Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1064: It’s a big deal

Deep in Fulong Mountain, beside the stream.

Wang Chen set up a bonfire and hung the skewered dragon meat on it.

The crystal-clear jade dragon meat quickly turns yellow and oily when roasted in the hot flames, and exudes a strange fragrance.

It makes people salivate when they smell it!

After the battle of slaying the dragon, Wang Chen replaced all the materials he received with dragon meat. The purpose was to use the flesh and blood of the fourth-level demon king to nourish himself and break through the upper limit of Tianlong Vajra's dharma.

During this period of time, Wang Chen had to eat at least one meal of dragon meat for three meals a day.

The effect of the food supplement was also very good, and the experience value of Tianlong Vajra Zhengfa, which had not moved for a long time, began to increase.

It's just that this deep mountain forest is different from Luodu Immortal City. When the aroma of barbecued dragon meat spreads out, flying insects within a radius of hundreds of steps are attracted.

But before they could get close, they were killed by an invisible sword energy.

A thick circle of corpses fell in a dense circle!

When Wang Chen took off the cooked dragon meat from the stand and was about to feast on it, a muscular leopard quietly appeared behind him.

This lone monster is quite intelligent. Even though its prey is right in front of its eyes, it does not attack rashly. Instead, it carefully adjusts its posture to find the most suitable opportunity to attack.

When Wang Chen started chewing the dragon meat, the leopard finally couldn't bear it any longer and suddenly jumped up, opening its bloody mouth and biting at the back of Wang Chen's neck.

Its movements are as fast as lightning, its attacks are fierce, and its sharp teeth can easily tear through heavy armor.

However, just when the demonic beast was about to bite Wang Chen, a flying sword descended from the sky with fierce evil aura, piercing its head with incomparable precision.

Nail the leopard to the ground alive!

This monster beast whose second-level peak was close to third-level strength was killed on the spot.

[Human virtue +900]

Wang Chen didn't pay attention to this profit at all now. He concentrated on enjoying the dragon meat in his hand, stimulating the Tianlong Vajra Zhengfa to improve the digestion capacity of the stomach and intestines, ensuring that no energy was wasted.

The flesh and blood essence from the fourth-level demon king was absorbed by Wang Chen, gradually strengthening his body.

Wang Chen even vaguely felt that when he ate enough dragon meat, his physical points would increase!

The leopard next to him used his own life to warn other monsters that were attracted by the smell of meat, so that they stayed away and did not dare to approach Wang Chen. In the end, they had to leave in anger.

In fact, there are no monsters or monsters above level three in this area. No matter how many of these guys come here, they are just Wang Chen's meal.

After eating ten kilograms of dragon meat and drinking two kilograms of monkey spirit wine, Wang Chen burped with great satisfaction.

The fourth-level dragon he participated in hunting had a water-cold nature, which was incompatible with his natural nature. Even with the blessing of Tianlong Vajra Zhengfa, it would not be easy to digest.

But Wang Chen discovered that drinking the monkey wine he had obtained through extortion while eating meat could greatly neutralize the cold nature of the dragon, making his absorption efficiency much higher.

Moreover, this kind of spiritual wine itself is an excellent tonic, and it can be said to complement each other perfectly when paired with dragon meat!

[Tianlong Vajra Dharma·Experience +1]

Half an hour later, Wang Chen jumped up from the ground, his eyes were like lightning and his whole body was filled with energy.

His eyes looked towards the vast mountains in the distance.

It’s time to do something big!

In the past half month, Wang Chen wandered around Fulong Mountain and found three groups of fire-eyed apes according to the map.

In total, tens of thousands of kilograms of spiritual wine were extorted.

It's just that although these monkey wines are good, their value is still a drop in the bucket compared to what Wang Chen needs, and the fire-eyed apes are not potatoes that grow in the ground. You can dig out a bunch of them by digging the ground.

Wang Chen's most important gain was that through this search, he tested the magical effect of luck.

Facts have proved that using the Burning Heavenly Skill to bless his luck can really bring him strong luck!

Wang Chen took action three times before, consuming a total of 30,000 points of heavenly power and blessing himself with 1,000 points of luck three times.

But this time, he decided to burn 100,000 points of Heavenly Power at once!

Let’s see if with the blessing of 10,000 points of luck, we can make a big windfall.

At first, Wang Chen thought about looking for mineral veins. As long as he found a valuable mineral vein, it would be enough to pay the balance of the Sihai Chamber of Commerce.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was inappropriate.

Because even if a mineral vein is discovered, how to dig and mine it is a big problem.

After all, Wang Chen is only one person.

Moreover, it was good to find the Lingshi mine, but if it were replaced by other mineral deposits, not only would the difficulty of mining be greatly increased, but selling would also be troublesome.

Sell ​​thousands of tons of ore, and others will understand it at a glance!

It's asking for trouble.

So after much deliberation, Wang Chen pinned his hopes on the caves of his predecessors.

As long as you can find an undiscovered ancient cave, the benefits may not be worse than a mine.

Even far beyond.

In the Fulong Mountains, which stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, it is said that there are many ancient caves hidden. Many have been discovered and excavated long ago, but some are still a mystery.

In Luodu Immortal City, there are a lot of stories and legends about the cave dwelling in front of Fulong Mountain, many of which are true or false.

Wang Chen decided to try his luck.

He opened the cultivation panel and glanced at his heavenly skill points.

Wang Chen didn't have many Heavenly Skill Points in the first place, but when he returned to Haotian Realm from Cangqing Realm, he met the cultivators of the Lu family who came to seek revenge, and then used the power of the formation to kill four Jindan in one fell swoop.

As a result, he gained nearly 200,000 heavenly merits!

It was precisely because of this rich fortune that Wang Chen dared to spend a lot of money to test his luck.

As the saying goes, if you don't want to give up your children, you can't trap the wolf. If you want a satisfactory return, you can't be stingy with your efforts.

With the previous successful examples, Wang Chen's ambitions have expanded!


One hundred thousand points of heavenly power disappeared in an instant, and Wang Chen felt light all over his body, as if he was about to float.

He was no stranger to this feeling, but it had never been as strong as it was at this moment!

This is the feeling of being blessed by thousands of luck!

Without thinking, he unfolded his movements and escaped deeper into Fulong Mountain.

Luck blessings have a time limit. Wang Chen doesn't know how long the luck brought by 10,000 points of luck can last for him, so he must race against time.

This time, Wang Chen chose an area that was not marked on the Fulong Mountain Kanyu Map, that is, it was an unexplored area.

The spiritual weapon Huangfu Yongchun gave him did not record the entire Fulong Mountain, but only a part of it. Large areas were not marked.

This means unforeseen dangers.

Maybe that's the territory of a demon king, and if you break in, you'll be slapped to death with a claw!

But with the blessing of ten thousand points of luck, Wang Chen didn't believe that he would be so unlucky.

The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!


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