Chapter 375 – To the Sky Again

After saying goodbye to Count Delisans, who rushed to the scene when he saw the flying dragon, the magic airship with the flying dragon took off.

“I didn’t expect this huge body to fly… And it rises almost vertically?”

From the bridge, a warrior with magnificent equipment looks around and shouts in amazement.

Two magnificent horns protrude from his head, or rather the hairline of his forehead, and a mighty tail with conspicuous light-blue scales grows from around his waist.

“Is Caltas-dono related to the royal family?”

“Indeed. My father is the brother of the former king. He has long since renounced his right to the throne, but I am sure that we are related to the royal family. However, I am now just a warrior who swears allegiance to the royal family, so I would appreciate it if you would treat me as such.”

“I understand. I will do so.”

Driada-san, standing next to me, nodded in agreement.

His name, the one who offered to board the magic airship, is Caltas. He may have a family name, but he did not tell us. He is a huge man, about the same size as Danan―no, he is a big, strong man, and his armor and weapons are splendidly decorated. Considering his bloodline, there is no doubt that he is a warrior of considerable rank in the Dragon Corps, the pride of the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom.

“This vehicle is huge… How many people are on board?”

“The current crew, including non-combatants, is a little over one hundred and fifty.”

“One hundred and fifty…”

Caltas-shi snarls when he hears the number of crew members. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but from the look on his face, he seems to think that this magic airship is quite a threat.

“This is a prototype, the culmination of all our technology. We have not even reached the point of mass production. If we were to mass-produce it with its current specifications, our treasury would be depleted in no time.”

“Not just mass production, but this ship alone will drain us in no time. At the moment, this ship can only be built by Kosuke, and we can’t own it.”

“That’s right. It is not the property of the Merinard Kingdom but of Kosuke-kun.”

“Is that so? I see.”

The amount of magic sparkling stones and mithril used in this ship may be more valuable than the Merinard Kingdom itself. It is said that the magic sparkling stone is worth enough to build a mansion in a prime location with a piece as small as the tip of a little fingernail, and the mithril is worth enough to make a single weapon a national treasure.

Since there are two fist-sized magic sparkling stones and several hundred pieces of mithril on this ship, I wonder what the market value would be.

“Forgive me for being tactless, but how much wealth did it take to build this ship?”

“It’s hard to put a market value on it. Perhaps the cost of one of these ships would turn the economy of the Holy Kingdom and the Empire upside down.”

“Our excellent Prime Minister gave up calculating the price in the middle of the project.”

“I’m sorry… I’m beginning to worry that I might damage the ship if I accidentally lean over too far.”

Caltas-dono let out a dry laugh. Don’t worry, don’t worry, you needn’t be afraid. There are also mithril silver alloy wires under your feet, so a light step or fall won’t even scratch them. After all, the wood around our feet is also wood that has been strengthened by magic. It’s stronger than metal.

“Captain, what is our altitude and course?”

The mage from the R&D department who serves as the helmsman answers the question after thinking for a moment.

“Follow the Dragon Corps’ lead. As for speed, Caltas-dono, is it correct to say that we will match the cruising speed of one of them?”

“Either of them?”

“Yes. We will not know each other’s cruising speed. For now, we will ask your men to fly as usual and match the speed of the slower of the two.”

“I see. I don’t know how fast you can go with this huge body, but let’s do it. I will go on deck to contact my men.”

“I understand. A place on the deck where you can use the sound tube would be good. Darko.”

“Yes, sir.”

I ordered the second platoon leader, Darko, who was guarding the bridge, to accompany him. It would be better to be able to communicate with the bridge for speed adjustments.

“Is that okay? To put it in here.”

“I think it’s good. It’s good enough that people can see from the outside that this is an important section.”

After watching Darko lead Caltas-shi out, Driada-san asked me worriedly, but I shrugged and acted like it was nothing.

In fact, among the many bare parts of the deck, only this aft deck, which serves as the bridge, is armored. It is easy to understand that this is a weak point that needs to be protected with armor. Well, even if it is understood, the armor protecting this bridge is mithril armor, so it is not so easy to break.

“The dragon cavalry has begun to lead the way.”

“Follow them. For now, follow their lead and gradually increase to cruising speed.”


With a distinctive “squeaking” sound, the large-diameter wind-magic propulsion system for forward propulsion began to expel air backward, and the huge body of the magic airship began to move forward.

“The improved fall control system is functioning normally.

“Altitude stabilization propulsion system operating normally.”

“Rudder and propulsion systems operating normally.”

“Magic sparkling stone furnace output normal.”

“Good. Then match speed with the dragon cavalry as planned.”

After hearing the mages’ words of approval, it was time for a leisurely stroll in the sky. This time, the speed increase is slower because there is someone to match, but it is still the same thing to do. While I was looking at the map and compass I had brought with me from Merinesburg, I received a call from the deck through the magic voice pipe.

“Your Excellency, we have received a request from Caltas-dono asking if we can still make speed.”

“Our current output is just under 70% of cruising power. Tell him we can still make it.”

“Yes, sir.”

The speed has increased again. Is everything okay? The ship has an inexhaustible supply of magic power from the magic sparkling stone furnace, but the flying dragon driven by the dragon cavalry is still a living creature. It must have limited stamina, and especially since that huge body is flying at such a high speed, it must be using magic power to fly. I think this is another thing that could be exhausted if it continues to be used for stamina and agitation. While I was thinking about this, I received another call from the deck.

“Sir, they are at their limit over there at this speed.”

“Copy that. Tell them to maintain their speed. Helmsman, please record this exit.”


The cruising speed of the dragon cavalry is about 85% of the cruising speed of the prototype magic airship. The speed is just under 90 kilometers per hour. It’s not slow at all―or rather, it’s amazingly maneuverable in this world. We seem to have an advantage in cruising speed, but when it comes to starting combat, it’ll probably be much faster than cruising speed. If they lose altitude, their speed will increase by that amount. Unfortunately, this is a trick that the magic airship can’t do. If we accelerate too fast, it could damage the hull.

“Deck to Captain. Caltas-dono will remain on deck and act as liaison with the crew.”

“Very well, Darko, return to the bridge. Post a guard on deck to act as a liaison.”


That’s it for now. We are now in the airspace of the Confederation of Small States. Well, I guess this world doesn’t have the concept of airspace yet. No, I wonder if the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom, which has air power, does?

Anyway, there will be no monsters for a while, but once we enter the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom, there might be monster attacks. That’s the crucial point.

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