Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 324 The Tree Falls and the Hozen Scatteres

The team stayed in Shanjun Temple for two days.

Although no one wanted to stay in this dangerous place haunted by evil spirits, nine people were killed and dozens more were injured in this battle. Among them, several monks were seriously injured, and it was impossible to leave them alone.

The defense array in the main hall was activated to the strongest state, but it couldn't bring everyone the slightest sense of security.

This kind of defensive circle cannot resist the invasion of evil spirits, otherwise so many monks would not have been lured out of the hall before, resulting in many people being sucked alive into mummies.

The morale of the team hit rock bottom.

Many people had a bit of resentment towards the ferrymen of the Fanshan Club.

Three thousand in the Purple Mansion, ten thousand for Qi training, they paid a lot of money, and as a result, they were hit repeatedly along the way, not to mention the loss of soldiers, and everyone's consumption was also great.

Pills, Talismans, Magical Artifacts...

If it weren't for the heavy casualties of the ferryman, I'm afraid someone would have jumped out to question it.

In a strange atmosphere, the climbing team arrived at the foot of Baimao Peak.

The name of Baimao Peak is very common, even quite vulgar, but this towering mountain is the last pass to the West Sea Spiritual Domain.

As long as you climb over the White Hair Peak, you can enter the West Sea Spirit Realm!

"Dear friends..."

The monk surnamed Xu who was leading the way stopped, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the Baimao Peak ahead by yourself, I can only accompany you here."

As soon as he finished his words, the monks in the team suddenly went crazy.

"That's it?"

"Is there a mistake? Didn't you say that you have to climb over the White Hair Peak to reach the West Sea Spiritual Realm?"

"My mother, withdraw the spirit stone!"

"Do you still have any credit for the Mountain Climbing Society?"

"I disagree!"

The resentment that everyone had accumulated in their hearts suddenly exploded at this moment.

Everyone glared at the monk surnamed Xu, and the atmosphere was a bit tense!


The face of the monk surnamed Xu sank, and the aura of the high-ranking Zifu burst out suddenly, suppressing all the strange voices in an instant.

"If you don't agree, take out the deed and have a look."

He glanced at the monks with sharp eyes, and said, "Send it here to complete the contract."

The Zifu was in a very bad mood, so he didn't pretend at all.

Five of the ten ferrymen died in battle, which is undoubtedly a major loss for the Fanshanhui.

This kind of loss can't be made back by charging 300 people to lead the way.

As the leader of the ferrymen, it is difficult for monk Xu to explain himself after he returns.

"How can it be!"

A Zifu immediately took out the deed from the storage bag: "It is clearly written on it until you arrive at the West Sea Spiritual Realm!"

The monk surnamed Xu sneered: "The White Hair Peak belongs to the West Sea Spiritual Realm. Is there any problem if I send you here to finish?"

Baimao Peak belongs to the West Sea Spiritual Realm?

This obviously touched the blind spot of most people's knowledge, and the monks couldn't help but look at each other.

One of the monks hesitated for a moment, and said with a wry smile, "Forget it."

He really knew that what the monk surnamed Xu said was correct, that Baimao Peak was indeed included in the territory of the West Sea Spiritual Domain.

This is directly related to the Jade Dragon Covenant established by the three great demon kings and the four great sects of true immortals.

Therefore, although what the monk surnamed Xu did was not in line with common sense, it really did not violate the legal contract.

"The mountains are high and the water is long. I wish you all a bright future."

The monk surnamed Xu cupped his hands and said lightly: "There will be a period later!"

After speaking, he turned around with the other ferrymen, turned back the same way, and embarked on the return journey.

Leaving behind a vote of relatively silent monks.


After a while, a monk coughed twice and said, "I will take a step first, and we will meet later."

I don't know what kind of thought it was, this Zifu seemed to be whipped with a whip, put Zhenshan rhinoceros into the spirit beast bag as quickly as possible, and then spread his movements towards the mountain in front of him. and go.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a small dot.

The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. With this leader, several monks left one after another.

As soon as the ferryman left, the mountain-crazing team fell apart!

But most of the monks didn't rush to disperse. They gathered together in small groups to discuss how to climb over the 3,000-foot steep mountain in front of them.

Although the ferrymen of the Fanshanhui were a little tricky, they put everyone together on the last section of the road.

But the monk surnamed Xu told everyone about the situation of Baimaofeng.

To enter the West Sea Spiritual Realm, one must climb over the Baimao Peak, because except for this mountain that is covered with snow and ice all the year round, all other places are the territory of the big demon or the demon king.

The ferryman took people across the Jade Dragon Mountains, and the route he chose avoided the territories occupied by these big monsters and monster kings as much as possible.

Of course, you can also take other paths around Baimao Peak.

Just do it at your own peril.

The Baimao Peak is also in great danger. In addition to the severe ice and snow, there are also strange monsters like ice mandrills and snow demons on the mountain.

Some monks are used to walking alone, and they don't want to form a team with others even though they know the danger.

So choose to leave alone.

Moreover, many monks knew that this last hurdle was not so easy to pass, otherwise the previous monk surnamed Xu would not have deliberately explained the situation clearly.

There are many people and strength, and they choose to hold together to keep warm.

It is difficult to organize a large team without unity of hearts, but a small group is better than taking risks alone.

At least in the face of danger, we can take care of and help each other.

A few Zifu monks, plus a dozen high-level qi practitioners, make up a very good team.

More than two hundred monks formed a total of eleven teams.

But there are also a small number of people who have been "left".

Either no team is willing to take them in, or they just don't take the initiative to join a certain team.

For example, Wang Chen and Li Yi'an.

This made the two of them a different kind of existence!

"Li Daoyou..."

At this moment, a young monk with peach blossom eyes came over and said to Li Yi'an with a smile: "Our team still lacks a Zi Fu, you are welcome to join."

In fact, his team has a total of five masters from the Zifu and more than 20 Qi training monks, and Li Yi'an is really not alone.

But the young monk's eyeballs rolled around, his intentions were very obvious.

This guy has been eyeing Li Yi'an for a long time.

"Unless the Golden Core is cultivated, it is impossible for one or two people to climb the White Hair Peak!"

He reminded in "kindness": "Those who walked in front will definitely regret it."


Li Yi'an replied lightly: "I want to try it myself."

She held Wang Chen's hand.

The corners of the young monk's eyes twitched, he snorted coldly, turned his head and walked away.

Soon the teams left one after another, heading towards the steep Baimao Peak.

Even those monks who have no team to take them in form their own teams to break through.

They also wanted to invite Wang Chen and the other two, but they were also rejected.

In the end, Wang Chen and Li Yi'an were the ones who stayed where they were.


The first one is sent.

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