
The big demon yawned big, then waved his slender hands lazily.

Wang Chen closed his mouth in embarrassment.

He talked for an entire hour, his mouth dry.

As long as I know what happened inside and outside the Yunyang School in the past ten years, I will tell you all about it.

As a result, the more the other party listened, the more bored they became.

Difficult to serve!

The big demon frowned, and asked disappointedly: "Is that all? It doesn't make any sense at all."

Wang Chen was helpless: "Senior, the status of the disciple is low, and his knowledge is really limited."

He is neither a storyteller from Longmen, nor a student from all over the world, and he does not have the ability to know astronomy from above and geography from below.

How many secrets can you know in the sect?

"That won't work."

The big demon pouted and said, "You have to say something interesting, otherwise don't expect me to help."

Interesting thing?

A flash of light flashed in Wang Chen's mind, and he asked tentatively, "Can the disciple tell a story?"

The big demon smiled: "Of course, as long as I am satisfied."

In eight hundred and seventy-three years, she was suppressed here for a full eight hundred and seventy-three years.

Although he was sleeping most of the time, when he woke up facing the empty crypt and the eight demon-locking pillars, he felt as lonely as he could be.

Now that it's hard to catch an interesting little guy, it's natural to squeeze it hard.

Just don't play badly.


Wang Chen cleared his throat, and spoke boldly: "It is said that in Dongsheng Shenzhou, there is a mountain named Qingcheng. At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, a white snake cultivated for a thousand years in exchange for a human body..."

What Wang Chen told was the story of "Legend of the White Snake" that was well-known in the previous life!

What he said was not the original work in Feng Menglong's "Warning the World".

It's the plot of the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake"!

Because there are a lot of introductions and foreshadowing content at the beginning of the original book, the hero and heroine come out slowly, which does not meet the requirements of the golden chapter three. It is difficult to impress the audience in front of them immediately.

But the TV drama version of The Legend of the White Snake is different. The heroine is directly featured at the beginning, so the audience will definitely resonate.

Of course, in order to fit reality, he replaced Guanyin Bodhisattva with Empress Houtu.

The snake demon who has practiced for thousands of years was unable to ascend to the sky, but fortunately, she was instructed by Empress Houtu.

For the cause and effect of the previous life.

She incarnates as a beautiful woman, Bai Suzhen, and takes her maid Xiaoqing to the south of the Yangtze River in search of her benefactor Xu Xian.

On the West Lake, they were in the same boat to shelter from the rain, fell in love at first sight, and became husband and wife.

Then after marriage, I experienced a lot of right and wrong...

As Wang Chen talked, the memories of his previous life flooded his mind.

The plot in the TV series is vivid.

He spoke more and more fluently, like a real storyteller, fully concentrating on the story.

And as the only listener, when Da Yao first started, there was still a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

It seems to be mocking Wang Chen's opportunism, thinking that telling a story about the white snake will make her like it.

However, as she listened, she became the protagonist in the story in a trance, and became Bai Suzhen, who had practiced for thousands of years and was trapped in karma.

The big demon rested his cheeks in his hands and listened intently.

When Wang Chen mentioned that the White Snake flooded Jinshan to save her husband, she showed approval.

Then I heard that Fahai beat the mandarin ducks with sticks to break up the husband and wife, and suppressed the white lady under the Leifeng Pagoda.

Her eyes flickered sharply, the eight chains rattled and rattled, and the golden cudgel stuck in her tail buzzed.

Around the altar, phantoms of wind, rain, thunder and lightning appeared!

It wasn't until Wang Chen finished speaking about the finale that these illusions disappeared silently.

In the Town Demon Cave, it was extremely quiet, and a needle could be heard falling.

After finishing the story, Wang Chen looked at his nose, nose, and heart, as if waiting for the verdict of fate.

He undoubtedly took a great risk in telling the story of "Legend of the New White Snake" to the big demon in front of him.

If you offend the other party's taboo, you might be swallowed in one gulp.

There is no place to cry for injustice.

But Wang Chen still decided to take the risk.

First of all, the other party did not show any hostility.

Although when talking to him, there was always a hint of contemptuous playfulness in the tone of the big monster.

But in terms of malice, there is no such thing.

Secondly, Wang Chen believed that Xuangui would not really cheat him and Yuanyuan.

It said that this is where Yuanyuan's opportunity lies.

Obviously true.

Wang Chen never forgot that Chang Chun once told himself that the strongest in the Yunyang faction are Yihu, Yigui and Yisnake.

He didn't know who "Fox" was.

But it is completely impossible to say that this turtle and a snake have nothing to do with each other!

Most importantly, the other party is a woman.

Who is the main audience of "Legend of the New White Snake"?


Who will be most infected and moved by such a story?

woman! !

So Wang Chen decided to stud.

He was very fortunate that he had watched "Legend of the New White Snake" three times when he was a child.

Otherwise, there is really no way to speak so fluently!

"Very interesting story."

After a long time, the big demon suddenly said, "Bai Suzhen, that's a nice name."

She stretched out her lilac tongue and licked the flaming red lips: "From now on, I will be called Bai Susu."

He asked Wang Chen again: "Little guy, what do you think of this name?"

Wang Chen praised: "Good, good name!"

The big demon giggled: "Duplicity is not a sly one."

"But I just love the name!"

With a flick of her fingers, a line of seal characters instantly appeared on the rock wall hundreds of steps away.

Bai Susu under Mount Tahoe!

After admiring it for a while, the great demon Bai Susu nodded in satisfaction and said, "You've passed."

Wang Chen was overjoyed immediately, and quickly took Yuanyuan out of the spirit animal bag.

Respectfully presented it to Bai Susu: "Please trouble senior!"

Bai Susu took Yuanyuan with her hand, looked at the shivering little guy with her eyes closed, and smiled, "Meeting me is your luck."

As soon as she finished speaking, she breathed out at Yuanyuan.

Then throw it on the altar casually.

Yuanyuan rolled a few times, and her figure changed dramatically in an instant.

Under Wang Chen's jaw-dropping gaze, it turned into a little loli over three feet tall.

Round face, big eyes, pink nose and lips, two fluffy pointed ears, and a pinch of golden little hair raised high on the top of the head.

This cute little girl Yuxue is wearing the beautiful waistcoat that Wang Chen customized for her!

In an instant, the spirit mouse turned into a human, and even the clothes became bigger.

Bai Susu's hand is really amazing!

And Yuanyuan, who had just turned into an adult, was a little dazed, looking around with a look of being at a loss.

There were still tears of panic in her eyes.

Wang Chen felt distressed looking at it, and quickly stretched out his hands to her: "Yuanyuan."

Yuanyuan came to her senses immediately, and without thinking, she flew into his arms with her short legs.

Rubbing his face hard against Wang Chen's chest, he screamed.

"Yeeee, cook silver!"


The second one is delivered.

PS: The third update will be a little later.

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