
Wang Chen, who was far away from the Wuming Valley, was slightly startled by the information prompt that suddenly popped up in his field of vision.

Wang Chen is quite familiar with the news about this inexplicable deduction of Heavenly Power. Someone must have used Heavenly Secret Technique to extrapolate to his causal line.

Even though it only reduced 100 points of heavenly power, this number shows that the person who took action was a Nascent Soul level monk!

The occurrence of such a situation is 100% related to the fierce battle between him and Lu Hongye and others.

Wang Chen was very glad that his actions were decisive enough, otherwise he would most likely be blocked in the cave by a true immortal.

The result is really hard to say.

This also reminded Wang Chen again.

He is the number one person standing at the top of the Cang Qing Realm, the unrivaled strongest.

But back to Haotian Realm, there is only one small fish.

Golden elixir, high-level golden elixir is not that powerful!

After escaping thousands of miles in one breath, Wang Chen found a hidden place among the rolling mountains and spent half a day digging out a secret cave hidden deep underground.

For your own temporary accommodation.

After setting up a warning circle at the entrance of the tunnel, Wang Chen hid in the secret cave and began to take stock of his harvest.

It has been nearly ten years since he came to Cang Qing Realm. Although he is still far from mastering this small world, he has truly touched the source of the world of Cang Qing Realm and established his own landmark in it.

There is no need to recreate the plane teleportation formation in the future. Wang Chen can come to the small world again at any time by relying on the blue ring in his hand.

The premise is to have enough spiritual energy for Cang Qing Ring.

From a certain point of view, the Cangqing Realm is Wang Chen's own small world. He has the foundation to attack Nascent Soul, Transformation, and even Hedao and Mahayana.

And it is the strongest and most perfect foundation.

Of course, the current Cang Qing World cannot be said to be exclusively owned by him. After all, there may be a second teleportation array or Taoist artifact leading to this small world.

But based on Wang Chen's understanding of the Cang Qing Realm, this possibility is so slim that it can almost be ignored.

He should have no opponent in conquering the Cangqing Realm.

This is the biggest gain.

Secondly, when Wang Chen returned to the Haotian Realm, his cultivation realm advanced by leaps and bounds uncontrollably. He actually climbed from the first level to the seventh level, which was thousands of times faster than panel cheating.

Wang Chen speculated that this should be Haotian Realm's reward for him!

His return is very likely to bring back a trace of the original power of the Cangqing Realm to the Haotian Realm.

And this is exactly what Haotian Realm needs, and naturally there will be feedback from heaven!

Wang Chen's inference was based on his own insights, as well as the knowledge accumulated from reading a large number of Taoist scriptures.

As for whether this is the case, it remains to be tested by time.

Next is what he gained by killing a group of Jindan and Zifu monks with the help of the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation.

First of all, of course, the income from nearly 200,000 heavenly merits.

At present, Wang Chen's total number of Heavenly Skills has exceeded 200,000 points, and he can add 1 point to each of the two basic attributes.

But Wang Chen took a look at the cultivation panel and decided to leave it alone for now.

Because his four major attributes of physique, bones, understanding and soul have all been added five times, and adding a sixth time will require 100,000 heavenly skills.

The price/performance ratio is too low!

The most important thing is that Wang Chen's four major attributes have increased a lot compared to before due to the rapid advancement of his cultivation level or the feedback from heaven.

Then adding one or two more points doesn't make much sense.

And maybe because of breaking through a certain limit, Tian Gong derived new functions.

That is to exchange luck!

This is what Wang Chen just discovered.

At the cost of burning Heavenly Skill Points, you can gain a certain proportion of luck to bless yourself.

As for the role of luck, Wang Chen thinks it should be luck!

The details still need to be further explored and studied.

But Wang Chen believed that this new function of Tian Gong would be of great use, so he was reluctant to focus on attributes.

Finally, there were the trophies seized from Lu Hongye and the other monks.

He got four Sumeru Rings alone. Although one of them was damaged, it was not fundamentally damaged and everything inside was well preserved.

There are also more than twenty storage bags, all of which have large capacities.

Lu Hongye and his group are not poor casual cultivators. In addition to storage equipment, they also have a lot of spiritual weapons and magic weapons on their bodies, and most of them are not damaged.

Wang Chen released Su Ziling from the true form of the Taixuan Mirage Dragon and opened the Happy Blind Box with her.





Exclaims and exclamations of joy resounded frequently, all coming from Su Ziling's shouts.

There were all kinds of spiritual stones and jade, spiritual weapons and magic weapons, spiritual materials and elixirs, spiritual rice and wine, talismans, etc., and they soon piled up into a small mountain in front of the two of them, and the jewels and jewels illuminated the entire underground cave to every detail!

It reflected Su Ziling's excited pretty face.

What a golden belt for murder and arson!

Wang Chen sighed in his heart.

He and Su Ziling did a rough calculation and found that the middle-grade spiritual stones they had just opened exceeded one hundred thousand, and the high-grade spiritual stones were almost three thousand!

These spiritual stones mainly come from the four Sumeru Rings, which belong to four Jindan monks.

In addition, Wang Chen found four magic weapons in Lu Hongye's Sumeru Ring!

This guy is very strong both in terms of strength and financial resources. If he hadn't fallen into Wang Chen's scheme and had his cultivation suppressed by the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation, it's still unclear who would win.

Speaking of the previous battle in Wuming Xiaogu, Wang Chen was really lucky.

As for other things, they are really countless. Even if they are sold at a discount, they are still an amazing wealth.

Wang Chen sorted through all the items and stored them in categories. He selected some for his own use and hid most of them in a separate storage ring to get rid of them at the appropriate time in the future.

He also chose a storage ring without a mark, rubbed off the restrictions inside, and gave it to Su Ziling for use.

As for those storage bags, after emptying them of valuable items, they were destroyed together with some useless debris.

After all this hard work, Wang Chen's pockets bulged greatly, and he felt a lot more confident.

Next, he spent seven days cultivating in the secret cave to consolidate his lower realm.

Wang Chen's cultivation level improved too quickly, resulting in a serious imbalance between his realm and his major skills, and his strength was bound to be unstable.

This problem cannot be solved in a short time, nor is it suitable to be completed in this temporarily dug hiding spot.

Wang Chen needs a new place to practice.

Therefore, he left the secret cave seven days later and headed to Luodu Immortal City!

Wang Chen planned to go to this prefecture-level fairy city to see if he could find a suitable place to live there for ten or eight years.

Raise your cultivation level to the peak of Jindan.

Then look for an opportunity to attack the Nascent Soul Realm!


Here is the first update, please support me with monthly votes, thank you all!

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