Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1007 Luck Transfer


Empress is not a new term. In fact, in addition to Daliang, there have been empresses who ascended the throne and proclaimed themselves emperors in the history of Dayan and Daqi. In the past thousand years, the total number of empresses even exceeded ten!

But since the founding of the Liang Dynasty, there has never been a situation where a woman controlled the world.

In fact, looking at the entire Cang Qing Realm, it has been two hundred years since the last queen ascended the throne.

Princess Qingyun never thought that she would become the first empress of Daliang!

However, as the late emperor's legitimate daughter, she really has such qualifications.

It's just that unless all the men in the royal family are dead, or only those with congenital dementia are left, it will not be Princess Qingyun's turn to sit on the throne.

Therefore, if she wants to become the empress, there is only one way.

Raise the flag and seize the throne!

The question is, as Princess Qingyun is a fragile woman who has been raised in the palace for more than ten years, who will support her ascending to the throne?

She is so ambitious, any royal man would be more reliable than her!

"I know it's hard for you to accept right now."

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "But Your Highness, you only have two choices. One is that I take you away from Daliang and find a safe place to live anonymously for the rest of your life."

"The other one is to raise the imperial flag and compete with King Jing for the most important place in the world!"

Princess Qingyun's delicate body trembled, as if she was waking up from a dream.

She left Wang Chen's arms, looked at Wang Chen blankly and asked, "Master, if I choose to remain anonymous, will you always stay with me?"

Wang Chen shook his head: "No."

He came to this world to seize the destiny of heaven and earth and control the source of the world. How could he waste all his time on the other party?

Taking Princess Qingyun away was Wang Chen's last help to his apprentice.

Princess Qingyun wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, bit her lip and said, "Master, I want to be the first empress of Daliang!"

Wang Chen asked: "Have you thought it through? Once you make a decision, there will be no chance of regrets!"

"I've thought it through."

Princess Qingyun showed a sad smile: "Master, I would rather die than marry a Nanman, let alone live in anonymity for the rest of my life."

"Qing Yun would like to swear here that if I become the emperor in the future, I will make my master the king. If I violate this oath, I will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Chen suddenly felt that someone in the dark was looking at him with concern!


His luck was instantly cut off by 500 points, and what was left was less than three digits!

But at the same time, Wang Chen felt light all over, and the invisible restraints wrapped around him suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Wang Chen and Princess Qingyun had another invisible and intangible bond and connection, forming a new string of fate!

Wang Chen knew very well that from then on, his fate in this world was closely related to Princess Qingyun, and both prospered and suffered losses.

Simply put, he jumped ship.

But compared to the original Emperor Shaowu, the current Princess Qingyun is just a small boat in the sea, and may be overturned by wind and waves at any time.

But Emperor Shaowu's huge ship will sink in three days!

Therefore, Wang Chen was not depressed because his luck was cut off. Instead, he showed a happy smile: "Very good, if you live up to me, I will live up to you!"

Princess Qingyun held his hand tightly and nodded vigorously.

"Come with me."

Wang Chen led Princess Qingyun to the main hall.

He asked Sun Zhengheng to summon all the Yulin guards, including those stationed on the palace wall.

Although the palace has been besieged by Han Haijun, with Shangguan Wuji's status and magnanimity, since he has been given three days, it is unlikely that he will go back on his words and launch a sudden attack.

After all the Yu Lin Guards arrived, Wang Chen told the story of the sudden change in the imperial capital.

All the Yulin guards were shocked!

Everyone never dreamed that King Jing would conspire with the Queen Mother to usurp the throne, overthrow Emperor Shaowu and ascend the throne on his own.

While shocked, they also felt extremely hesitant.

"In three days, King Jing will ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor!"

Wang Chen didn't give them any more time to think, and said in a deep voice: "Not only does he want to cede the three northern counties to Daqi, but he also wants to give Princess Qingyun to the Barbarian King, depriving him of his power and humiliating his father in state affairs!"

The Yulin guards were in an uproar.

Many of them came from the side army and had irresolvable grudges with the Qi army. Now that King Jing has surrendered to his feud for the sake of the throne, it is really infuriating.

"I have discussed this with Princess Qingyun."

Wang Chen glanced around and said solemnly: "I will never follow King Jing's orders, let alone worship him as emperor!"

"For the sake of Daliang, Princess Qingyun is determined to raise a flag to fight against rebellion. I am willing to follow her to the death. Now I ask you what you think?"

The Yulin guards suddenly looked at each other.

Sun Zhengheng knelt down with a pop, and shouted sternly: "I am willing to follow Her Royal Highness to the death, to fight against those who conspire to cause rebellion, and to re-establish the great orthodoxy!"

Sun Zhengheng was the commander-in-chief of the Yulin Guards and had a high prestige among the three thousand Yulin troops. He took the lead in loyalty, and dozens of his confidants immediately followed him and knelt down and swore an oath.

Then like dominoes, the other Yulin guards all knelt in front of Princess Qingyun.

Even if some people are suspicious, in such an environment, they can only follow the crowd.

"All generals are safe."

Princess Qingyun burst into tears: "I swear here that you will live up to me, and I will live up to you and others!"

The Yulin guards shouted in unison: "I am willing to die for His Highness!"

[Luck +50]

A message flashed across Wang Chen's field of vision. He said calmly: "Very good. If we all work together, great achievements can be expected. Let's go on..."

Wang Chen knew very well that there must be a large number of these three thousand Yulin Guards who were truly willing to serve Princess Qingyun, but there must also be many who had other intentions.

If a realistic goal is not set immediately, then as time goes by, the morale of the newly gathered people will continue to decline.

Only through victory after victory, continuous victory, can these elite soldiers truly support Princess Qingyun!

So Wang Chen's first goal is to capture Hanhai City!

This goal sounds incredible, because not only are there 50,000 elite Han navy troops stationed in Hanhai City, but the person who is stationed in this fortress is Shangguan Wuji, a sixth-level warrior.

How could the Three Thousand Feather Guards be an opponent?

"I will deal with Shangguan Wuji."

Wang Chen said calmly: "He can either choose to follow His Highness like us, or he can die."

"There is no third option!"

If someone else said this, everyone would probably sneer at it.

But the Yulin guards who had witnessed Wang Chen defeating all the enemies with their own eyes had a high level of trust and awe in him. They all believed that Wang Chen was really capable of defeating Shangguan Wuji, so they were all convinced.


The second update is sent.

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