Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1006 Negotiation collapse


Faced with Shangguan Wuji's inquiry, Wang Chen smiled and said: "Of course I see what Her Royal Highness the Princess wants. If she is willing to pass on to the Barbarian King, I will escort her to the Southern Barbarians."

"What if Your Highness is unwilling?"

Shangguan Wuji directly said what Wang Chen had not yet said, and the eyes of the sixth-level warrior became as sharp as a blade: "Wang Taibao, how will you deal with it?"

"And I heard that Wang Taibao is also His Highness's mentor?"

"Yes, I am His Highness's master."

Wang Chen met Shangguan Wuji's gaze with an indifferent expression: "If Your Highness is not willing, then no one can force you!"

The two people's eyes collided silently, causing the temperature of the entire hall to drop suddenly.

Sun Zhengheng, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but shudder.

His cultivation strength was the weakest among the three, so he didn't even have a chance to speak.

Shangguan Wuji was silent for a moment, then stretched out his fingers and slid them on the table. His fingertips penetrated the hard table board and drew a simple map.

"This is Da Qi, this is Da Yan, this is Nanman..."

After finishing the painting, the Han navy commander poked four points in succession on the table: "This is our main beam."

From a geographical point of view, Daliang occupies the best territory. Not only does it have a large number of fertile plains, but most places have four distinct seasons and a pleasant climate, and the products are also very rich.

But Daliang is also surrounded by Dayan, Daqi and Nanman. The latter two have always coveted the sacred land of Daliang, and have been warring for hundreds of years.

Although the relationship between Dayan and Daliang is good, only an ignorant idiot would believe that Dayan has no ambitions for Daliang's territory.

The existence of Hanhai City is to block Dayan's ambitions!

These are all foreign troubles.

Internal troubles have become more complicated, rebels against the party have risen and heresies are everywhere, and countless demons and ghosts are causing trouble in the world. Coupled with the corruption and tyranny of officials, they have gradually weakened the national power of Liang.

In the view of Shangguan Wuji, the general who commanded the army, Emperor Shaowu, who had mediocre qualifications and weak personality, had no ability to reverse the decline of Daliang, and Princess Qingyun and Qin Dayan could not change anything.

If you want to save the crumbling beam, you have to change the day!

Shangguan Wuji believed that except for his status, King Jing far surpassed Emperor Shaowu in other aspects.

This was the reason why he supported King Jing in this great change.

Even King Jing's idea of ​​ceding three northern counties to Da Qi was approved by Shangguan Wuji.

Because the three northern counties border Daqi, there are no natural dangers to defend. In order to deal with Daqi's attacks over the years, countless manpower and material resources have been invested, causing a steady flow of water in Daliang.

Although the cession of the three counties will cause severe pain for a while, hundreds of thousands of elite frontier troops can retreat to the Tianyun Mountain Fortress and block the passage of the Qi army southward, which will save countless money and food in the future.

Moreover, some of the border troops can be transferred back to the south to suppress the rebellious heretics and deter the barbarians who are ready to move.

It can be said that it accomplishes multiple things with one stone!

In addition, the three counties lost by Daliang can be regained from Dayan.

King Jing is willing to put aside the hatred of the past and bear the humiliation to negotiate peace with Daqi, also for the survival and rejuvenation of Daliang!

He asked Princess Qingyun to pass on to the Barbarian King. On the one hand, it was to show Daqi's determination for peace talks, and on the other hand, it was also to temporarily stabilize the Southern Barbarian tribe and leave it to be resolved later.

"For the eternal stability of Daliang and the peace of the people..."

Shangguan Wuji said righteously: "I hope Wang Taibao can take the overall situation into consideration and persuade His Highness to go to Nanman!"

"What a great situation!"

Wang Chen smiled: "What if I ignore the overall situation? How will you treat me?"

Shangguan Wuji's face was gloomy, showing a hint of murderous aura.

He didn't answer, but his attitude said it all.

Wang Chen seemed unaware, suppressed his smile and said, "I won't give it away!"

The corners of Shangguan Wuji's eyes twitched. He took a deep look at Wang Chen and then said, "The day King Jing ascends the throne is when His Highness will go south. Wang Taibao, please take care of yourself!"

After saying that, Shangguan Wuji stood up and left.

Wang Chen watched the other party's figure disappear at the entrance of the hall and smiled coldly.

The Han navy commander clearly had murderous intentions, but he resisted the urge to take action because the city was not as deep as usual.

Wang Chen turned to look at Sun Zhengheng sitting beside him and asked, "Are you okay?"

Sun Zhengheng's face was pale and he was sweating profusely, and his hands were still trembling.

Shangguan Wuji's sudden murderous intent just now shocked him greatly.

Not collapsing on the spot was considered very strong.


Sun Zhengheng took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "Wang Taibao, how will we respond in three days?"

Now that the marriage team is trapped and dead in the palace, and they have fallen out with Guan Wuji, the situation is really getting worse. Sun Zhengheng can no longer imagine what he and others will face in the future!

Thinking of his relatives and family far away in Daye, the commander of the Yulin Guards felt extremely gloomy.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Wang Chen said calmly: "Let's wait for three days. After three days, if Shangguan Wuji insists on having his own way..."

"Then I'll send him to his death!"

Sun Zhengheng was horrified!

He couldn't believe his ears - Wang Chen actually wanted to kill Shangguan Wuji?

is it possible?

By the time Sun Zhengheng came to his senses, Wang Chen had already left.

Wang Chen did not leave the palace, but went to the inner hall to meet Princess Qingyun and told her the current situation.

After Princess Qingyun heard this, her whole body withered like a flower struck by frost.

She had already suffered great mental stimulation today, but she didn't expect that a worse fate was still waiting for her!

Who is the Barbarian King?

In the understanding of Daliang, from the dignitaries to the common people, they were beast-like existences, bloodthirsty, brutal, violent and ugly barbaric people.

Princess Qingyun could not imagine how she would be treated after marrying the Barbarian King.

Barbarians are animals without humanity and no sense of etiquette or shame!

The delicate girl trembled involuntarily, feeling as if she had fallen into a bottomless ice cave. The coldness rushed from the soles of her feet to the sky, making her dizzy and shaky for a moment.

At this moment, a warm and strong hand held her delicate hand.

Princess Qingyun turned her head subconsciously and saw the concerned look cast by Wang Chen.

She suddenly felt warm in her heart and leaned into the latter's arms.

"Do not worry."

Wang Chen patted her shoulder lightly and said, "I won't let you marry a Nanman. I can take you far away, away from all grudges, but I don't think this is the best choice."

"Your Highness Princess, have you ever thought about becoming the first empress of Daliang?"

Princess Qingyun is confused!


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