed.”

I am not good at this kind of thing. I never know what to say. I’m always occupied.

“Now, please stand up. We will go to Dragonis Mountain Kingdom as soon as possible. Please lead the way.”

“Yes, leave it to us… But is this thing supposed to fly?”

“Of course. However, I don’t know what’s faster than your flying dragon. Meanwhile, we will be traveling at cruising speed here, so can you match our speed? Ah, we would like to have one of you on board with us, if possible. We need to communicate when we need to adjust our speed. Is there any kind of sign that would help us adjust our speed?”

I said, and they looked at each other and then nodded.

“Then let me.”

With that, the most splendidly equipped horned subhuman stepped forward. Perhaps he was of royal blood.

“The matter is settled. Let’s leave at once. Everyone in the Dragon Corps, please go ahead and stand by upstairs.”

Now it’s time to rendezvous with the world-famous Dragon Corps of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom. I hope it will be a peaceful flight.

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