boom! boom! boom!

Under the suppression of the power of Haoran's magic circle, the ten Lu family Zifu monks could not bear it at first, and they fell towards the pool like dumplings in a pot.

However, the tan surface seemed to have solidified into an iron wall. They fell on it and broke their bones and muscles, and screams came one after another!

Some died on the spot.

[Heavenly Power +800], [Heavenly Power +900], [Heavenly Power +800]…

A row of eye-catching reminders flashed across Wang Chen's vision.

The four golden elixirs who witnessed the tragic death of their own monks were all horrified, and desperately used their magic power to resist the force exerted on them.

Faced with the decision of life and death, these real people did not care about the loss of Dao foundation and directly extracted the power of the golden elixir.

The problem is that even if they risk their lives, they can't match the power of the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation!


Lu Hongye laughed miserably, glanced at Wang Chen with an extremely malicious look, then slapped his forehead with his palm, opened his mouth and spit out a golden pill.

Astonishingly, it was the golden elixir that he had condensed for hundreds of years!

The next moment, this golden elixir emitted immeasurable light, and the powerful elixir power spurted out, instantly covering the other three Lu family golden elixirs, holding up a protective umbrella for them.

It actually withstood the power of the formation!


Lu Hongye's mouth, nose, eyes and ears were filled with red blood at the same time, and his entire face became twisted and hideous.

At the most critical moment, this Lu family's golden elixir showed his due responsibility as a leader, burning his own golden elixir to fight for a glimmer of hope for his people.

The pressure on the other three Lu family's golden elixirs suddenly eased, and they immediately changed their positions and formed the Three Talents Formation in the blink of an eye.

Prepare to break through the barrier of Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation!

The Three Talents Formation is a very common battle formation in the world of immortal cultivation. It can gather the power of three monks at the same time and unleash a powerful attack that far exceeds one's own cultivation level.

They had no intention of dealing with Wang Chen, they just wanted to escape.

Only in this way can we live up to Lu Hongye’s sacrifice!

The question is, will Wang Chen let the Lu family's golden elixirs get what they want?

The answer is of course no!


Wang Chen's index finger and middle finger of his right hand came together to form sword fingers, and he pointed at Lu Hongye's golden elixir in the distance.

As soon as he said the words, the Liuhe Great Seal suspended in the air flew away like an arrow from a string, instantly hitting the golden elixir.


The two collided, and the Liuhe seal flew back upside down, spinning in the air.

And the high-level golden elixir that condensed 90% of Lu Hongye's cultivation level exploded, and the elixir energy spurted out.

The monk's golden elixir is extremely hard. It can be used as a magic weapon to injure the enemy at critical moments. Even if it is exerted with great force, it cannot be easily broken. It is a very magical creation.

Of course, it also embodies most of the power of a real man's lifelong penance.

But this does not mean that the golden elixir cannot be destroyed.

The Great Seal of Liuhe created by Wang Chen gathered the power of the mighty formation. Even though it had no direct lethality, under Wang Chen's control, it was like a copper hammer of level 4 or above, hitting the metal heavily. Above Dan.

The destruction of the latter is inevitable!

As soon as the golden elixir shattered, Lu Hongye could no longer hold on. He raised his head and opened his mouth to spurt out a stream of hot blood, and his whole body fell down helplessly.

Also falling at the same time were three other Lu family golden elixirs.

Wang Chen pinched the magic formula with his hand and stabbed his sword finger again: "Thunder is coming!"

Dark clouds suddenly filled the sky above the valley, and thunderbolts containing destructive power fell, bombarding all the Lu family monks, crushing their last resistance.

Lu Hongye specially dispatched the core combat force of the Lu family to hunt for treasures.

With the strength of their team, even if Wang Chen is now a high-level Jindan cultivator, there is no possibility of victory in a head-on confrontation.

However, with the help of the power of Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation, he easily drove this group of powerful enemies into a situation where they would never recover.

After half a stick of incense, Wuming Xiaogu regained his composure.

On the pool where the water level had dropped a lot, there were unrecognizable corpses floating, some with missing limbs.

Including Lu Hongye and other four Lu family golden elixirs, fight for the whole battle!

[Tiangong + 30000], [Tiangong + 40000], [Tiangong + 40000], [Tiangong + 80000]


The death of these four golden elixirs actually brought a total of 190,000 points of heavenly power to Wang Chen!

His total number of Heavenly Skills directly exceeded the 200,000 point mark!

A wave of fat.

But at this moment, Wang Chen couldn't care less about being happy. He cleaned the battlefield as quickly as possible, collected all the belongings carried by the Lu family monks, and then activated the power of the magic circle to teleport back to the Tandi Cave.

"My lord."

Su Ziling was very happy to see Wang Chen return safely.

"It's not safe here anymore."

Wang Chen said to her: "We need to change places."

This battle was quite powerful, and he also used the method of fishing in the lake to forcefully activate the potential of the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation to suppress the invading powerful enemy.

This high-level magic circle is now on the verge of collapse and can no longer be used.

Wang Chen was worried that he would attract the attention of the Nascent Immortal, so it was inevitable that he would give up and leave.

Anyway, the key to the Cang Qing Realm is already in his hands, and the Liuhe Great Seal is not damaged at all. He can completely rebuild the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation in the future.


Of course Su Ziling had no objection. Anyway, as long as she could follow Wang Chen, she would be willing to go anywhere.

Wang Chen immediately offered up the True Shape of Taixuan Mirage Dragon and included her in this treasure map to hide her.

Su Ziling's cultivation level is not high, and taking her on the road will only drag herself down.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

Holding the Great Seal of Liuhe in his hand, he inspired the last bit of power of the formation and teleported himself outside the nameless valley.

The next moment, Wang Chen suddenly looked back and raised his right palm high, powerful mana flowing out.

A huge palm appeared silently above the small valley, and then pressed down heavily.


There seemed to be a violent earthquake in the valley.

The Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation was triggered by the destruction at the same time, resulting in an even more violent explosion, and the cave collapsed in the water pool.

After completing the final blow, Wang Chen's figure swayed and moved hundreds of miles away in an instant.

Thousands of miles of leisure!

Now that his cultivation realm has broken through to the high level of Jindan, with the support of the extremely strong elixir power, the power of this movement method has truly been revealed.

A true escape skill!

Wang Chen used it several times in succession and escaped hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye.

After just a cup of tea, a seemingly real and illusory figure suddenly appeared above the nameless valley.


This figure suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

In the valley, mutilated corpses emerged from the ground and were suspended in the air.

"It turns out to be from the Lu family, tsk tsk!"

The visitor sneered, with a look of disdain in his eyes. He let go of his imaginary right hand, and all the corpses fell together.

He counted with his fingers and immediately frowned.


"not good!"

The figure in the air disappeared instantly, looking a bit embarrassed!


The second update is sent.

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