Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1063 Hunting (Part 2)

A long ape with fire eyes appeared above Wang Chen.

They heard the screams of their companions and rushed over. Relying on their race's unique talent, they soared over the tree canopy, instantly surrounding Wang Chen, and roared in anger one after another.

The momentum is extremely amazing!

Well come!

Wang Chen's eyes became brighter, and the depths of his pupils shone with a trace of electricity, showing a bit of excitement.

call out! call out! call out!

Long Yuan's sword once again passed through the tree crown, and the bright sword light reflected in the eyes of every fire-eyed ape.

This top-grade magic weapon flying sword did not directly attack these second-order monsters. It released thousands of lightnings in an instant, intertwining a huge power grid in a blink of an eye.

Covering hundreds of fire-eyed apes!

What Wang Chen just used was the Thunder Jue Sword among the Seven Jue Swords.

His attainments in this swordsmanship have reached the level of minor success. When he faced the fourth-order dragon, he dared to draw his sword and fight, but against this group of second-order monsters, he was completely crushed.

The fire-eyed apes, which were struck by lightning, screamed and fell from the tree crown.

They were all electrocuted to the point where their snouts and noses were crooked and their whole bodies were twitching. Their invulnerable fur did not play any defensive role. The falling scene was like dumplings being dropped, with constant "plop" and "plop" sounds.

If it weren't for the rough skin and thick flesh of these fire-eyed apes, and the dense vines on the ground that acted as a buffer, they would have been seriously injured even if they fell down.

Now, he was thrown so badly that he lost his ability to resist.

And this is entirely the result of Wang Chen's mercy.

If he was really cruel, these monkeys would be electrocuted into charcoal in an instant, and there would be no chance of survival.

More fire-eyed apes are coming one after another.

But their fate was no different from that of their predecessors. The Long Yuan Sword hovering over Wang Chen easily knocked them down under the tree.


With an earth-shattering roar, the leader of this group of fire-eyed apes finally appeared.

This was a giant ape that was two or three times the size of an ordinary ape. It stretched out its long black arms to grab the hanging vines, and flew through the canyon forest, carrying a strong howling wind.

Behind this giant ape was a relatively petite white ape.

Two giant apes, one black and one white, rushed towards the area where Wang Chen was.

When the leading black giant ape saw the fire-eyed ape rolling and groaning all over the ground, it immediately stopped and stopped about a hundred steps away from Wang Chen.

A pair of huge ape eyes glowed with anger and fear.

Then, it looked up again and saw the Long Yuan Flying Sword in the air!

The black giant ape took a step back, blocking the white giant ape behind him.

Wang Chen reached out and took back the Long Yuan Sword. He held the sword and said calmly: "Hand over the wine pool, and I will let your clan go."

Long Yuanjian swallowed the thunder and sword light, as if to confirm his words.

The black giant ape didn't react at all, but stared at Wang Chen with hatred in his eyes.

But it also has the meaning of throwing a rat into a trap.

"I believe you can understand me."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "I won't say the same thing a second time. I'll give you ten breaths to think about it."

Third-level demons, even uncivilized monsters, have considerable intelligence, and it is normal for them to be able to understand human speech.

The main purpose of Wang Chen's coming here is to obtain the monkey wine brewed by the Fire-Eyed Apes and sell it to Luodu Immortal City for spiritual stones. It doesn't matter whether he kills these Fire-Eyed Apes or not.

How many spiritual stones are a few pieces of ape skin worth?

It’s also very troublesome to peel!

Therefore, he came with troops first and courtesy later, leaving some time to negotiate with the giant ape.

Wang Chen knew very well that the opponent would never give in easily. Under normal circumstances, they would rather die in battle than surrender to the enemy - such is the nature of animals!

But what if?

Wang Chen wanted to see if he could create a miracle with the blessing of luck.

As soon as he finished speaking, the white giant ape behind the black giant ape barked twice, with anxiety and uneasiness in his voice.

This made the black giant ape become irritable. It shook its head and roared twice, as if it was arguing with the white giant ape.

Wang Chen began to count down: "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

When Wang Chen counted to "two," the black giant ape suddenly stepped forward and growled at him.

The voice was full of helplessness.


Wang Chen couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

Although this giant black ape cannot speak directly in human language, it can convey its thoughts through roars, and its intentions can be made clear to Wang Chen.

Maybe it was because he wanted to save his own kind, or maybe the white giant ape behind him had an effect. In short, the black giant ape agreed to the conditions proposed by Wang Chen.

"very good."

Wang Chen put away the Long Yuan Sword and said with a smile: "I'll take the wine and leave. I promise I won't come back again."

He is now 100% sure that luck blessing is really effective, turning a one in 10,000 possibility into a reality!

In order to prevent the opponent's "monkey" from jumping over the wall, Wang Chen made a promise to only pick up the monkey's hair once.

The black giant ape patted his head irritably, then turned and walked to the right, and looked back at Wang Chen.

Wang Chen understood instantly and followed immediately.

At this time, the great white ape rushed to the side of a fire-eyed ape and carefully picked it up.

Seeing the other party moaning in pain, crystal tears flowed from the giant ape's eyes.

Wang Chen paused, reached out and took out a bottle of elixir, and carried it over with his magic power.

"I'm sorry, I'll just give you this bottle of healing pill."

He had previously dealt with a large amount of debris and kept a few bottles of healing pills for emergencies.

The quality of this bottle of healing pill is not low. It is only a second-level monster, and the injuries it suffered were not very serious, so the effect is definitely excessive.

The giant white ape hesitated for a moment, but still caught the pill bottle.

The black giant ape looked on coldly, without any expression.

But then it honestly took Wang Chen to the depths of the canyon, pushed away a large rock close to the mountain wall, and drilled into the newly exposed cave entrance.

The drinking pool of the apes is hidden inside.

After walking for about a hundred steps along the long tunnel, we turned a corner and the front suddenly opened up.

A strong aroma of wine came to my nose.

Wang Chen saw at a glance the large pool in the center of the cave ahead, which was filled with turquoise liquid and surrounded by a large number of fresh fruits of various colors.

The giant black ape turned his head and roared at Wang Chen twice.

Somewhat unwillingly.

Wang Chen ignored this big guy and immediately used his hand to pick up the wine in the pool and poured it into the Cang Qing Ring.

The Cangqing Ring is more powerful than the Sumeru Ring, and its capacity is far more than a hundred times greater. It can accommodate these spiritual wines without any problem.

The black giant ape watched Wang Chen plundering his own wine, his eyes blazing but he was helpless.

It actually knew very well that with Wang Chen's strength, it would be no problem to kill the entire clan.

The current results are already the best!

After Wang Chen left and looked at the empty wine pool, the third-level monster couldn't help but let out an angry roar.


The second update is sent.

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