Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 191 The ten-year agreement

In the past and present, Wang Chen has never been a father.

However, when Yuanyuan, who had turned into a little girl, threw herself into her arms, holding this fluffy and warm little guy, and hearing her cute cry, Wang Chen's heart melted instantly.

Really feel the mood of being a father!

On Yuanyuan's body, the trace of his blood was so clear!

Wang Chen couldn't help but kissed the little girl's head.


Yuanyuan turned back into a little hamster in an instant!

Wang Chen: "..."

Bai Susu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Her demon power is too weak, and she can only maintain her human form for so little time."

Yuanyuan: "嘿嘤嘤~"

It likes to become a little girl who can talk!

Wang Chen couldn't help asking: "Senior, can it cultivate?"


Bai Susu replied patiently: "We Yaozu have the cultivation method of Yaozu, I can teach her."

Wang Chen was pleasantly surprised: "Thank you senior!"

"Don't worry."

Bai Susu raised a jade finger like a spring onion, shook it and said: "The law is not taught lightly, I have conditions."

Wang Chen sincerely said, "Senior, please clarify!"


Bai Susu probed over Yuanyuan, put the little guy in his palm and stroked gently: "It has to follow me."

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Yuanyuan was also in a hurry: "Yi Yi Yi!"

It tried to break free from Bai Susu's grasp, but the strength of the two was not at the same level at all.

Wang Chen gritted his teeth: "Senior!"

"Listen to me first."

Bai Susu waved his hand: "It is most suitable for it to follow me, because I will teach it the method of cultivation, help it survive the burning blood, and let it learn to protect itself."

"can you?"

Wang Chen was silent.

No matter how much he likes Yuanyuan, he has to admit that he really doesn't understand these things.

It's not without reason that Xuangui asked Yuanyuan to come to find this big monster!

It is obviously more suitable for Yuanyuan to follow Bai Susu than to follow him.

"Even if there is no calamity of burning blood."

Bai Susu continued: "When its bloodline is fully manifested, it will inevitably attract the covetousness of demons and evil spirits. Can you guarantee to protect it well?"

Wang Chen was speechless.

In fact, he knew a long time ago that Yuanyuan has a special bloodline, which is different from ordinary spirit mice.

But I didn't expect that this would make me lose my little guy!

"ten years."

Bai Susu rubbed Yuanyuan's head: "Ten years later, I will fulfill your master-servant friendship again!"

Yuanyuan is weak: "嘤嘤~"

Although there are all kinds of reluctance in my heart.

But Wang Chen is not the kind of indecisive person, he nodded heavily: "Then I will trouble the senior!"

"The second condition."

Before Bai Susu finished speaking, she raised two fingers: "I want something on your body."

"Taking care of this little guy is not free."

Wang Chen said cruelly, "No problem!"

He basically carried all his belongings with him, and the most valuable among them was undoubtedly the Taikoo Monument.

But the Taikoo Daobei is integrated with Wang Chen's spirit and blood, so it is estimated that this great monster will not be able to find it.

The second is the Tianluo Zhuxie Net.

If Bai Susu takes a fancy to this treasure.

Then Wang Chen can only give up!

Bai Susu was a little surprised by Wang Chen's straightforwardness.

She glanced at Wang Chen.

Then he said, "That's it."

Seeing the target of the monster's finger, Wang Chen was stunned for a moment.

What Bai Susu wanted was actually the wishful golden needle worn on his right index finger!

This piece of equipment once helped Wang Chen defeat a powerful enemy.

But as his strength improved, especially after he practiced sword control and obtained the Fire Crow Sword, his effectiveness dropped significantly, and it was only used as a last resort.

In the last few battles, Wang Chen didn't use the wishful golden needle.

After all, its lethality is incomparable to that of a flying sword.

But Wang Chen knew very well that Ruyi Jinzhen's rank was only higher than that of Fire Crow Sword.

Because it can be displayed on the equipment bar of the Immortal Cultivation panel, but the Fire Crow Sword is not eligible.

Presumably Ruyi Jinzhen must have some secrets, which he has not discovered yet.

Wang Chen never expected that Bai Susu would actually like it!

With a flash of thought, Wang Chen immediately took off the ring made of wishful golden needles and handed it to the great demon.

He can even let go of the Heavenly Luo Zhuxie Net, so how could he not let go of the tasteless wishful lily needles!

Bai Susu took the ring and put it on the ring finger of his left hand.

She showed a smile that turned all sentient beings upside down: "Little guy, I won't take your things for nothing. After ten years, I will return you a surprise, and..."

With a wave of the big demon's slender hand, a dark golden scale instantly appeared in Wang Chen's hand!

She was obviously in a happy mood: "A small gift."

Intuition told Wang Chen that this scale is extraordinary, and it is impossible for a big monster to be too stingy.

He solemnly put away the scales: "Thank you, senior."

"You can go back."

Bai Susu yawned: "Say goodbye to the little guy."

The deal is done, and Wang Chen has no room for repentance.

He took out a spare storage bag and filled it with a lot of spiritual fruit, spiritual rice and dried meat.

They are all Yuanyuan's favorite food.

Then hand it over to Bai Susu for safekeeping.

This farewell is ten years!

To be honest, Wang Chen didn't know whether he would see Yuanyuan again after ten years.

But for the little guy's future and destiny, no matter how much reluctance and sadness there is, Wang Chen is still determined.


Knowing that she would be separated from Wang Chen for a long, long time, Yuanyuan rubbed her nose against his face vigorously, screaming softly, her eyes filled with crystal clear tears.

Wang Chen felt sad.

Human suffering, love parting, resentment for a long time, can't get what you want, can't let go.

Although he didn't live with Yuanyuan for a very long time, they had already established a deep relationship.

How could it be so easy to give up?

But in the end, Wang Chen became ruthless and handed the little guy along with the spirit animal bag to Bai Susu.

He turned his head and left the Town Demon Cave.

When he returned to the dark river waterway, the voice of the big monster sounded in his ears: "Soon, there will be a drastic change in the Yunyang faction, you have to prepare early, don't come here again!"

Wang Chen was shocked.

Then he nodded and quickened his pace, quickly disappearing into the long passage.

After Wang Chen left, Bai Susu touched Yuanyuan who was still sad, and the latter immediately yawned a little, closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


She chuckled lightly and said, "Bai Suzhen has Xiaoqing as her companion, so I will call you Xiaojin from now on."

The big demon put the drowsy and ignorant little guy into a spirit beast bag, and hung it on his belt.

Then take off the ring on the ring finger.

She suddenly laughed.


The crisp and sweet laughter echoed in the huge demon cave: "Old man Xuanyuan, you have all kinds of schemes, but you can't count on someone sending the wishful golden needle to me, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Bai Susu smiled, tears came out of her eyes.

Wipe away tears with a flick of sleeve.

She tossed the ring up and parted her red lips lightly: "Ruyi Ruyi, follow my heart!"

This ring was suspended in the air, and silently turned into a small golden key!

At the same time, behind Bai Susu, the golden cudgel that stuck her tail on the altar suddenly shook.

There was a low humming sound.


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